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TCP Proxy on specific serial port.

(Raw mode with 10ms as queued interval)


For the users installed serial-tcp-proxy before v0.5.0, please perform following steps to upgrade carefully, because the logging library pino was upgraded to v7 with breaking changes:

  1. git pull
  2. rm -rf node_modules
  3. npm install


Run the proxy server with following arguments:

stp start <filepath> [<assetDir>]

startup a tcp proxy server on the serial port with specified path

      --version   Show version number                                  [boolean]
      --help      Show help                                            [boolean]
  -p, --port      the port number for tcp proxy server to listen
                                                      [required] [default: 8080]
  -b, --baud      baud rate for opening serial port   [required] [default: 9600]
  -d, --databits  data bits                              [required] [default: 8]
  -y, --parity    parity                            [required] [default: "none"]
  -s, --stopbits  stop bits                              [required] [default: 1]
  -v, --verbose   verbose output           [boolean] [required] [default: false]
  -r, --raw       raw mode, no byline parsing
                                           [boolean] [required] [default: false]
  -q, --queued    buffered data for X milliseconds before emitting, only for raw
                  mode. 0 indicates to disable this feature, and mimimal value
                  for X is 5ms                           [required] [default: 0]
  -c, --capture   enable catprue mode to record serial transmission data, might
                  be none, serial, tcp, or both                [default: "none"]

  stp start /dev/tty.usbmodem1462103  run tcp proxy server at default port 8080,
                                      and relay the traffic of serial port at
                                      path /dev/tty.usbmodem1462103

Not enough non-option arguments: got 0, need at least 1

Example1 (line)

Run the proxy server to listen to tcp port 3000, and communicate with serial port /dev/tty.usbmodem1462103 with default baudrate 9600:

./index.js start -p 3000 /dev/tty.usbmodem1462103

Example2 (raw)

Run the proxy server to listen to default tcp port 8080, and communicate with serial port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART with specified baudrate 115200, and treat it as RAW mode (instead of LINE mode by default), no queued data:

./index.js start -r -b 115200 /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART

All received data (from either serial or tcp) are emitted immediately without any delay. Above picture shows more than 1 byte are coming even within 1 millisecond.

Example3 (raw + queued)

Run the proxy server to listen to default tcp port 8080, and communicate with serial port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART with specified baudrate 115200, and treat it as RAW mode (instead of LINE mode by default), queued data with 10ms timer interval:

./index.js start -r -q 10 -b 115200 /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART

All received data from either serial or tcp are queued in a buffer for 10ms and then emitted entire buffer once.

Example4 (raw + recording)

Run the proxy server to listen to default tcp port 8080, and communicate with serial port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART with specified baudrate 115200 in RAW mode, and capture both tcp/serial data in /tmp directory with TSV format

./index.js start -r -c both -b 115200 /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART

The captured data are stored in /tmp/serial-tcp-proxy-[epoch].tsv, for example /tmp/serial-tcp-proxy-1647631866732.tsv. And the format of the captured data looks like following text:

# start: Sat Mar 19 2022 04:04:30 GMT+0800 (Taipei Standard Time)

! 0000000000.132 => 009200D800FF00FF
! 0000000000.180 => FF
! 0000000000.181 => 14AA0000000411
! 0000000000.182 => 103400E28011700000021390
! 0000000000.184 => C2E418968E6AD8
! 0000000000.187 => FF14AA0000000411103400E28011700000021390C2E41677406AD8
! 0000000000.213 => FF
! 0000000000.214 => 14AA0000000411103400E280
! 0000000000.215 => 11700000021390C2E41896
! 0000000000.216 => 8E6AD8
! 0000000000.222 => FF
! 0000000000.222 => 14AA000000041110
! 0000000000.223 => 3400E28011700000021390
! 0000000000.224 => C2E41547236AD8
! 0000000000.226 => FF
! 0000000000.227 => 14AA0000000411
! 0000000000.228 => 103400E280117000000213
! 0000000000.229 => 90C2E41677406AD8
! 0000000000.335 => FF14AA00
! 0000000000.336 => 00000411103400E2801170
! 0000000000.338 => 0000021390C2E41677406AD8
! 0000000000.343 => FF


! 0000000000.899 => FF
! 0000000000.901 => 14AA0000000411103400E2801170000002
! 0000000000.902 => 1390C2E41677406AD8
! 0000000000.909 => FF
! 0000000000.910 => 14AA0000000411103400E280
! 0000000000.910 => 11700000021390C2E4154723
! 0000000000.911 => 6AD8
! 0000000000.939 => FF
! 0000000000.941 => 14AA0000000411103400E28011700000021390C2E418968E
! 0000000000.942 => 6AD8
! 0000000001.047 => FF
! 0000000001.047 => 14AA0000000411103400E2
! 0000000001.048 => 8011700000021390C2E415
! 0000000001.049 => 47236AD8
! 0000000001.053 => FF
! 0000000001.053 => 14AA0000000411
! 0000000001.054 => 103400010300164263992002
! 0000000001.055 => 400000EE286AD8
! 0000000001.076 => FF


It's a SPACE-separatd format, with 4 columns:

  • prefix, the single character to indicate the type of packet in current line
    • !, streaming data packet
    • #, comment packet
  • uptime, the uptime since the recording was started. Please note the milliseconds are separted by dot .
  • direction, the data direction
    • =>, the data from serial port (to tcp connections)
    • <=, the dtaa to serial port (from tcp connections)
  • hexes, the data buffer represented in hexadecimal format


TCP Proxy on specific serial port







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