The TraceExecutions process captures all (entire) activity on an instance of sql server as defined by the @Minutes paramter. At the final result the process aggrgates the data and displays a single line per execution. You can then sort the data by number of exeutions, reads, duration etc. to match your need.
Here is a sample bit of code showing how to use the process.
USE DBA; SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Delete old traces EXEC dbo.TraceExecutionsDelete @command = 'del C:\Traces\Baseline*.trc';
-- Start the trace -- Create files sizes 100mb, limmited to 50 files (in FIFO), for a 10 minutes duration, the destination folder for the traces is: C:\Traces. EXEC DBA.dbo.TraceExecutionsStart @Database = NULL, @MaxFileSize = 100, @FileCount = 50, @Minutes = 10, @Path = N'C:\Traces\BaseLine';
-- Load the raw trace files into a table (BaseLineFull). EXEC DBA.dbo.TraceExecutionsLoad @path = N'C:\Traces', @file = N'BaseLine*.trc';
-- Manipulate the data in the table -- Insert data to table BaseLine EXEC DBA.dbo.TraceExecutionsManipulateData @Rows = 500;
/* EXEC sp_trace_setstatus 3, 1 --start EXEC sp_trace_setstatus 2, 0 --stop EXEC sp_trace_setstatus 2, 2 --remove
SELECT * FROM sys.traces
EXEC sys.xp_cmdshell 'md c:\Traces\Baseline' */