Description: Finish your project by creating the last of three cart pages - Checkout & Success pages.
As a bonus, you will learn a very handy and powerful form validation library - Formik. Variants - (products that you are ‘selling’) the same as for previous works. (see the description to 3rd work)
- All of the requirements for previous React.js works should be kept.
- Form: Your form should have at least 5 fields
- Form: Every field should have a validation rule (i.e max length / no special characters / only numbers), just required option - is not enough
- Form: You should have at least one field that uses RegEx and at least one field that doesn’t required string value(i.e Phone number)
- Form: In the error message you should describe all errors in all fields with clear reason (i.e Email is incorrect, First name is a required field...)
- Form: Error message should be a separate React Component
- After successful form submit - the user is redirected to final page (Success page)
- Use Formik & Yup libraries or any functionality related to form validation (fields validating, error messages, form submit)