This tool register accounts with custom emails, support Google and GitHub account registrations, temporary GitHub account registration, kills all Cursor's running processes,reset and wipe Cursor data and hardware info.
Supports Windows, macOS and Linux.
For optimal performance, run with privileges and always stay up to date.
Always clean your browser cache and cookies. If possible, user a VPN to create new accounts.
這是一個自動化工具,自動註冊,支持 Windows 和 macOS 系統,完成 Auth 驗證,重置 Cursor 的配置。
If you don't have Google Chrome, you can download it from here
如果沒有 Google Chrome,可以從這裡下載
🌟 Google OAuth Authentication with Lifetime Access
使用 Google OAuth 認證(終身訪問) -
⭐ GitHub OAuth Authentication with Lifetime Access
使用 GitHub OAuth 認證(終身訪問) -
Automatically register Cursor membership
自動註冊 Cursor 會員 -
Support Windows and macOS systems
支持 Windows 和 macOS 系統 -
Complete Auth verification
完成 Auth 驗證 -
Reset Cursor's configuration
重置 Cursor 的配置 -
Multi-language support (English, 简体中文, 繁體中文, Vietnamese)
Windows | x64 | ✅ | macOS | Intel | ✅ |
Windows | x86 | ✅ | macOS | Apple Silicon | ✅ |
Linux | x64 | ✅ | Linux | x86 | ✅ |
Linux | ARM64 | ✅ | Linux | ARM64 | ✅ |
⭐ Auto Run Script | 腳本自動化運行
curl -fsSL -o && chmod +x && ./
irm | iex
⭐ Manual Reset Machine | 手動運行重置機器
curl -fsSL | sudo bash
irm | iex
- If you want to stop the script, please press Ctrl+C
要停止腳本,請按 Ctrl+C
📝 Config | 文件配置
Win / Macos / Linux Path | 路徑 [Documents/.cursor-free-vip/config.ini]
⭐ Config | 文件配置
# Default Google Chrome Path | 默認Google Chrome 遊覽器路徑
chromepath = C:\Program Files\Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe
# Handle Tuenstile Wait Time | 等待人機驗證時間
handle_turnstile_time = 2
# Handle Tuenstile Wait Random Time (must merge 1-3 or 1,3) | 等待人機驗證隨機時間(必須是 1-3 或者 1,3 這樣的組合)
handle_turnstile_random_time = 1-3
# Storage Path | 存儲路徑
storage_path = /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Cursor/User/globalStorage/storage.json
# SQLite Path | SQLite路徑
sqlite_path = /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Cursor/User/globalStorage/state.vscdb
# Machine ID Path | 機器ID路徑
machine_id_path = /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Cursor/machineId
# For Linux users: ~/.config/cursor/machineid
# Min Random Time | 最小隨機時間
min_random_time = 0.1
# Max Random Time | 最大隨機時間
max_random_time = 0.8
# Page Load Wait | 頁面加載等待時間
page_load_wait = 0.1-0.8
# Input Wait | 輸入等待時間
input_wait = 0.3-0.8
# Submit Wait | 提交等待時間
submit_wait = 0.5-1.5
# Verification Code Input | 驗證碼輸入等待時間
verification_code_input = 0.1-0.3
# Verification Success Wait | 驗證成功等待時間
verification_success_wait = 2-3
# Verification Retry Wait | 驗證重試等待時間
verification_retry_wait = 2-3
# Email Check Initial Wait | 郵件檢查初始等待時間
email_check_initial_wait = 4-6
# Email Refresh Wait | 郵件刷新等待時間
email_refresh_wait = 2-4
# Settings Page Load Wait | 設置頁面加載等待時間
settings_page_load_wait = 1-2
# Failed Retry Time | 失敗重試時間
failed_retry_time = 0.5-1
# Retry Interval | 重試間隔
retry_interval = 8-12
# Max Timeout | 最大超時時間
max_timeout = 160
Use administrator to run the script
請使用管理員身份運行腳本 -
Confirm that Cursor is closed before running the script
請確保在運行腳本前已經關閉 Cursor -
This tool is only for learning and research purposes
此工具僅供學習和研究使用 -
Please comply with the relevant software usage terms when using this tool
如果遇到權限問題,請確保: | 此腳本以管理員身份運行 |
If you encounter permission issues, please ensure: | This script is run with administrator privileges |
Error 'User is not authorized' | This means your account was banned for using temporary (disposal) mail. Ensure using a non-temporary mail service |
歡迎提交 Issue 和 Pull Request!
This tool is only for learning and research purposes, and any consequences arising from the use of this tool are borne by the user.
本項目採用 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 授權。 Please refer to the LICENSE file for details.