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Digital design and verify playground/template

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Digital Design/verify Template

This is a template or framework include digital design and verification

Quick Start

# Init
make init
# Elaborate RTL
make verilog DEIGN=GCD
# Create dpi-lib
make dpi-lib DEIGN=GCD TBLANG=xxx
make sim DESIGN=GCD TBLANG=uvm SIM=vcs
make sim DESIGN=GCD TBLANG=uvm SIM=verilator #(bugs)
# SV
make sim DESIGN=GCD TBLANG=sv SIM=vcs
make sim DESIGN=GCD TBLANG=sv SIM=verilator #(bugs)
make sim DESIGN=GCD TBLANG=cpp SIM=verilator
make sim DESIGN=GCD TBLANG=cocotb SIM=icarus
make sim DESIGN=GCD TBLANG=cocotb SIM=verilator
# Chisel
make tb-verilog DEIGN=GCD
make sim DESIGN=GCD TBLANG=chisel SIM=verilator #(bugs)
make sim DESIGN=GCD TBLANG=chisel SIM=vcs
cd backend/fpga
make project BOARD=... #generate xpr file
# Asic
make sta
# Add module from gcd template
make addModule DEIGN=...


This template is originnally built from chisel-playground So, Digital design is use chisel HDL language

Write Chisel

  • Pls use serializableModule and serializableParameter to construcr module. refer to gcd example to know(actually you can just relace GCD to your module name, and change the impl)
  • Write in ./rtl/src
  • Write module parameter in ./config, in json format. And the file name is corresponding module name which will be elaborated

Elaborate Chisel

  • Write corresponding(top level) module elaborate code in ./elaborateRTL
  • Naming the elaborate class Elaborate_{module name}(pls read the ./script/design/ to know why)
  • Use serializableElaborate extend your class
  • Other modify pls refer ./elaborate/Elaborate_gcd.scala (actually you can just relace GCD to your module name, and change the impl)
  • Finally, use make verilog to get the verilog, use make fir to get the firrtl

You can override the variable DESIGN in command line to elaborate and verify different Design


The template support lots of testbench framework(language) and lots of simulator

For corresponding target, set TBLANG and SIM

Write TestBench in tb/tb-{DEIGN} Write dpi-c in tb/tb-{DEIGN}/{TBLANG}-tb/dpi

(Before use vcs, make sure you already define VCS_HOME and VERDI_HOME)