Self-Study Guide for Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning (I am building this guide as I study)
- Courseara Andrew Ng Deep Learning Specialization [link]
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition [CS2321n]
- Understanding LSTM Neworks [RNN]
- Tensorflow Tutorials [Hvass]
- A Tutorial on 3D Deep Learning [link]
- 3D Deep Learning Workshop [link]
- Machine Learning with Google Cloud Platform [link]]
- Deep Learning, Ian Goodfellow, Yshua Bengio and Aaron Courville [book]
- Understanding deep learning requires rethinking generalization [Zhang et al]
- Attention is all you need [Vaswani et al.]
- Faster R-CNN [RPN]
Convolutional Neural Network Architecture
Distributed Network for Deep Learning
- DistBelief
- Revisiting distributed synchronous SGD [paper]
Computer Vision: Object Detection
- Retinanet
- Faster RCNN
- Mask RCNN
3D Deep Learning
- Frustum PointNets for 3D Object Detection from RGB-D Data [link]
- Udacity Reinforcement Learning [link]
- Temporal difference learning lecture
- BURLAP Tutorial
- Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (2nd Edition Draft, 2017) [Book]
- Temporal difference learning Sutton 1988
- Q Learning
- Adaptive Heuristic Critic Method (AHC)
Robotics/Motor Skills
- RL of motor skills with policy gradient paper
- Efficient distributed RL through agreement Varshavskaya et al
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
- Survey on Multi-agent RL [Busoniu et al]
Distributed & Scalable Systems
- Ray RLlib: A Composable and Scalable Reinforcement Learning Library [Liang et al]
- Deep Reinforcement Learning, UC Berkeley [CS294]
- Deep RL Bootcamp, UCBerkeley & OpenAI [link]
- Deep learning and reinforcement learning summer school [lectures]
- Deep Reinforcement Learning (John Schulman, OpenAI) [Video]
- Tensorflow Tutorial #16 Reinforcement Learning [link]
Video Games
- Neural Fitted Q Iteration [NFQ]
- Deep Q Network [DQN][Nature]
- Deep Q Learning [link]
- Deterministic Deep Policy Gradient [DDPG]
- Universal Value function Approximators [UVFA]
- End-to-end training of deep visuomotor policies [Levin et al.]
- Hindsight Experience Replay [HER]
- Sim-to-real transfer for robotic control with dynamics randomization [paper]
- Domain randomization for sim-to-real transfer [Tobin et al]
- Vision-based Multi-task Manipulation with Inexpensive Robot [Rahmatizadeh et al]
- DART: Noise Injection for Robust Imitation Learning [Laskey et al]
Surgical Robotics
- Multilateral Surgical Pattern Cutting with DRL [link]
- (Unsupervised Learning) Transition State Clustering [link]
- Learning by Obsercation for Surgical Subtask [Murali et al]
Scalable & Distributed Systems
- Parrellel Methods for DRL [DeepMind Paper]
- DDRL through Agreement [paper]
- Distributed Deep Q-Learning
- Deep multi-user RL [paper]
- Massively parallel methods for DRL [paper]
- HORDE: A scalable real-time architecture for learning knowledge from unsupervised sensorimotor interaction []
Model-based deep reinforcement learning
- Neural Network Dynamics for Model-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning with Model-Free Fine-Tuning
Inverse Reinforcement Learning/Inverse Optimal Control [Nagabandi et al.]
- Guided Cost Learning: Deep inverse optimal control via policy opimization [Finn et al]
- Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning Ho and Ermon code