ROS nodelets to convert a local image file to a message
- publish image message from local image files
image_out (sensor_msgs/Image)
publish (std_srvs/Empty)
- publish the next image by a call
- never advertised unless ~publish_by_call is true
~loop (bool, default: false)
- loop publishment if true
~files (string[][2 or 3], default: <empty array>)
- array of pairs of directory path and filename regular expression
- optionally image encoding to be published can be specified (default is "bgr8")
~recursive (bool, default: false)
- recursively search images if true
~frame_id (string, default: "")
- frame_id of published images
~publish_by_call (bool, default: false)
- publish by call or by timer
~rate (double, default: 1.0)
- publish rate of the timer
- publish image messages from a local video file
image_out (sensor_msgs/Image)
publish (std_srvs/Empty)
- publish the next image by a call
- never advertised unless ~publish_by_call is true
~loop (bool, default: false)
- loop publishment if true
~file (string, default: "")
- path to video file
~frame_id (string, default: "")
- frame_id of image messages
~encoding (string, default: "bgr8")
- encoding of image messages
~publish_by_call (bool, default: false)
- publish by call or by timer
~playback_speed (double, default: 1.0)
- playback speed of video to set rate of timer
- publish camera calibration info synchronizing image messages
- requires full description of the published camera info
image_in (sensor_msgs/Image)
camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo)
- the stamp of a message is copied from that of the subscribed image
set_camera_info (sensor_msgs/SetCameraInfo)
~camera_name (string, default: "camera")
- camera name used to load camera info
~camera_info_url (string, default: "")
- camera info on startup
- see docs of camera_info_manager for url syntax
- standard path will be searched if empty string is given
~frame_id (string, default: "")
- frame id of published camera info
- publish camera calibration info synchronizing image messages
- requires only camera's field of view
image_in (sensor_msgs/Image)
camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo)
- the stamp of a message is copied from that of the subscribed image
~frame_id (string, default: "")
- frame id of published camera info
~fov (double, required if ~fov_x or ~fov_y is not set)
- camera's diagonal field of view in radians
~fov_x, ~fov_y (double, optional)
- camera's horizontal or vertical field of view in radians