Additional 640KB RAM, and IO breakout for prototyping.
Tested on PC/Xi, FP. Should be working on F2/F10. Not working on F1e with 128K RAM.
Schematics, PCB, Order from AISLER
make -C gal
minipro -p ATF16V8C --write gal/xi.jed -P
- Loading caps on signal lines
- Move GAL to the left so it will be accessible without pulling the card
- Move testpoints to the bottom/make them THT, as it will make it more accessible from the case
- 3D-print a frame to hold the card in place
- DT/R̅ can be latched
- GAL is compilable and flash-able
- pins 12, 19 can not be used as input in registered mode
- Apricot F Series expandable SRAM board by S.R.Usher