YouTube Data Harvesting and Warehousing using SQL, MongoDB and Streamlit
Python scripting, Data Collection,MongoDB, Streamlit, API integration, Data Managment using MongoDB (Atlas) and SQL.......
import streamlit as st from googleapiclient.discovery import build import pymongo import pymysql import mysql.connector import streamlit as st from streamlit_bokeh_events import streamlit_bokeh_events
custom_css = """
<style> body { background-color: #f5f5f5; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } h1 { color: #FF0000; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 16px; } </style>""" st.markdown(custom_css, unsafe_allow_html=True)
api_key = "use your api key" # from google developer console youtube = build('youtube', 'v3', developerKey=api_key)
st.title("YouTube Channel Data")
client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb+srv://") collection = client['youtubedata']['channeldetails']
def retrieve_channel_data(channel_id): try: response = youtube.channels().list( part='snippet,statistics', id=channel_id ).execute()
if 'items' in response:
item = response['items'][0]
statistics = item['statistics']
data = {
'channel_name': item['snippet']['title'],
'subscribers': statistics.get('subscriberCount', 0),
'views': statistics.get('viewCount', 0),
'total_videos': statistics.get('videoCount', 0),
'likes': statistics.get('likeCount', 0),
'dislikes': statistics.get('dislikeCount', 0),
'playlist_id': '',
'video_id': item['id']
if 'contentDetails' in item:
data['playlist_id'] = item['contentDetails']['relatedPlaylists']['uploads']
st.success("Data inserted into MongoDB.")
# Display channel data
st.subheader("Channel Name")
st.subheader("Channel Statistics")
st.write(f"Subscribers: {data['subscribers']}")
st.write(f"Views: {data['views']}")
st.write(f"Total Videos: {data['total_videos']}")
st.write(f"Likes: {data['likes']}")
st.write(f"Dislikes: {data['dislikes']}")
st.error("Channel not found.")
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"An error occurred: {e}")
channel_ids = st.text_input("Enter YouTube Channel IDs (comma-separated)").split(',')
if st.button("Get Data & migrate to mongodb"): for channel_id in channel_ids: retrieve_channel_data(channel_id.strip())
sql_connection = pymysql.connect( host="localhost", user="root", password="your password", database="your database" )
channel_names = [data['channel_name'] for data in collection.find({}, {'channel_name': 1})]
selected_channel = st.selectbox("Select a Channel Name", channel_names)
if st.button("Migrate Data to MySql"): try: # Retrieve data from MongoDB data = collection.find_one({'channel_name': selected_channel})
# Create SQL tables and insert data
with sql_connection.cursor() as cursor:
# Create a table for channel statistics
create_table_query = """
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS channel_statistics (
channel_name VARCHAR(255),
subscribers INT,
views VARCHAR(255),
total_videos INT,
likes INT,
dislikes INT,
playlist_id VARCHAR(255),
video_id VARCHAR(255)
# Insert data into the channel statistics table
insert_data_query = """
INSERT INTO channel_statistics
(channel_name, subscribers,total_videos, likes, dislikes, playlist_id, video_id)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
cursor.execute(insert_data_query, (
data['channel_name'], data['subscribers'],data['total_videos'],
data['likes'], data['dislikes'], data['playlist_id'], data['video_id']
st.success("Data migration to SQL database is successful.")
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"Error migrating data: {e}")
client.close() sql_connection.close()
import urllib.parse import sqlalchemy
password = urllib.parse.quote_plus("your password") # use this if your password contains spl cha.....#@$%^&
connection_string = f"mysql+pymysql://root:{password}@localhost/youtubedata"
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connection_string)
with engine.connect() as connection: result = connection.execute("SELECT channel_name FROM channel_statistics") channel_names = [row[0] for row in result.fetchall()]
selected_channel = st.selectbox("Select a Channel Name", channel_names, key="channel_select")
query = f"SELECT * FROM channel_statistics WHERE channel_name = '{selected_channel}'"
with engine.connect() as connection: result = connection.execute(query) data = result.fetchall()
subscribers = [row[1] for row in data] views = [row[2] for row in data] chart_data = {"Subscribers": subscribers, "Views": views} st.bar_chart(chart_data)