🔥 Programming languages/Libraries/Techs that I know/worked with:
(I do also have some knowledge around or may I say, I do have some months of experience on others languages like C/C++, Java from college and freelancing projects and personal projects.)
- Computer Science at the Federal Institute of Sao Paulo (IFSP) Dropped out on the forth year because of Learning/Work oportunities (2022) that I decided that would be better for me
- Analysis & Systems Development at Toledo Presidente Prudente (Toledo)
- 🌱 I'm still going on the learning process to be able to speak and fully understand the English Language
- 🌱 Functional Programming Theory Zygohistomorphic prepromorphisms
- 🌱 Learning TDD/BDD
- 🌱 I'm still learning about CI/CD DevOps tools in general.
- 🌱 Learning daily to implement Design Patterns, SOLID & Clean Architecture in my projects.
- 🌱 I want to fluently learn the most used cloud services today (AWS, Azure etc...)