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GAT-RWOS: Graph Attention-Guided Random Walk Oversampling for Imbalanced Data Classification. A graph attention-guided oversampling method for imbalanced data classification using GAT and random walks.


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GAT-RWOS: Graph Attention-Guided Random Walk Oversampling for Imbalanced Data Classification

License: MIT Python Version


GAT-RWOS is a graph-based oversampling method that combines Graph Attention Networks (GATs) with random walk-based oversampling to address the class imbalance problem. By utilizing GAT's attention mechanism to guide random walks through informative neighborhoods of minority nodes, GAT-RWOS generates synthetic samples that expand class boundaries while preserving the original data distribution.

TL;DR: We create samples around those instances deemed important by GAT.




  • Python >= 3.9 (Tested on 3.9-3.12)
  • PyTorch (follow installation instructions at


  • pandas
  • numpy
  • scikit-learn
  • optuna
  • tqdm
  • pyyaml
  • scipy
  • xgboost
  • pytorch_geometric

Note: these dependencies will be installed automatically when you install this package


# Clone the repository
git clone
cd gat-rwos

# Install in development mode
pip install -e .


GAT-RWOS can be used in three ways:

  1. Command-line interface:
gat_rwos --datasets yeast6 flare-F
  1. Python module:
python -m gat_rwos.main --datasets yeast6
  1. As a Python package:
from gat_rwos import main"yeast6")

Command Line Arguments

  • --datasets: Names of datasets to process (without extension)
  • --tune: Enable hyperparameter tuning. You can control the configurations in the config file
  • --random_state: There is also random_state parameter in the config file. You can override it with this argument.
  • --config: Path to configuration file (default: configs/config.yaml)

Data Format

You can use the datasets provided in the data/ folder or use your own datasets.
If you decide to use your own datasets, please ensure that they meet the following:

The input data should be in CSV format with the following requirements:

  • The target variable must be named 'class'
  • Binary classification only
  • No missing values
  • Features can be either numerical or categorical

Example dataset structure:


Project Structure

├── src/gat_rwos/       # Main package source code
├── configs/            # Configuration files
├── data/              # Dataset files (.csv format)
└── results/           # Generated results

The results folder will contain:

  • {dataset_name}/
    • {dataset_name}_results.csv # Results with oversampled data
    • {dataset_name}_original_results.csv# Results with original data
    • {dataset_name}_balanced.csv # Generated balanced dataset
    • {dataset_name}_original_vs_oversampled.png # Visualization


GAT-RWOS uses a YAML configuration file to control all aspects of the pipeline. Here are the key configuration parameters:

Expand to view configuration parameters

Data Processing

  scaler: "minmax"      # Data scaling method: minmax, standard, or none
  test_size: 0.1        # Proportion of test set
  val_size: 0.1         # Proportion of validation set

Graph Construction

  similarity_method: "euclidean"   # Distance metric: euclidean, cosine, manhattan
  similarity_threshold: 0.5        # Threshold for edge creation. Setting this higher will result in a sparser graph

GAT Architecture

hid: 32              # Hidden dimension size
in_head: 4           # Number of attention heads in input layer
out_head: 3          # Number of attention heads in output layer
dropout_rate: 0.3    # Dropout rate
num_hidden_layers: 3 # Number of hidden layers

Attention Aggregation

aggregation_method: "mean" # Aggregation method: mean, median, max, mul. This is how we combine the attention weights into an attention matrix
attention_threshold: 0.5  # This controls the "importance" of the connections. Setting this higher will only keep stronger connections (i.e., pairs of nodes with higher attention weights).

Random Walk Parameters

num_steps: 10        # Length of random walks
p: 0.5              # Return parameter (controls likelihood of returning to previous node)
q: 2.0              # In-out parameter (controls search behavior)

Interpolation Settings

num_interpolations: 15  # Number of interpolations per path
min_alpha: 0.1         # Minimum interpolation weight
max_alpha: 0.9         # Maximum interpolation weight
variability: 0.9      # Variability of interpolation weights

Hyperparameter Tuning

GAT-RWOS uses Optuna for hyperparameter optimization. The tuning process occurs in three hierarchical stages, (number of trials for each can be controlled in the config file):

  1. Main Model Parameters (n_trials_main): Optimizes GAT architecture parameters (hidden dimensions, number of heads, dropout rate)
  2. Attention Parameters (n_trials_attention): Tunes attention threshold and aggregation method
  3. Interpolation Parameters (n_trials_interpolation): Optimizes random walk and interpolation settings

Total number of trials = n_trials_main * n_trials_attention * n_trials_interpolation. Setting these to higher values will result in a more thorough search but at the cost of increased computation time.

The tuning ranges can be configured in the config file under the tuning.optuna.ranges section:

      similarity_methods: ["cosine", "euclidean", "manhattan"]
        min: 4
        max: 64
        min: 0.0
        max: 0.7
      # ... other parameters



Common Issues and Solutions

  1. CUDA Out of Memory

    • Try reducing the hid parameter in the config file
    • Decrease num_hidden_layers
  2. Graph Construction Failure

    • Try a different similarity_method (e.g., switch from 'euclidean' to 'cosine')
    • Lower the similarity_threshold to create more connections
    • Ensure your data is properly scaled (this makes a lot of difference)
  3. Poor Performance

    • Increase the number of trials in tuning parameters (n_trials_main, n_trials_attention, n_trials_interpolation)
    • Try different aggregation_method method and play with the attention_threshold.
    • Adjust the random walk parameters (num_steps, p, q)
  4. Pandas Error on Python 3.12

    • RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded: This can be solved my upgrading both pandas and numpy to the latest versions.



GAT-RWOS: Graph Attention-Guided Random Walk Oversampling for Imbalanced Data Classification. A graph attention-guided oversampling method for imbalanced data classification using GAT and random walks.





