Your goal is to create an application which can store flights between different airports and allows you to search them.
- Download dependencies:
npm install
- Execute tests (your app must be running locally on port
):npm test
- Generate demo data:
npm run demo
Before any step
Create a branch named exactly as required in each step, otherwise pull request will be declined.
Create a public repository called flight-planner under your github account. Remember - your code will be visible to the world!
Generate a project
- gradle project
- Java 11
- latest stable Spring Boot version
- group - io.codelex
- artifact - flight-planner
- add dependencies - web, spring-security
Download generated project, add everything to your repository, commit & push.
Then follow all the steps mentioned in codelex-io/example-spring-project repository.
Definition of Done:
- Build is successful
- Get all tests green while storing all the information in memory, list or any other suitable data structure can be used.
Definition of Done:
- Build is successful
- Persist flight data in the database
- Keep possibility to run application in no-database mode
- Accessing Data with JPA Service
- The persistence layer with spring data JPA
- Database initialization
- Docker installed on your machine
- Subscribe to the newsletter
- Transaction configuration in Spring
- Persist flight data in the PostgreSQL database
- Keep possibility to run application in no-database mode, this must be achieved through the configuration property:
with valuesin-memory/database
- Generate database schema with Liquibase
- Cover repositories with an integration tests
Running PostgreSQL locally:
Run latest PostgreSQL locally in docker:
docker run -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=codelex -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=codelex -e POSTGRES_DB=flight_planner postgres
Generating schema with Liquibase:
There is good explanation about Liquibase make sure to read it through.
Our goal is to describe database schema in xml which will be read and executed by Liquibase.
Testing database queries against real database:
We can use Testcontainers to test queries against the PostgreSQL in a docker container.
Notes about the database schema:
- Use sequence for id generation
- Properly apply foreign keys
- Naming
- Indexes must be present
- Apply non-null constraints where applicable
- Apply unique constraints where applicable
Definition of Done:
- Build is successful
- External tests are passing in in-memory & database mode