Vuk (meaning "Wolf" in many slavic languages) is an experimental front-end framework for building SSR applications.
Mainly I make front-end applications in Fyne framework. However, sometimes you do wish to make it powered by HTML, CSS, and unfortunately JavaScript. This is a framework for just such use-case.
I grow tired of using Vue and React. Over the years they have been trough many changes and I just want to focus on building my application, rather than spend time upgrading and refactoring.
There are Godly amount of companies stuck with outdated Vue, React, and Angular versions. I desire for something which will remain as is once it hits the stable version. Of course, in terms of public API that is; the internal functionality of the framework can change however as long as it doesn't break anything.
Once stable version of this framework is reached there won't be any breaking changes. New features will be added, however, not at the cost of current features.