Launch kNN regression Jupyter notebook:
Launch kNN classification Jupyter notebook:
Launch linear regression (in 1D) Jupyter notebook:
Launch linear regression (in 2D) Jupyter notebook:
Launch molecular data set treatment Jupyter notebook:
Launch (stochastic) gradient descent for linear regression Jupyter notebook:
Launch training error evaluation on 1D data Jupyter notebook:
Launch training error evaluation on energy efficiency data Jupyter notebook:
Launch comparison between linear and non-linear classifier Jupyter notebook:
Launch class likelihood visualization Jupyter notebook:
Launch confusion matrix Jupyter notebook:
Launch logistic regression to linear discriminant analysis comparison Jupyter notebook:
Launch demonstration of masking in linear regression for the indicator matrix Jupyter notebook:
Launch K-means clustering Jupyter notebook:
Launch simple 2D principle components visualization Jupyter notebook:
Launch hand written digit synthesis by PCA Jupyter notebook:
Launch quadratic polynomial model Jupyer notebook:
Launch higher degree polynomial model Jupyer notebook:
Launch Gaussian kernel visualization Jupyer notebook:
Launch kernel-based model Jupyer notebook:
Launch kernel ridge regression model Jupyer notebook:
Launch MLP regression model Jupyer notebook:
Launch MLP regression model with special weight initialization Jupyer notebook:
Launch MLP regression model withy batch normalization Jupyer notebook:
Launch image classification with MLP and CNN models Jupyer notebook: