Easy to use minimap for 2d and 3d games written in C# and uses the new Unity UI. No coding needed and options for customisation.
- Different shaped minimaps(Circular, Renctangular, Polygon).
- Options for rotating map with markers or rotate markers independently.
- Options for clamping markers that are further than the minimap area.
- Objectwise map markers.
- Opacity control of minimap.
- Layerbased selective minimap rendering.
- Mobile ready
- Import the plugin package into your project.
- Drag and drop the CanvasMiniMap prefab from Assets/MiniMap/_Prefab in the scene.
- Set the target variable in the MiniMapController component in the CanvasMiniMap gameobject.
- Add MiniMapComponent script from Assets/MiniMap/_Scripts to the gameobjects/prefabs, that you want to show on minimap.
You can also find this pacakge in the assetstore.