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Releases: zaytri/slime2


30 Jul 04:22
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  • Chat messages are now successfully removed from chat overlays when a bot automatically deletes them at lightning speed

Full Changelog: 1.1.4...1.1.5


19 Feb 05:36
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  • When you have both a primary and secondary pronoun, it now correctly shows the subject form of both pronouns (for example, showing they/she instead of they/her)
  • Won't hang up if the pronouns API has slowdowns
    • Result of /pronouns endpoint is now hardcoded, so no need for anything to wait for that, but a background fetch for that endpoint still happens and replaces that when resolved
    • If fetching a user's pronouns takes longer than 500 milliseconds, it'll just assume no pronouns (null), but continues to fetch their pronouns in the background to cache it when requested again

Other Changes

Full Changelog: 1.1.3...1.1.4


15 Feb 23:09
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  • Updated to use the new pronouns API, where users can mix and match pronouns here:
  • Automatically rejoins chat if temporarily disconnected (like temporary loss of internet connection)

Full Changelog: 1.1.2...1.1.3
...maybe I should move widgets into a separate repo so that those updates are separate


02 Dec 21:37
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Important Fix!

  • The refreshing authentication actually works now, I thought I handled the bug with the previous patch but I only sort of did? It kept using the old authentication regardless, because it kept making a new authentication instance, anyway that's all handled now! Hopefully!

All slime2 chat widgets are highly recommended to upgrade to this!

No breaking changes, all you need to do is change the slime2 version to 1.1.2 for the slime2 JS/CSS in your HTML file.

Change this:

<script type="module" crossorigin src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

To this:

<script type="module" crossorigin src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


21 Nov 07:08
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Important Fix!

  • Refreshing Twitch authentication is now handled correctly, previously chat overlays would break after about 4 hours from the access token expiring

Any chat widget using slime2 v1 needs to upgrade to this!

No breaking changes, all you need to do is change the slime2 version for the slime2 JS/CSS in your HTML file.


15 Nov 08:53
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  • You can now return parentProps from the function passed into onEvent, if you need to add classes or styles into the rendered .slime2-event
    • For example, adding align-self into the parent so that messages can be dynamically left aligned or right aligned
    • I definitely added this in because I needed that functionality in Villager Chat specifically


  • Settings windows now have a very high z-index (9999), so that they're always above any z-indexes set by widgets

Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0


12 Nov 04:04
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slime2 is out of beta!! 🎉

There's been... a lot of changes. I don't even remember them all to be honest. I pretty much rewrote everything?? So that it can be made compatible with more Twitch events in the future other than just chat, and compatible with other platforms, like YouTube. There's YouTube code in there but none of it is in a working state, but most importantly...

Widget Settings can now be defined!

No longer will users need to directly edit the code to make the changes they want, they can do it all thru settings defined by the widget JS!

I built out an entire site for widget development docs at, and here's a preview of what the widget settings can look like:

Widget Settings Preview

Breaking Changes

Any widgets made with previous versions of slime2 are pretty much incompatible with this. I'm updating all my widgets to the new version so that they'll all work with this, and so that they'll all have proper widget settings as well.

If you did make a widget using the previous version, I can help you migrate it over. Previous versions will continue to work, I'm going to make sure that the token page on the slime2 website stays active for at least a year, but it will be removed eventually since v1 uses a new account page.

I'm also no longer including a release zip here, which was really just the Base Chat widget using slime2.

Instead the now renamed Simple Chat widget will be available from the widgets resource category in the forums:

Full Changelog: 0.2.3...1.0.0


24 Sep 05:05
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Getting Started:


  • Applying word-break: break-word globally was actually a really bad idea and broke more things (specifically in Villager Chat), instead overflow-wrap: anywhere (because word-break: break-word is deprecated so this is the better supported way of handling it) is applied to just the .content class where it's actually needed


  • Added a test message that's just "hi" and a different test message that's just "LongTestMessage" repeated with no spaces to test both extremes of message text
  • The Send Test Message button is now centered in each cell of the 9x9 grid of where it can appear, because it was getting annoying when I'd try to Right Click > Inspect but the button was in the way

Full Changelog: 0.2.2...0.2.3


23 Sep 16:12
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Getting Started:


  • Messages now word wrap correctly if they contain a really long string of characters with no spaces
    Before After
    NVIDIA_Share_0IuGesqAeD NVIDIA_Share_zhEshAcpds


  • Test mesages now include randomized punctuation and 10% chance of a long message
  • Terms of Use added to and README.txt
  • Changed release folder for the theme-build script, now all theme related files go into the themes folder so that it can be used as a git repo itself

Full Changelog: 0.2.1...0.2.2


21 Sep 22:45
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Getting Started:


  • The testBroadcaster user in test messages now has user.roles.subscriber = true instead of false
  • Test messages now correctly set the message type for action and highlighted messages
  • The theme-build command now sets the correct slime2 links in the HTML file

Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.2.1