This package implements a loader registry, which can be used to load code declared in RDF triples.
The registry cannot really do anything on its own. You will need actual loaders. One package which provides them is rdf-loader-code which lets you load JavaScript code.
npm i --save rdf-loaders-registry
- Import and create the registry
- Register a loader to handle a specific 'rdf:type' or
- Call the
const LoaderRegistry = require('rdf-loaders-registry')
const loader = require('./lolcode-loader')
const registry = new LoaderRegistry()
// register to load `<> a <>`
registry.registerNodeLoader('', loader)
// register to load `"some code"^^<>`
registry.registerLiteralLoader('', loader)
// somewhere else in code
registry.load(node, {
// some additional options
The first parameter of register
can also be an @rdfjs/data-model
IRI term.
A loader is a function which implements the following signature:
node: { term, dataset, graph },
loaderRegistry: LoaderRegistry,
) => any
It is possible to combine multiple loaders by recursively calling loaderRegistry.load
from the loader code.
The examples folder contains a simple example based on nebular data. It shows how to implement both types of loaders, nested loaders and how to use the registry. You can run the example with the following command:
node examples/ngc2392.js