- Undergraduate student
- Railfan, but not that much of one
- 🌏 www.zbx1425.cn
- 📫 support@zbx1425.cn
- 🔑 8100A355E382F7B9 (Fingerprint:
F31F E46B 00CF 4CD6 BC79 B860 8100 A355 E382 F7B9
Sending me emails is most preferred.
F31F E46B 00CF 4CD6 BC79 B860 8100 A355 E382 F7B9
)Sending me emails is most preferred.
Create BVE ATS plugins with a beginner-friendly block-based programming tool. ブロックに基づいた簡単なツールで BVE ATS プラグインを作成。使用积木化的简单编程工具制作BVE ATS插件。
The official android client for BVE Content Service
Allows the ATS plugin to update in-game texture dynamically. Can apply to panel images as well as scenario textures on the models. Helps you create a more lively environment.
Post comments associated with locations from your in-game world. An idea similar to Danmaku in videos, or Subnautica's well-received feedback system.