vue wrapper of lightgallery.js
$ npm install lightgallery-vue@latest
Step 1. Add lightgallery-vue component
import lightGallery from 'lightGallery-vue'; export default { components:{ lightGallery } }
Step 2. Use in template
<lightGallery :images="modalGallerys" ref="lightGallery"> </lightGallery>
with multi add id prop
<lightGallery id="lightGallery2" :images="modalGallerys" ref="lightGallery"> </lightGallery>
Step 3. Config for lightGallery
export default { data () { return { images: [{ src: '1.jpg', thumb:'2.jpg', subHtml:'caption' }{ src: '1.html', thumb:'2.jpg', subHtml:'', iframe:true }] } } }
lightgallery supports your custom plugins for more content viewing plugins
import lightGallery from 'lightGallery-vue';
import 'lg-zoom.js';
import 'lg-fullscreen.js';
import 'lg-thumbnail.js';
import 'lg-autoplay.js';
$ git clone
$ cd vue-lightgallery
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
please visit http://localhost:8080/