This is an example workload that serves HTTP requests using httpbin and periodically simulates stress traffic.
- Make sure that you are connected to the correct Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl config current-context
You should see the name of the cluster you want to install the workload on.
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Navigate to the directory
cd httpbin-example-workload
- Install the helm chart
helm upgrade zesty-httpbin-example ./ --install --namespace zesty-examples --create-namespace --values values.yaml
The stress test runs periodically once a week by default, but in case you want to manually trigger the stress traffic, you can manually run the job:
kubectl create job --namespace zesty-examples --from=cronjob/stress-test run-stress
- To remove the example workload, run the following command:
helm delete zesty-httpbin-example --namespace zesty-examples