This document describes the Helm chart for Zesty Disk for K8s. The resources here define, install, and manage the Zesty Disk for K8s application. Use the Helm package to install Zesty Disk components on a K8s cluster.
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Add the Zesty repository to your Helm client
- Update a configured repository
- Install the chart
- Helm installation args
- Expose Zesty Disk filesystem metrics
- Monitoring
- Uninstalling the Chart
The prerequisites are listed at Deploy Zesty Disk for Kubernetes documentation site.
helm repo add zestyrepo
helm repo update
You can enter your Zesty API key in the command line, or you can define it using a secret.
helm install zesty-pvc [-n <ZESTY_HELM_NAMESPACE>] --set agentManager.apiKey=<API_KEY> zestyrepo/zesty
kubectl create secret generic zesty-disk-agent-cred --from-literal=ZESTY_API_KEY=<api-key>
Using the secret method, there's no need to pass
--set agentManager.apiKey=<api-key>
All arguments are set either using the Helm
command--set agentManager.apiKey=<API_KEY>
or through avalues.yaml
Option | Description | Default |
prefix |
Provides a prefix to the resource namespace | zesty-storage | |
The name of the secret contains the API key | zesty-disk-agent-cred |
agentManager.apiKey |
Zesty API key (the secret won't be used, if associated with a value) | --- |
agentManager.baseUrl |
The URL of the Zesty backend | --- |
agentManager.priorityClassName |
The priority class for Zesty storage agent pods | system-node-critical |
agentManager.agent.resources.requests.cpu |
The amount of CPU resources the agent container is requesting | 100m |
agentManager.agent.resources.requests.memory |
The amount of RAM resources the agent container is requesting | 128Mi |
agentManager.agent.resources.limits.memory |
The maximum amount of RAM resources the agent container can consume | 256Mi |
agentManager.manager.resources.requests.cpu |
The amount of CPU resources the manager container is requesting | 100m |
agentManager.manager.resources.requests.memory |
The amount of RAM resources the manager container is requesting | 128Mi |
agentManager.manager.resources.limits.memory |
The maximum amount of RAM resources the manager container can consume | 256Mi |
agentManager.prometheusExporter.enabled |
Boolean flag to define if prometheusExporter container should be deployed | false |
agentManager.prometheusExporter.port |
The port the prometheusExporter container exposes | 9100 |
storageClassName |
Customize StorageClass name instead of using defaultStorageClassProvisioner 's value |
--- |
defaultStorageClassProvisioner |
If storageClassName is not defined, this value will be used and be decided upon the first occurrence of the StorageClass whose provisioner is equal to defaultStorageClassProvisioner | |
storageOperator.resources.requests.cpu |
The amount of CPU resources the storageOperator container is requesting | 500m |
storageOperator.resources.requests.memory |
The amount of RAM resources the storageOperator container is requesting | 128Mi |
storageOperator.resources.limits.cpu |
The maximum amount of CPU resources the storageOperator container can consume | 500m |
storageOperator.resources.limits.memory |
The maximum amount of RAM resources the storageOperator container can consume | 256Mi |
admission.mutator.replicas |
The amount of Mutator pod replicas | 2 |
admission.mutator.port |
The port the Mutator is listening to | 8443 |
admission.mutator.failurePolicy |
Defines the behavior of the admission controller when a request fails. If set to Ignore , the request will be allowed even if the mutator fails. |
Ignore |
admission.secret |
Secret name to be used by the mutator. If this is blank, a new secret will be created | --- |
scheduler.replicas |
The amount of Scheduler & Extender pod replicas | 2 |
scheduler.logLevel |
The Scheduler & Extender pod log level | 1 |
extender.port |
The port the Extender is listening to | 8888 |
nodeSelector |
A global node selector rules that will be applied to all components | --- |
tolerations |
A global tolerations that will be applied to all components | --- |
affinity |
A global affinity rules that will be applied to all components | --- |
imagePullSecrets |
The secrets with credentials to pull images from the registry | --- |
imagePullPolicy |
The image pull policy determines when to pull images from the registry. Possible values are Always, IfNotPresent, and Never. | Always |
annotations |
A global annotations that will be applied to all components | --- |
additionalLabels |
A global additional labels that will be applied to all components | --- |
serviceAccount.create |
Creates a service account for the application | true | |
The name of the service account | zesty-disk |
registry |
The registry for the container images | --- |
You can expose Zesty Disk filesystem metrics to Prometheus by setting agentManager.prometheusExporter.enabled=true
helm install zesty-pvc [-n <ZESTY_HELM_NAMESPACE>] --set agentManager.apiKey=<API_KEY> --set agentManager.prometheusExporter.enabled=true zestyrepo/zesty
If the Zesty Disk PVC installation detects the
API, it will deploy a podMonitor
object that directs the cluster's Prometheus to the Zesty Prometheus Exporter. This exporter provides Zesty Disk PVC metrics to Prometheus through the /metrics
Enable monitoring with Prometheus by adding a target that filters the label app=zesty-collector
To uninstall/delete:
helm delete zesty-pvc [-n <ZESTY_HELM_NAMESPACE>]