This pipeline library is used by SAP Cloud SDK Pipeline. It defines the common steps (functions) in a Jenkins pipeline to build, test and deploy applications to the SAP Cloud Platform.
To use the pipeline library you must have a git project which uses a pipeline, such as the SAP Cloud SDK Pipeline.
To use the library in a pipeline you have to configure this library as a globally shared library.
To avoid the manual steps described in that documentation you can use the SAP Cloud SDK Cx Server.
For instantiating the SAP Cloud SDK Cx Server, you need to provide a suitable host with a Linux operating system and Docker installed. Please also ensure that the user with whom you start the Cx Server belongs to the docker group.
Your project source files need to be available on a git or GitHub server, which is accessible from the Cx Server host.
The lifecycle of the Cx Server is maintained by a script called cx-server
It can be found in the same named folder on the root of each SAP Cloud SDK project archetype. Together with the server.cfg
file, this is all you need for starting your instance of the SAP Cloud SDK Cx Server.
To create a new project using the SDK execute the following command:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=scp-cf-tomee -DarchetypeVersion=RELEASE
In the new project, there is a folder called cx-server
This folder needs to be copied to the future host on which the Cx Server is intended to run.
On the host machine execute the following command in the folder cx-server
This will start the Jenkins server.
./cx-server start
In Jenkins click on "New Item" and create a new "Multibranch Pipeline" for your repository.
Now you can use the pipeline in a Jenkinsfile
by adding the following line on top of the file.
@Library(['s4sdk-pipeline-library']) _
If you decide for SAP Cloud SDK Pipeline, this is already done for you.
Currently, there are no known issues.
If you need any support, have any question or have found a bug, please report it as an issue in the repository.
Copyright (c) 2017-2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This file is licensed under the Apache Software License, v. 2 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.