Built in Python 3.7.2
python level_generator.py
Default creates a Research level, printing the importable level code to cmd line. See Args for options.
--view : Auto-open Cearn's mission-viewing website with the generated code (http://coranac.com/spacechem/mission-viewer?mode=editor).
--print : Pretty-print the level's molecules in addition to the level code.
--production : Create a production level instead of a research level.
--difficulty [int] : Int from 0 to 3 approximately controlling the level complexity (basically just molecule sizes, at the moment). Default random from 0 to 2.
--lanky : Set the difficulty to the maximum value.
--inputs : # of input zones to use; 1-2 for research, 1-3 for production.
--outputs : # of output zones to use; 1-2 for research, 1-3 for production.
--elements : Set of elements to exclusively select atoms from. Can be specified by atomic symbol or number - Greek elements can only be specified by number (200-203).
--basic : Select atoms exclusively from the set of 'basic' bond count atoms;
equivalent to --elements H O B C N S Cl Os
--large_output: Make a large output (8x4) research level.
--fusion: Add a fusion laser to the level and adjust random generation accordingly.
--fission: Add a fission laser to the level and adjust random generation accordingly.
--nuclear: Shortcut for combining --fission
and --fusion
--symmetric: Use symmetric molecules
--polymer: Use polymer molecules
e.g. python level_generator.py --view -d 0 --inputs 1 --elements C O H --fission
--random (random inputs)
--waste (imbalanced reaction that requires storing waste atoms in the reactor)
The process for generating a level is roughly as follows:
Randomly generate level features (e.g. fuser) and # of output zones (if unspecified in args)
Randomly generate output molecules which are either symmetrical (rotationally, reflexively, etc) or polymers (mostly composed of repeating segments).
Divide each output molecule by its 'GCD', and combine all the resulting atoms. This sum creates the total formula of the outputs in the 'balanced' reaction equation.
Randomly perform inverse nuclear transformations on the balanced output formula
Calculate a set of input formulas of minimum total size, such that they span the balanced reaction formula. Ensure these formulas are valid based on element bond counts and input zone borders
Construct each input molecule from the generated formulas (currently ugly construction algorithm)
To reduce bias from the input -> output process, randomly swap inputs with outputs with 50% probability, if input/output specifications allow this.
Randomly add level features (bonders, recycler, etc). Production levels have a 1/50 chance to use assemblers/disassemblers instead of regular reactors.
Display the mission code (and prettyprint molecules or open cearn's mission viewer website, as specified).