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EmpiReS - Differential Analysis of Gene Expression and Alternative Splicing

This vignette showcases usage examples of EmpiReS. However, EmpiReS is also available as a docker/podman image and also incorporated into workflows from watchdog and nextflow*(following soon).

EmpiReS is a method for differential analysis of RNA-Seq gene expression data and for the detection of differential alternative splicing. Furthermore, in the paper a novel benchmarking approach is presented that does not assume a given statistical model but instead uses measured data to simulate differential expression or differential alternative splicing. The software package of EmpiReS provides a pipeline that allows all these analysis - to simulate benchmarking data, to analyze differential splicing and to analyze differential alternative splicing. This vignette will show how to use the package for each of these tasks.

1 System Requirements

All the examples given in this vignette work with the data (and jar file) included in the EmpiReS tarball provided in this repository. All paths are relative to the directory where the tarball is extracted to.

You will need the samtools suite (version >=1.10) and a java runtime environment (version >=14) installed.

Before you start this vignette, you should call the script included in the tarball, as it will generate some additional inputs needed for the example commands in this vignette.

2 Differential Alternative Splicing

There are two possible inputs for EmpiReS - mapped reads as BAM files or unmapped reads from fastq files. EmpiReS uses equivalence classes as features and thus needs to derive counts for equivalence classes. An equivalence class is a set of transcripts with which a set of reads is compatible and they are, thus, constructed by deriving for each read the set of transcripts that are compatible with it. When unmapped reads are given the equivalence class based variant of ContextMap (see EmpiReS paper) is used to map the reads which will directly output read counts for equivalence classes. When mapped reads from BAM files are used the first step is to derive read counts for equivalence classes, so only the first step of the pipeline differs depending on the available input and all subsequent steps are the same.

2.1 Derive Equivalence Class Counts

2.1.1 EC-ContextMap using Unmapped Reads (fastq files)

The EC-ContextMap mapper is based on suffix arrays and LCP tables which have to build for the transcriptome before the mapping can be performed. To build this index the build_index task of the EmpiReS jar has to be called. It needs as inputs:

  • the genomic annotation (-gtf) in GTF file format

  • the genome fasta file (-genome)

  • the index of the genome fasta file (-genomeidx) which can be build from the genome fasta file with the samtools faidx command

This task will write the index files for the given transcriptome to the file given by the -o option. It needs only to be called once per transcriptome.

To keep the tarball small the genome fasta file is not included in the tarball. It can be downloaded from, e.g. using wget, as is done during the script:

wget  -O EXAMPLES/HUMAN_GENOME_GRCh37.75/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.toplevel.fa.gz \
gunzip EXAMPLES/HUMAN_GENOME_GRCh37.75/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.toplevel.fa.gz
samtools faidx EXAMPLES/HUMAN_GENOME_GRCh37.75/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.toplevel.fa

This also unpacks the gzipped fasta file and builds the fasta index using the samtools faidx command. To finally build the index for the human transcriptome run:

java -Xmx10G -jar empires.jar build_index \
    -gtf EXAMPLES/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf \
    -genome EXAMPLES/HUMAN_GENOME_GRCh37.75/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.toplevel.fa \
    -genomeidx EXAMPLES/HUMAN_GENOME_GRCh37.75/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.toplevel.fa.fai \
    -o EXAMPLES/mapping_reads_to_ECMs/human.GRCh37.75.ecm.ref

This will create the file EXAMPLES/mapping_reads_to_ECMs/human.GRCh37.75.ecm.ref which is a binary index file that is used by the EC-ContextMap mapper.

The mapping using the EC-ContextMap mapper takes advantage of the context of all reads, therefore all samples are mapped together. The inputs of the ecmapper task are:

  • index file (-index) as built in the previous step

  • A table which defines which fastq files should be mapped and gives some additional information about the fastq files that are needed for the mapping (-table). The table contains one line for each sample and it has to contain at least the label of the sample that was measured (column "label"), its condition (column "condition"), paths to the fw and rw read fastq files (these can be gzipped or bzipped) (columns "fw" and "rw") and the strandness information (column "strandness". The condition column gives the condition of the sample, replicate measurements of the same condition will thus differ in their label but share the same value in the condition column. The fw and rw columns give the paths to the (zipped) fastq files. If no paired-end sequencing data but only single-read data is available, the rw column can be omitted. Finally, the strandness column contains information about the strandness of the measurement - a value of "true" indicates that the first read defines the strandness, while a value of "false" indicates that the second read defines the strandness and an empty string indicates that the measurement was strand unspecific.

    label    condition    fw                  rw                     strandness
    cond1_00    cond1       cond1_00_1.fastq.gz cond1_00_2.fastq.gz true
    cond1_01    cond1       cond1_01_1.fastq.gz cond1_01_2.fastq.gz true
    cond1_02    cond1       cond1_02_1.fastq.gz cond1_02_2.fastq.gz true
    cond2_00    cond2       cond2_00_1.fastq.gz cond2_00_2.fastq.gz true
    cond2_01    cond2       cond2_01_1.fastq.gz cond2_01_2.fastq.gz true
    cond2_02    cond2       cond2_02_1.fastq.gz cond2_02_2.fastq.gz true
  • optionally a base directory (-basedir) can be provided - if given all paths in the sample table are interpreted as relative to this directory

  • number of parallel threads (-nthreads) used for the mapping, default: 10.

Note that the fastq files referenced in this file are created by the script, so you have to call it first to continue with the vignette. The paths of the fastq files are relative to the directory
EXAMPLES/simulate_reads/TEST_OUTPUT/ which can be passed to EmpiReS using the -basedir option. The counts for equivalence classes resulting from the mapping of EC-ContextMap are written to the path provided by the option -o:

java -Xmx10G -jar empires.jar ecmapper \
    -index EXAMPLES/mapping_reads_to_ECMs/human.GRCh37.75.ecm.ref \
    -table EXAMPLES/simulate_reads/TEST_OUTPUT/sample.table \
    -basedir EXAMPLES/simulate_reads/TEST_OUTPUT/ \
    -o EXAMPLES/stem_ecm_mapping_ecm.counts

The output file EXAMPLES/stem_ecm_mapping_ecm.counts directly contains the counts for the equivalence classes:

>ENSG00000215203    TOTAL
reads   267.000 238.000 171.000 248.000 176.000 199.000
>ENSG00000215203    ENST00000399770
reads   267.000 238.000 171.000 248.000 176.000 199.000
>ENSG00000180015    TOTAL
reads   0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000   0.000   0.000
>ENSG00000180015    ENST00000448646,ENST00000504731
reads   0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000   0.000   0.000
>ENSG00000179029    TOTAL
reads   11.000  6.000   3.000   5.000   4.000   4.000

It contains for each gene an entry for the number of total reads and for each equivalence class (identified by the unique set of transcripts in the header). Each entry contains the number of reads for each sample that was mapped in the order the samples are given in the sample table file.

2.1.2 Derive Equivalence Class Counts from Mapped Reads (BAM files)

If the reads were already mapped by another mapper, EmpiReS also allows to start from BAM files. In this case the first step is to derive equivalence classes from the annotation and BAM files and count the reads for them using the ec_from_bams task of the jar file. The task takes the following inputs:

  • a sample table (-table) with at least three columns: label (sample id), bam (path to mapping result of the sample (BAM file) and the strandness information. The table contains one line for each measured sample. The strandness column contains information about the strandness of the measurement - a value of "true" indicates that the first read defines the strandness, while a value of "false" indicates that the second read defines the strandness and an empty string indicates that the measurement was strand unspecific.

    label      bam                  strandness
    cond1_00    cond1_00_sorted.bam true
    cond1_01    cond1_01_sorted.bam true
    cond1_02    cond1_02_sorted.bam true
    cond2_00    cond2_00_sorted.bam true
    cond2_01    cond2_01_sorted.bam true
    cond2_02    cond2_02_sorted.bam true
  • genomic annotation (-gtf) in GTF format

  • optionally a base directory where all paths of the sample table are relative to (-basedir)

and writes the EC-ContextMap counts to the path provided by (-o).

Note that the BAM files referenced in this file are created by the script, so you have to call it first to continue with the vignette. The paths in the sample table are relative to the directory EXAMPLES/simulate_reads/TEST_OUTPUT which should be passed to the task using the -basedir option.

java -jar empires.jar ec_from_bams \
    -table EXAMPLES/simulate_reads/TEST_OUTPUT/sample.table \
    -gtf EXAMPLES/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf \
    -o EXAMPLES/stem_idealmapping_ecm.counts \
    -basedir EXAMPLES/simulate_reads/TEST_OUTPUT/

The output file EXAMPLES/stem_idealmapping_ecm.counts directly contains the counts for the equivalence classes:

>ENSG00000156026    TOTAL
reads   19.00   22.00   21.00   13.00   21.00   18.00
>ENSG00000156026    ENST00000357157,ENST00000373053,ENST00000536019,ENST00000604372,ENST00000604679,ENST00000605597
reads   1.00    0.00    2.00    0.00    1.00    3.00
>ENSG00000156026    ENST00000357157,ENST00000373053,ENST00000536019,ENST00000604152,ENST00000604372,ENST00000604679,ENST00000605597
reads   1.00    0.00    1.00    0.00    0.00    1.00
>ENSG00000156026    ENST00000373053,ENST00000536019,ENST00000604152,ENST00000604372,ENST00000604679,ENST00000605597
reads   1.00    0.00    2.00    0.00    2.00    1.00
>ENSG00000156026    ENST00000373053,ENST00000483185,ENST00000536019,ENST00000604152,ENST00000604372,ENST00000604679,ENST00000605597
reads   0.00    0.00    1.00    0.00    0.00    0.00

It contains for each gene an entry for the number of total reads and for each equivalence class (identified by the unique set of transcripts in the header). Each entry contains the number of reads for each sample that was mapped in the order the samples are given in the sample table file.

2.2 Analysis of Differential Alternative Splicing

Finally, to identify differential alternative splicing events from the equivalence class counts, the diffexp_diffsplic_on_eccounts task from the EmpiReS jar has to be called. It needs the following inputs:

  • the equivalence class counts (-i) derived from BAM files or by the EC-ContextMap mapper (see section Derive Equivalence Class Counts)

  • a sample table (-samples) that contains for each measurement a line containing the label of the sample and the condition. Replicate measurements should have the same value in the condition column. In our example there are two conditions with 3 replicates each:

    label      condition
    cond1_00    cond1
    cond1_01    cond1
    cond1_02    cond1
    cond2_00    cond2
    cond2_01    cond2
    cond2_02    cond2
  • optionally the two conditions (-cond1 and -cond2) that should be compared. If these options are not given the first two conditions from the samples table are used.

and writes the results of the differential expression and differential alternative splicing analysis to the file given by the -o option.

The following command will analyze both differential expression and differential alternative splicing for the given conditions:

java -jar empires.jar diffexp_diffsplic_on_eccounts \
   -i EXAMPLES/stem_idealmapping_ecm.counts \
   -samples EXAMPLES/simulate_reads/TEST_OUTPUT/sample.table \
   -cond1 cond1 \
   -cond2 cond2 \
   -o EXAMPLES/empires_outtable_stem_simulation_on_ideal_mapping.tsv

and write the output to EXAMPLES/empires_outtable_stem_simulation_on_ideal_mapping.tsv:

gene    diffexp.fdr diffexp.log2fc  diffsplic.most.signif.test  diffsplic.fdr   diffsplic.difflog2fc
ENSG00000013810 0,000e+00   1,650   ENSG00000013810.excl.ENST00000313288_VS_excl.ENST00000485989    1,739e-09   1,411
ENSG00000131051 0,000e+00   -1,850  ENSG00000131051.merged.ENST00000444878.ENST00000461283_VS_excl.ENST00000461283  0,102   0,797
ENSG00000181392 7,982e-12   -1,340  ENSG00000181392.merged.ENST00000324444.ENST00000503121_VS_excl.ENST00000324444  0,000e+00   -1,248
ENSG00000131037 0,000e+00   1,690   ENSG00000131037.excl.ENST00000540810_VS_excl.ENST00000586329    5,368e-05   -0,798
ENSG00000156313 2,197e-10   -1,020  ENSG00000156313.excl.ENST00000309513_VS_excl.ENST00000494707    0,000e+00   1,610
ENSG00000132330 0,000e+00   -2,230  ENSG00000132330.excl.ENST00000254663_VS_excl.ENST00000412508    1,367e-09   1,557
ENSG00000120334 0,000e+00   1,360   ENSG00000120334.merged.ENST00000460816.ENST00000484920_VS_excl.ENST00000484920  0,336   -0,475
ENSG00000037897 0,000e+00   -1,580  ENSG00000037897.merged.ENST00000257848.ENST00000324871_VS_excl.ENST00000324871  0,008   0,432
ENSG00000145604 0,000e+00   -1,630  ENSG00000145604.merged.ENST00000508514.ENST00000513263_VS_excl.ENST00000513263  0,200   -0,943

This table contains for each gene first two columns (diffexp.fdr and diffexp.log2fc) containing the differential expression results, that is the FDR corrected p-value and the log2 fold change of the gene. Furthermore, there are columns for the differential alternative splicing results: the alternative splicing event that yielded the lowest FDR corrected p-value (diffsplic.most.signif.test), the FDR corrected p-value (diffsplic.fdr) and the difference between the fold changes of the two involved equivalence classes (fold change of fold changes, diffsplic.difflog2fc).

3 Differential Expression

The steps described in section 2 will also analyze differential expression, so when fastq or BAM files are available just follow the steps described in that section. Additionally, EmpiReS allows to analyze differential expression from a files that can easily be exported from an expression set in R. For this the task diffexp_on_eset is used that takes the following inputs:

  • input directory (-inputdir) containing three files: exprs.txt containing the feature count matrix with features as rows and samples as columns, f_data.txt containing the feature data that is the feature names and p_data.txt containing the phenotype data with the labels of the samples and their grouping into conditions.

    The file exprs.txt contains a matrix of counts without any headers. The rows of this matrix correspond to the features, while the columns correspond to the measured samples.

    239 234 152 211 202 161
     11   6   3   5   4   4
    261 277 181 290 182 213
      8  15   6  11   7   8
    328 301 258 374 279 287
     65  53  46  64  41  47
    176 192 153 186 123 123
     57  59  69  69  67  71
    108 110  90  87  65  77
     11  18  11  16  12  12

    The file f_data.txt contains the names of the features that are contained in the matrix contained in exprs.txt. It has the same number of lines as exprs.txt. The ordering of the rows in the matrix and the feature names in f_data.txt is the same, so that e.g. the first row in the matrix contains the read counts of the feature given in the first line of f_data.txt.


    The file p_data.txt contains a table that gives the phenotype information of the given data, that is how the samples that were measured are labeled (first column) and how they group into conditions (second column). Its number of rows is equal to the number of columns in exprs.txt. Again, the order of the columns in the matrix contained in exprs.txt and the rows in p_data.txt is the same, so that e.g. the first column of the matrix corresponds to the sample described in the first row of p_data.txt. The second column in the phenotype table contains the condition that the sample belongs to. Replicate measurements of the same condition share the same value in this column.

    C1R1    0
    C1R2    0
    C1R3    0
    C2R1    1
    C2R2    1
    C2R3    1
  • optionally the two conditions (-cond1 and -cond2) that should be compared. If these options are not given the first two conditions from the p_data.txt table are used.

and writes the results to the output file given by the -o option.

When the input files are prepared in the directory EXAMPLES/expression_set_format/ the diffexp_on_eset task of the EmpiReS jar can be called:

java -jar empires.jar diffexp_on_eset \
   -inputdir EXAMPLES/expression_set_format/ \
   -cond1 0 \
   -cond2 1 \
   -o EXAMPLES/DE_from_eset.tsv

The output table EXAMPLES/DE_from_eset.tsv contains for each gene a row that contains the log2 fold change and the FDR corrected p-value:

gene            log2FC   fdr
ENSG00000164818 -1,040   0,000e+00
ENSG00000180071 -1,380   0,000e+00
ENSG00000023228 -1,660   0,000e+00
ENSG00000120334  1,350   0,000e+00
ENSG00000157600  0,970   0,000e+00
ENSG00000049883 -1,270   0,000e+00
ENSG00000132305 -1,130   0,000e+00
ENSG00000006625  1,480   0,000e+00
ENSG00000037897  0,950   0,000e+00

4 Benchmarking of Differential Expression and Differential Alternative Splicing

4.1 Simulate Counts

To simulate benchmarking datasets EmpiReS uses data with many replicates which are grouped into two simulated conditions. To introduce changed genes/transcripts the measurements of two genes/transcripts are swapped in one of the two simulated conditions to introduce two fold changes, without changing the overall distribution and variance between the replicates within the conditions.

The task simulate_counts of the EmpiReS jar simulates counts both for the benchmarking of differential expression as well as for differential alternative splicing. As inputs it needs:

  • measured gene read counts with many replicates that is used as input data for the simulation (-incounts). The file should contain one column containing the gene id and at least three for replicates for both conditions, that is in total at least 7 columns. All the columns should contain counts of replicate measurement of the same real experimental condition. The column names given in the header define which columns should be used for which simulated condition. The columns should be named <condition>.<replicate>. The assignment of real replicates to to-be-simulated conditions can be random, or as described in the paper two technical replicates can be distributed to both conditions.

    gene             cond1.rep1  cond1.rep2  cond1.rep3  cond2.rep1  cond2.rep2  cond2.rep3
    ENSG00000000003  527         568         674         718         685         564
    ENSG00000000005  12          10          11          16          17          11
    ENSG00000000419  232         230         346         312         334         258
    ENSG00000000457  66          57          70          66          83          76
  • list of transcripts that should be simulated (-transcriptsToSimulate, both differential and unchanged transcripts). Usually, pairs of transcripts within genes inducing some alternative splicing. In the paper (and this example) transcripts inducing the longest exon skipping event for a gene are selected. The mapping of which transcripts belong to which gene is given by the GTF file.

  • the genomic annotation (-gtf) in GTF file format providing the transcript to gene mapping

  • selected genes for differential expression (-diffexp) (but not differential splicing) is to be simulated. If the list given by -transcriptsToSimulate contains multiple transcripts for a gene in this file, all those transcripts will be simulated with about the same fold change.

  • selected gene ids where differential alternative splicing is to be simulated (-diffsplic). For gene ids in this file exactly two transcripts have to be placed in the file. The simulation will then generate different expression changes for these two transcripts as described in the paper.


The simulation will write the following files to the provided output directory path (-od):

  • transcript_exprs.txt: the simulated number of reads for each simulated transcript in each sample

    C1R1    C1R2    C1R3    C2R1    C2R2    C2R3
    ENST00000589042 863 844 590  851  560    591
    ENST00000359218  45  41  59  131  111     95
    ENST00000375735 778 798 554 1793 1456   1461
    ENST00000334267 121 115  98  136   83     97
  • detailed information about the simulated changes - there is line for each transcript that was simulated with a change of expression or splicing. Each line contains the gene id, transcript id, whether it was selected as major or minor transcript, the fold change implicated by the label swapping procedure, which gene was selected as swapping partner and whether the gene was simulated for differential expression or differential splicing

    ENSG00000186376 ENST00000370766 major   1,94    ENSG00000100353 DIFFSPLIC
    ENSG00000005884 ENST00000544892 major   -1,94   ENSG00000104332 DIFFSPLIC
    ENSG00000186376 ENST00000370764 minor   3,38    ENSG00000207165 DIFFSPLIC
    ENSG00000005884 ENST00000512553 minor   -3,38   ENSG00000106484 DIFFSPLIC
    ENSG00000124422 ENST00000261497 major   -1,61   ENSG00000013810 DIFFSPLIC
  • diffexp.trues - list of gene ids which were simulated as differentially expressed

  • diffsplic.trues - list of gene ids which were simulated as differentially alternatively spliced


The simulation of the counts can be called by:

java -jar empires.jar simulate_counts \
   -transcriptsToSimulate EXAMPLES/simulate_transcript_counts/ \
   -incounts EXAMPLES/simulate_transcript_counts/simul.stem \
   -diffexp EXAMPLES/simulate_transcript_counts/input.truediffexp \
   -diffsplic EXAMPLES/simulate_transcript_counts/input.truesplic \
   -gtf EXAMPLES/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf \
   -od EXAMPLES/simulate_transcript_counts/TEST_OUTPUT/

4.2 Simulate Reads For Counts

Given the simulated counts for transcripts we need to simulate reads for these counts. The task generate_reads generates read sequences (as gzip compressed fastq files) along with their simulated origins as ideal mappings (as BAM files).

It takes the following inputs:

  • the genomic annotation (-gtf) in GTF format

  • the genome fasta file and it's idx (-genome and -genomeidx)

  • a file containing per transcript counts for all samples to simulate (-trcounts) as provided by the output file transcript_exprs.txt of the previous step.

The task writes fastq.gz2 files, the bamfiles (unless the switch -nobams is used) to the output directory provided by (-od). Additionally, an overview sample table (sample.table) is written - this can be then used for the subsequent evaluation steps.

label      condition    bam                 fw                   rw                  strandness
cond1_00    cond1       cond1_00_sorted.bam cond1_00_1.fastq.gz cond1_00_2.fastq.gz true
cond1_01    cond1       cond1_01_sorted.bam cond1_01_1.fastq.gz cond1_01_2.fastq.gz true
cond1_02    cond1       cond1_02_sorted.bam cond1_02_1.fastq.gz cond1_02_2.fastq.gz true
cond2_00    cond2       cond2_00_sorted.bam cond2_00_1.fastq.gz cond2_00_2.fastq.gz true
cond2_01    cond2       cond2_01_sorted.bam cond2_01_1.fastq.gz cond2_01_2.fastq.gz true
cond2_02    cond2       cond2_02_sorted.bam cond2_02_1.fastq.gz cond2_02_2.fastq.gz true

There are several optional parameters to control the properties of the reads and fragments by changing the mutation rate (-mutrate), read length (-readlength), or the distribution of the fragment lengths (mean: -fraglengthmean and standard deviation -fraglengthsd. Moreover, if the optional parameter -biaspos is set, the simulation will use the position specific bias derived from the . An example input file for such (derived from yeast experiments) is provided in EXAMPLES/simulate_reads/yeast.tr2startfreq.out. This table gives for each (yeast) transcript its length and for each position the number of mapped reads to this position:

YFL014W 331 0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,2,1,1,2,3,2,17,19,2,3,0,0,1,2,2,12,14,7,8,12,14,51,48,15,10,6,2,4,0,2,3,6,3,4,0,1,3,5,8,18,17,24,69,71,55,68,17,11,11,0,2,6,8,7,11,15,47,45,8,2,6,0,61,3,2,26,25,6,2,1,4,0,1,1,0,9,7,29,11,8,11,3,4,2,3,0,2,11,31,46,92,32,7,1,8,0,1,0,0,4,7,3,8,6,5,3,0,0,2,15,19,114,396,634,816,362,121,265,457,459,396,147,137,254,141,90,55,14,2,2,3,9,27,68,94,142,64,23,104,173,549,999,836,8,5297,3510,3034,408,150,55,199,1040,1016,1071,304,54,30,69,46,47,65,48,105,0,35,19,88,11,20,26,87,176,802,1891,2571,922,481,693,652,267,133,53,62,68,160,109,247,156,125,120,37,36,54,97,637,2128,3494,4332,4822,3631,1901,518,400,615,6,4,1186,431,3159,207,201,100,157,378,158,202,461,625,571,1761,1962,2455,2240,682,123,99,92,19,22,17,35,122,149,110,71,44,29,13,15,4,6,17,32,134,572,890,1797,1865,1516,256,340,62,78,84,36,76,150,129,510,1906,4982,7608,2400,2936,4582,1309,1922,362,45,33,28,35,99,158,101,85,182,408,1119,0,0,0,4,1,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
YPR180W 1045    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,5,7,18,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,7,2,0,0,0,1,0,0,3,1,6,2,0,2,1,0,1,0,6,1,0,0,0,3,5,16,41,91,43,3,13,5,3,1,0,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,1,1,2,1,2,1,3,6,3,4,13,19,0,15,5,29,1,0,3,2,0,2,2,0,4,6,17,14,17,12,9,8,17,9,10,6,2,8,9,25,94,25,20,56,19,58,0,0,0,0,3,2,3,3,1,7,2,14,14,6,1,3,3,4,5,10,21,11,11,8,7,7,10,4,9,11,2,3,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,3,3,0,2,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,6,5,6,4,2,2,8,19,73,18,5,4,13,9,9,6,20,43,20,7,18,9,2,0,4,8,6,5,14,19,40,50,95,60,27,27,17,6,3,15,24,56,133,162,324,316,203,147,64,51,81,128,280,256,104,90,45,9,8,14,42,80,39,15,14,65,139,172,105,47,35,10,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,3,2,6,2,0,1,1,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,4,3,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,3,0,0,1,5,8,2,2,7,3,4,2,9,3,3,5,1,1,1,2,4,12,25,44,62,40,11,4,8,8,4,5,3,5,7,17,35,88,42,68,95,342,274,102,66,9,0,0,0,1,1,7,2,5,1,2,3,2,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,4,11,18,54,59,42,5,3,2,3,3,2,2,6,18,45,28,37,58,26,3,3,4,1,1,0,0,2,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,1,0,0,1,2,1,0,7,8,2,4,1,2,1,1,8,8,10,7,1,2,3,5,4,9,10,12,2,0,0,0,7,32,51,238,110,29,18,10,43,13,15,38,20,1,2,2,1,0,1,0,1,3,1,1,1,0,2,1,2,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,4,9,26,21,2,1,0,5,6,0,5,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,15,24,53,80,52,15,8,5,3,8,8,16,35,21,32,45,46,49,17,17,10,11,19,52,117,20,17,14,21,12,2,1,4,0,0,1,2,3,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,3,17,16,4,6,13,1,4,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,5,0,0,0,1,3,2,8,5,2,4,1,9,1,2,0,1,5,7,6,1,3,6,5,2,3,14,2,0,0,0,0,2,1,4,1,0,1,1,2,3,5,6,3,1,6,2,7,17,12,15,13,24,10,6,5,11,14,2,2,1,0,0,1,0,0,2,1,0,7,11,11,30,35,5,30,36,22,118,97,88,115,236,0,0,55,73,179,9,14,44,47,83,74,44,14,8,8,19,5,2,4,3,6,17,51,15,7,5,6,1,2,1,5,3,14,21,22,23,12,20,4,4,6,8,5,9,8,8,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,1,2,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,2,0,1,0,0,1,1,4,1,3,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,5,10,10,10,4,15,8,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,2,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,2,1,9,8,17,9,2,2,0,0,10,15,35,27,38,64,25,4,3,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,2,1,2,1,0,1,5,10,7,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

The generate_reads task can be called by:

java -jar empires.jar generate_reads \
   -gtf EXAMPLES/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf \
   -genome EXAMPLES/HUMAN_GENOME_GRCh37.75/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.toplevel.fa \
   -genomeidx EXAMPLES/HUMAN_GENOME_GRCh37.75/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.toplevel.fa.fai \
   -trcounts EXAMPLES/simulate_transcript_counts/TEST_OUTPUT/transcript_exprs.txt \
   -biaspos EXAMPLES/simulate_reads/yeast.tr2startfreq.out \
   -od EXAMPLES/simulate_reads/TEST_OUTPUT

The output bamfiles from the read generation are not yet coordinate sorted, which is needed for many subsequent steps, such as to derive EC-ContextMap counts from BAM files. The sorting can easily be done with samtools: ( with the command samtools sort:

for bam in `find EXAMPLES/simulate_reads/TEST_OUTPUT/ -name "*.bam"`
        prefix=`echo $bam | awk -F".bam" '{print $1}'`
        $samtools sort $bam ${prefix}_sorted

The sample table written by the read generation already refers to the paths ${prefix}_sorted.bam generated by this snippet.

4.3 Evaluation of Differential Expression and Differential Alternative Splicing

The steps described in sections 4.1 and 4.2 already produce all inputs needed to analyze differential expression and differential alternative splicing, both from fastq files (see section 2.1.1) or from the ideal mapping BAM files (containing the mapping exactly as simulated, see section 2.1.2). To derive the counts for the equivalence classes one can directly use the command:

java -Xmx10G -jar empires.jar ecmapper \
    -index EXAMPLES/mapping_reads_to_ECMs/human.GRCh37.75.ecm.ref \
    -table EXAMPLES/simulate_reads/TEST_OUTPUT/sample.table \
    -basedir EXAMPLES/simulate_reads/TEST_OUTPUT/ \
    -o EXAMPLES/stem_ecm_mapping_ecm.counts

that uses the sample table written by the generate_reads task. Note that the index for the equivalence class variant of ContextMap needs to be built first, for details on how this is done see section 2.1.1. If the evaluation should be based on another mapper or on the BAM files that contain the simulated mapping, you can instead use this command:

java -jar empires.jar ec_from_bams \
    -table EXAMPLES/simulate_reads/TEST_OUTPUT/sample.table \
    -gtf EXAMPLES/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf \
    -o EXAMPLES/stem_idealmapping_ecm.counts \
    -basedir EXAMPLES/simulate_reads/TEST_OUTPUT/

This command again uses the same table created by the generate_reads task which contains the paths to the ideal mapping BAM files. When the results of other mappers should be used, the sample table together with the -basedir option have to be adapted (for details see section 2.1.2).

Both these commands write a count matrix (EXAMPLES/stem_ecm_mapping_ecm.counts and
EXAMPLES/stem_idealmapping_ecm.counts) which can be used by the task diffexp_diffsplic_on_eccounts to analyze differential expression and differential alternative splicing. If this task is additionally given the files containing the simulated splicing events and differentially expressed transcripts written by simulate_counts the evaluation results will also be outputted to standard out and can be retrieved by a simple grep command:

java -jar empires.jar diffexp_diffsplic_on_eccounts \
   -i EXAMPLES/stem_idealmapping_ecm.counts \
   -samples EXAMPLES/simulate_reads/TEST_OUTPUT/sample.table \
   -cond1 cond1 \
   -cond2 cond2 \
   -o EXAMPLES/empires_outtable_stem_simulation_on_ideal_mapping.tsv \
   -truesplicing EXAMPLES/simulate_transcript_counts/TEST_OUTPUT/diffsplic.trues \
   -truediffexp EXAMPLES/simulate_transcript_counts/TEST_OUTPUT/diffexp.trues \
   | grep "PREC:" > EXAMPLES/evaluationResults.txt 

The grep-ed lines saved to EXAMPLES/evaluationResults.txt contain all evaluation statistics such as precision (PREC), recall (RECALL), f1 measure (F1), area under the receiver-operator curve (AUROC), area under the precision-recall curve (AUPR) and the precision at 80% recall (PREC at 80,00% recall) for both differential expression and differential alternative splicing.

EmpiRe-diffexp 11218 pred trues: 765/789 (ntrues: 774) pred. E PREC: 96,958 RECALL: 98,837 
F1: 97,889 AUROC: 99,989 AUPR: 99,858 PREC at 80,00% recall: 100,00
EmpiRe-diffsplic 4843 pred trues: 891/1005 (ntrues: 1246) pred. E PREC: 88,657 RECALL: 71,509 
F1: 79,165 AUROC: 92,662 AUPR: 88,228 PREC at 80,00% recall: 75,13


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