Wrapper for Digital River eCommerce API.
The development has been proudly sponsored by the friends of https://www.sennheiser.com
gem "digital-river-ruby", :git => "git@github.com:zirni/digital-river-ruby.git", :branch => :master
Automated test with guard.
bundle exec guard
See spec/integration/spike_spec.rb
# Auth object to retrieve an access token
auth = DigitalRiver::Auth.new("your client id")
# Grab your token object
token = auth.token
# Build your session. This is a convenient way to
# talk to the API. Pass the session object to all
# classes or objects you want them to access the API
session = DigitalRiver::Session.build(token)
# Set your currency and locale with this.
# This is important for Digital River to
# calculate shipping costs for instance
session.update_shopper_resource(:currency => "USD", :locale => "en_US")
# Add a line item to your shopping cart.
digital_river_product_id = 4711
response = session.add_line_item(digital_river_product_id)
if response.errors?
raise response.to_exception
# analyze response state
# Retrieve all shopping cart line items you have added
r = session.line_items
r.body["lineItems"]["lineItem"].each do |line_item|
puts line_item["id"]
# Update the quantity of a line item
r = session.update_line_item(line_item_id, 3)
# No we want to delete this line item
r = session.delete_line_item(line_item_id)
# Ok ready for checkout
r = session.checkout_resource
puts r.headers["Location"] # visit this location with your browser
Create code documentation with yard.
yard && open doc/index.html
Consider that yard will output some warnings about mixins it can't document.
See a documentation coverage.
rake yardstick