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Add ff::Field::{sqrt_ratio, sqrt_alt}
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We also provide helper methods for implementing the square root trait

Ported from zcash/pasta_curves@db83057.
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str4d committed Nov 2, 2022
1 parent b97576c commit 58741b7
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,18 @@ and this library adheres to Rust's notion of
## [Unreleased]
### Added
- `ff::Field::pow`
- `ff::Field::{sqrt_ratio, sqrt_alt}`
- `ff::helpers`:
- `sqrt_tonelli_shanks`
- `sqrt_ratio_generic`

### Changed
- `ff::Field::sqrt` is now a provided method that uses the `Field::sqrt_ratio`
method. Implementors of the `Field` trait can choose to implement
`Field::sqrt_ratio` and use the provided `ff::Field::sqrt` method, especially
if it is more efficient in practice, or they can keep their own implementation
of `Field::sqrt` and implement `Field::sqrt_ratio` in terms of that
implementation using the `ff::helpers::sqrt_ratio_generic` helper function.

## [0.12.1] - 2022-10-28
### Fixed
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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions ff_derive/src/
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Expand Up @@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ fn validate_struct(ast: &syn::DeriveInput, limbs: usize) -> Option<proc_macro2::
syn::Expr::Group(expr_group) => match &*expr_group.expr {
syn::Expr::Lit(expr_lit) => Some(&expr_lit.lit),
_ => None,
_ => None
_ => None,
let lit_int = match match expr_lit {
Some(syn::Lit::Int(lit_int)) => Some(lit_int),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1295,6 +1295,10 @@ fn prime_field_impl(

fn sqrt_ratio(num: &Self, div: &Self) -> (::ff::derive::subtle::Choice, Self) {
::ff::helpers::sqrt_ratio_generic(num, div)

fn sqrt(&self) -> ::ff::derive::subtle::CtOption<Self> {
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@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
//! Helper methods for implementing the `ff` traits.
use subtle::{Choice, ConditionallySelectable, ConstantTimeEq, CtOption};

use crate::PrimeField;

/// Constant-time implementation of Tonelli–Shanks' square-root algorithm for
/// `p mod 16 = 1`.
/// `tm1d2` should be set to `(t - 1) // 2`, where `t = (modulus - 1) >> F::S`.
/// ## Implementing [`Field::sqrt`]
/// This function can be used to implement [`Field::sqrt`] for fields that both implement
/// [`PrimeField`] and satisfy `p mod 16 = 1`.
/// [`Field::sqrt`]: crate::Field::sqrt
pub fn sqrt_tonelli_shanks<F: PrimeField, S: AsRef<[u64]>>(f: &F, tm1d2: S) -> CtOption<F> {
// This is a constant-time version of (page 12,
// algorithm 5). Steps 2-5 of the algorithm are omitted because they are only needed
// to detect non-square input; it is more efficient to do that by checking at the end
// whether the square of the result is the input.

// w = self^((t - 1) // 2)
let w = f.pow_vartime(tm1d2);

let mut v = F::S;
let mut x = w * f;
let mut b = x * w;

// Initialize z as the 2^S root of unity.
let mut z = F::root_of_unity();

for max_v in (1..=F::S).rev() {
let mut k = 1;
let mut b2k = b.square();
let mut j_less_than_v: Choice = 1.into();

// This loop has three phases based on the value of k for algorithm 5:
// - for j <= k, we square b2k in order to calculate b^{2^k}.
// - for k < j <= v, we square z in order to calculate ω.
// - for j > v, we do nothing.
for j in 2..max_v {
let b2k_is_one = b2k.ct_eq(&F::one());
let squared = F::conditional_select(&b2k, &z, b2k_is_one).square();
b2k = F::conditional_select(&squared, &b2k, b2k_is_one);
let new_z = F::conditional_select(&z, &squared, b2k_is_one);
j_less_than_v &= !j.ct_eq(&v);
k = u32::conditional_select(&j, &k, b2k_is_one);
z = F::conditional_select(&z, &new_z, j_less_than_v);

let result = x * z;
x = F::conditional_select(&result, &x, b.ct_eq(&F::one()));
z = z.square();
b *= z;
v = k;

(x * x).ct_eq(f), // Only return Some if it's the square root.

/// Computes:
/// - $(\textsf{true}, \sqrt{\textsf{num}/\textsf{div}})$, if $\textsf{num}$ and
/// $\textsf{div}$ are nonzero and $\textsf{num}/\textsf{div}$ is a square in the
/// field;
/// - $(\textsf{true}, 0)$, if $\textsf{num}$ is zero;
/// - $(\textsf{false}, 0)$, if $\textsf{num}$ is nonzero and $\textsf{div}$ is zero;
/// - $(\textsf{false}, \sqrt{G_S \cdot \textsf{num}/\textsf{div}})$, if
/// $\textsf{num}$ and $\textsf{div}$ are nonzero and $\textsf{num}/\textsf{div}$ is
/// a nonsquare in the field;
/// where $G_S$ is a non-square.
/// For this method, $G_S$ is currently [`PrimeField::root_of_unity`], a generator of the
/// order $2^S$ subgroup. Users of this crate should not rely on this generator being
/// fixed; it may be changed in future crate versions to simplify the implementation of
/// the SSWU hash-to-curve algorithm.
/// The choice of root from sqrt is unspecified.
/// ## Implementing [`Field::sqrt_ratio`]
/// This function can be used to implement [`Field::sqrt_ratio`] for fields that also
/// implement [`PrimeField`]. If doing so, the default implementation of [`Field::sqrt`]
/// *MUST* be overridden, or else both functions will recurse in a cycle until a stack
/// overflow occurs.
/// [`Field::sqrt_ratio`]: crate::Field::sqrt_ratio
/// [`Field::sqrt`]: crate::Field::sqrt
pub fn sqrt_ratio_generic<F: PrimeField>(num: &F, div: &F) -> (Choice, F) {
// General implementation:
// a = num * inv0(div)
// = { 0 if div is zero
// { num/div otherwise
// b = G_S * a
// = { 0 if div is zero
// { G_S*num/div otherwise
// Since G_S is non-square, a and b are either both zero (and both square), or
// only one of them is square. We can therefore choose the square root to return
// based on whether a is square, but for the boolean output we need to handle the
// num != 0 && div == 0 case specifically.

let a = div.invert().unwrap_or_else(F::zero) * num;
let b = a * F::root_of_unity();
let sqrt_a = a.sqrt();
let sqrt_b = b.sqrt();

let num_is_zero = num.is_zero();
let div_is_zero = div.is_zero();
let is_square = sqrt_a.is_some();
let is_nonsquare = sqrt_b.is_some();
num_is_zero | div_is_zero | (is_square ^ is_nonsquare)

is_square & (num_is_zero | !div_is_zero),
CtOption::conditional_select(&sqrt_b, &sqrt_a, is_square).unwrap(),
32 changes: 31 additions & 1 deletion src/
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ extern crate alloc;
mod batch;
pub use batch::*;

pub mod helpers;

#[cfg(feature = "derive")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "derive")))]
pub use ff_derive::PrimeField;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,9 +103,37 @@ pub trait Field:
/// failing if the element is zero.
fn invert(&self) -> CtOption<Self>;

/// Computes:
/// - $(\textsf{true}, \sqrt{\textsf{num}/\textsf{div}})$, if $\textsf{num}$ and
/// $\textsf{div}$ are nonzero and $\textsf{num}/\textsf{div}$ is a square in the
/// field;
/// - $(\textsf{true}, 0)$, if $\textsf{num}$ is zero;
/// - $(\textsf{false}, 0)$, if $\textsf{num}$ is nonzero and $\textsf{div}$ is zero;
/// - $(\textsf{false}, \sqrt{G_S \cdot \textsf{num}/\textsf{div}})$, if
/// $\textsf{num}$ and $\textsf{div}$ are nonzero and $\textsf{num}/\textsf{div}$ is
/// a nonsquare in the field;
/// where $G_S$ is a non-square.
/// # Warnings
/// - The choice of root from `sqrt` is unspecified.
/// - The value of $G_S$ is unspecified, and cannot be assumed to have any specific
/// value in a generic context.
fn sqrt_ratio(num: &Self, div: &Self) -> (Choice, Self);

/// Equivalent to `Self::sqrt_ratio(self, one())`.
fn sqrt_alt(&self) -> (Choice, Self) {
Self::sqrt_ratio(self, &Self::one())

/// Returns the square root of the field element, if it is
/// quadratic residue.
fn sqrt(&self) -> CtOption<Self>;
fn sqrt(&self) -> CtOption<Self> {
let (is_square, res) = self.sqrt_alt();
CtOption::new(res, is_square)

/// Exponentiates `self` by `exp`, where `exp` is a little-endian order integer
/// exponent.
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