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  • 实时翻译:涵盖100多个国家语言的实时直译,覆盖主要地区和国家的各种语言
  • 离线翻译: 支持各种文档的离线翻译,覆盖100多个国家语言的离线翻译
  • 单条语句实时翻译时,每条语句执行时间小于100毫秒
  • 翻译的质量居于行业前列


1. 数据协议总则

  • 通讯协议:平台向外开放的通讯协议采用HTTPS协议
  • 编码:默认使用UTF-8,否则中文字符可能为乱码

2. 签名key


  • X-App-Key 唯一的用户ID, 举例 "zmeet";一般俗称为 application id 或 application key.
  • X-App-Secret 用户密匙, 举例 "ba9e07dc-1d79-4f7a-ab49-0205d3c0e073", 一般俗称为 application secret.

3. 请求数据格式


4. 响应数据格式


5.认证 请求参数说明


序号 参数名 类型 是否必填 说明
1 X-Timestamp string 请求发送时间戳
2 X-App-Signature string 数字签名
3 X-App-Key string 一般俗称为app key

6. 响应参数说明

序号 元素名称 父元素 类型 描述
1 code -- string 响应状态码
2 msg -- string 响应说明
3 result -- string 响应结果,翻译出的内容存储在这个字段


1. 中文和主要国家语言的单条语句的直译(汉语,俄罗斯语,德语,日语,法语,意大利, 西班牙语,韩语等)

(1)URL 中文、英文、俄语等的实时互译


  • 使用之前,请向商务申请appKey和appSecret, 以正常服务请求。


  • 以HTTPS POST(x-www-form-urlencoded)请求发送
参数 数据类型 是否必须 说明 默认值
sentence String 待翻译的文本内容,需统一编码成utf-8格式(单条语句文本最长1024个字,超过会被自动截断)
source_lang String 源语言,两位国家编码,具体参考本文国家编码 ""
target_lang String 源语言,两位国家编码,具体参考本文国家编码


{"code":"0", "result":{"src":"输入的原始文本内容", "target":"翻译后的文本内容"}, "msg":"success"}
  • 返回示例
{"code": "0", "result": {"src": "\"\n    \u9996\u5148\uff0cASML\u4f5c\u4e3a\u5168\u7403\u6700\u5927\u7684\u5149\u523b\u673a\u5236\u9020\u5382\u5546\uff0c\u5c3d\u7ba1\u80fd\u591f\u9886\u8dd1\u5168\u4e16\u754c\uff0c\u53ef\u5982\u679c\u6ca1\u6709\u5927\u6279\u91d1\u4e3b\u5ba2\u6237\uff0cASML\u4e5f\u4e0d\u4f1a\u8fc7\u5f97\u90a3\u4e48\u8212\u5766\u3002\u4e2d\u56fd\u5e02\u573a\u4f5c\u4e3a\u5168\u7403\u6700\u5927\u7684\u6d88\u8d39\u5e02\u573a\uff0c\n\u5728\u8fd1\u5e74\u6765\uff0c\u56fd\u5185\u7684\u534a\u5bfc\u4f53\u4f01\u4e1a\u6570\u91cf\u98d9\u5347\uff0c\u5168\u7403\u6bcf\u65b0\u589e20\u5bb6\u534a\u5bfc\u4f53\u4f01\u4e1a\uff0c\u5c31\u670919\u5bb6\u662f\u4e2d\u56fd\u7684\uff0c\u53ef\u89c1\u4e2d\u56fd\u5e02\u573a\u7684\u5de8\u5927\u6f5c\u529b\u3002ASML\u4e5f\u4e0d\u50bb\uff0c\u867d\u7136\u5728\u4e4b\u524d\u4e00\u76f4\u672a\u5927\u91cf\u51fa\u53e3\u7ed9\u4e2d\n\u56fd\u5149\u523b\u673a\uff0c\u4f46\u662f\u968f\u7740\u4e2d\u56fd\u5bf9DUV\u5149\u523b\u673a\u9700\u6c42\u7684\u589e\u957f\uff0cASML\u4e5f\u5f00\u59cb\u91cd\u89c6\u8d77\u4e2d\u56fd\u5e02\u573a\u4e86\u3002", "target": ["\" First, ASML, as the world\u2019s largest light-engineer manufacturer, would not have been as comfortable as ASML without a large number of major gold-based customers. China\u2019s market, as the world\u2019s largest consumer market, has soared in recent years, with 19 of the world\u2019s 20 additional semiconductor enterprises, showing the great potential of China\u2019s market."]}, "msg": "success"}

2. 中文和主要国家语言的单条语句的直译(汉语,俄罗斯语,德语,日语,法语,意大利, 西班牙语,韩语等)

(1)URL 中文和英文的实时翻译


  • 使用之前,请向商务申请appKey和appSecret, 以正常服务请求。


  • 以HTTPS POST(x-www-form-urlencoded)请求发送
参数 数据类型 是否必须 说明 默认值
sentences String 待翻译的多条文本内容,需统一编码成utf-8格式
source_lang String 源语言,两位国家编码,具体参考本文国家编码 “”
target_lang String 源语言,两位国家编码,具体参考本文国家编码


  • 返回参数
{"code":"0", "result":{"src":"输入的原始文本内容", "target":"翻译后的文本内容"}, "msg":"success"}
  • 返回示例
{"code": "0", "result": {"src": ["\"", "    \u9996\u5148\uff0cASML\u4f5c\u4e3a\u5168\u7403\u6700\u5927\u7684\u5149\u523b\u673a\u5236\u9020\u5382\u5546\uff0c\u5c3d\u7ba1\u80fd\u591f\u9886\u8dd1\u5168\u4e16\u754c\uff0c\u53ef\u5982\u679c\u6ca1\u6709\u5927\u6279\u91d1\u4e3b\u5ba2\u6237\uff0cASML\u4e5f\u4e0d\u4f1a\u8fc7\u5f97\u90a3\u4e48\u8212\u5766\u3002\u4e2d\u56fd\u5e02\u573a\u4f5c\u4e3a\u5168\u7403\u6700\u5927\u7684\u6d88\u8d39\u5e02\u573a\uff0c", "\u5728\u8fd1\u5e74\u6765\uff0c\u56fd\u5185\u7684\u534a\u5bfc\u4f53\u4f01\u4e1a\u6570\u91cf\u98d9\u5347\uff0c\u5168\u7403\u6bcf\u65b0\u589e20\u5bb6\u534a\u5bfc\u4f53\u4f01\u4e1a\uff0c\u5c31\u670919\u5bb6\u662f\u4e2d\u56fd\u7684\uff0c\u53ef\u89c1\u4e2d\u56fd\u5e02\u573a\u7684\u5de8\u5927\u6f5c\u529b\u3002ASML\u4e5f\u4e0d\u50bb\uff0c\u867d\u7136\u5728\u4e4b\u524d\u4e00\u76f4\u672a\u5927\u91cf\u51fa\u53e3\u7ed9\u4e2d", "\u56fd\u5149\u523b\u673a\uff0c\u4f46\u662f\u968f\u7740\u4e2d\u56fd\u5bf9DUV\u5149\u523b\u673a\u9700\u6c42\u7684\u589e\u957f\uff0cASML\u4e5f\u5f00\u59cb\u91cd\u89c6\u8d77\u4e2d\u56fd\u5e02\u573a\u4e86\u3002"], "target": ["\"", "First of all, ASML, the world\u2019s largest producer of light mechanisms, although able to lead the world, would not have been as comfortable without a large number of gold-based customers. China\u2019s market is the world\u2019s largest consumer market.", "In recent years, the number of domestic semiconductor enterprises has soared that, for every 20 additional semiconductor enterprises in the world, 19 are Chinese, and the potential of China\u2019s market is evident. The ASML is not stupid, although it has not been exported to China in large quantities before.", "The Chinese market has also begun to receive attention from ASML as China's demand for DUV has grown."]}, "msg": "success"}

2. 中文和主要国家语言的单条语句的直译(汉语,俄罗斯语,德语,日语,法语,意大利, 西班牙语,韩语等)

(1)URL 中文和英文的实时翻译


  • 使用之前,请向商务申请appKey和appSecret, 以正常服务请求。


  • 以HTTPS POST(x-www-form-urlencoded)请求发送
参数 数据类型 是否必须 说明 默认值
document String 待翻译的文件内容,需统一编码成utf-8格式
source_lang String 源语言,两位国家编码,具体参考本文国家编码
target_lang String 源语言,两位国家编码,具体参考本文国家编码


  • 返回参数

    {"code":"0", "result":{"src":"输入的原始文本内容", "target":"翻译后的文本内容"}, "msg":"success"}
  • 返回示例

{"code":"0","result":{"src":["随着全球国家科技实力的提升,如今的世界,已经不是美国一家独大的情景了。","就在前两年,华为的崛起让所有国家都大吃了一惊,尤其是美国。万万没想到,在移动通信领域中,超越美国的不是发达国家,而是我们中国。","显然,美国已经不想再眼睁睁看着华为崛起,所以便定下了芯片规则。随着芯片规则的升级,就连ASML公司也受到了影响,然而为了能够给中国出口DUV光刻机,","ASML甚至不惜硬刚美国规则,不少美国媒体都表示,这是ASML翅膀硬了。","","","我们都知道,ASML是全球乃至世界上唯一一个拥有EUV光刻机成熟供应链的公司,在全球范围内都拥有极高的地位。要知道,台积电之所以能够跨越美国企业,","成为全球第一大芯片代工厂,就是因为台积电获得了ASML的青睐,拿到了80台EUV光刻机。一直以来,ASML公司都非常信任美国,从来不将EUV光刻机出口给","中国大陆企业。可是在最近,ASML似乎将局势看的异常清楚,那么到底是什么原因?让ASML不惜硬刚美国规则,也要出口DUV光刻机给中国呢?","","","首先,ASML作为全球最大的光刻机制造厂商,尽管能够领跑全世界,可如果没有大批金主客户,ASML也不会过得那么舒坦。中国市场作为全球最大的消费市场,","在近年来,国内的半导体企业数量飙升,全球每新增20家半导体企业,就有19家是中国的,可见中国市场的巨大潜力。ASML也不傻,虽然在之前一直未大量出口给中","国光刻机,但是随着中国对DUV光刻机需求的增长,ASML也开始重视起中国市场了。","","","其次就是ASML发现,随着美国规则的建立,全球芯片格局出现了重大变动,比如高端芯片的需求大大降低,导致各大企业对EUV光刻机的需求也随之下降。要知道,","ASML的营收主要来源就是在EUV光刻机的出口,那么在这样的情况下,ASML的营收出现了巨大下降。这一度让ASML十分无奈,不过值得安慰的是,中国市场开始大量","进口DUV光刻机,弥补了ASML公司的亏损。","","","ASML公司也非常清楚,导致这一切的最根本的原因,就是在于美国修改了芯片规则。所以,当美国再次对ASML下达DUV出口禁令时,ASML当然不可能心甘情愿了。","毕竟,中国市场对于ASML来说,就像是宝藏。而且中国在对待ASML时十分尊重,让ASML感受到了友好的气息,这一点在美国身上是从未感受过的。所以,","ASML不仅在DUV光刻机出口上 ,对中国市场做出了极大的倾斜,也开始加大投资在中国的研究中心。","","如今,中国已经研究出了90nm光刻机,能够大量生产14nm制程工艺的芯片,所以中国在未来绝对是ASML光刻机的最大客户。不过我们也要时刻保持清醒,","不要被ASML现在的态度所迷惑,进而放慢了自我研究的脚步。我们一定要时刻谨记倪光南院士的警告,只有将主动权掌握在自己手中,才能真正摆脱被“卡脖子”的风险。光刻机被誉为世界半导体金字塔塔尖的明珠,目前世界上只有荷兰的ASML 具备最, 光刻机被誉为世界半导体金字塔塔尖的明珠,目前世界上只有荷兰的ASML具备最, 光刻机被誉为世界半导体金字塔塔尖的明珠,目前世界上只有荷兰的ASML具备最"],"target":["As the global power of science and technology has grown, the world today is no longer the only one in the United States.","Just the last two years, China’s rise was a shock to all countries, especially the United States. It is not the developed countries, but China, that are going beyond the United States in the field of mobile communications.","Clearly, the United States no longer wants to see China rise in order to set chip rules. Even ASML has been affected as the chip code has been upgraded, but in order to give China the ability to export DUVs, it has been unable to do so.","ASML is even hard on American rules, and a number of American media say that it's ASML wings are hard.","I don't think so.","I don't think so.","As we all know, ASML is the only company in the world and the world that owns a fully fledged EUV luminous supply chain, and it is in a very high position on a global scale.","The reason that it became the world’s largest chip-based factory is because it won the ASML’s favor and got 80 EUVs. ASML has always trusted the United States and never exported the EUVs.","China Continental Enterprises. But lately, ASML seems to see the situation in an extraordinary way, so what's the reason? Let ASML, despite the US rules, export the DUV light carving machine to China?","I don't think so.","I don't think so.","First of all, ASML, the world’s largest producer of light mechanisms, although able to lead the world, would not have been as comfortable without a large number of gold-based customers. China’s market is the world’s largest consumer market.","In recent years, the number of domestic semiconductor enterprises has soared that, for every 20 additional semiconductor enterprises in the world, 19 are Chinese, and the potential of China’s market is evident. The ASML is not stupid, although it has not been exported to China in large quantities before.","The Chinese market has also begun to receive attention from ASML as China's demand for DUV has grown.","I don't think so.","I don't think so.","The second is that ASML found that, with the establishment of American rules, there have been major changes in global chip patterns, such as a significant reduction in the demand for high-end chips, which has led to a decrease in the demand for EUV light-engineers by major companies.","ASML's main source of revenue is exports from EUV light engines, and in this case, ASML's harvest has fallen dramatically. This has left ASML very vulnerable, but it is reassuring that China's market has begun to grow in large numbers.","The import of the DUV light engraved machines made up for the losses incurred by ASML.","I don't think so.","I don't think so.","ASML is also well aware that the most fundamental reason for this is that the US has modified the chip rules. So, when the US again imposed a DMV export ban on ASML, ASML certainly could not have been willing to do so.","After all, the Chinese market is like a treasure to ASML. And China treats ASML with great respect and gives ASML a sense of friendship, which has never been felt in the United States.","ASML has not only made a huge tilt on the Chinese market on the export of DUV light engraved machines, but has also begun to invest more in research centres in China.","I don't think so.","Today, China has developed 90 nm lightcuts, capable of producing 14 nm process chips in large quantities, so China is definitely the biggest customer of ASML lightcutors in the future. But we also have to stay awake at all times.","Don't let the ASML be fooled by its current attitude, which slows the pace of self-research. We must always bear in mind the warning of Nankoshi that only by taking ownership of the initiative in our own hands can we truly escape the risk of being caught in the neck. The lighter is known as the bead of the world's semiconductor pyramids, the world's largest ASML, the world's largest, the world's semiconductor pyramids, the world's largest ASML, and the world's half-conductor pyramids, the world's largest ASML."]},"msg":"success"}

(5) 示例代码


下面直接演示api,不包括appid, appsecret验证部分

import requests

def translate_file():
    files = {'trans_file': open('./news_1.txt', 'rb')}
    url = ""
    r =, files=files)

def translate_sentences():
    sentences = """"
    values = {'sentences': sentences.encode("utf8")}
    url = ""
    r =, data=values)

def translate_sentence():
    sentences = """"
    values = {'sentence': sentences.encode("utf8")}
    url = ""
    r =, data=values)

if __name__ == "__main__":



  ISO 639-1


    "en": "英语",
    "zh": "中文",
    "de": "德语",
    "es": "西班牙语",
    "ru": "俄语",
    "ko": "韩语",
    "fr": "法语",
    "ja": "日语",
    "pt": "葡萄牙语",
    "tr": "土耳其语",
    "pl": "波兰语",
    "ca": "加泰罗尼亚语",
    "nl": "荷兰语",
    "ar": "阿拉伯语",
    "sv": "瑞典语",
    "it": "意大利语",
    "id": "印度尼西亚语",
    "hi": "印地语",
    "fi": "芬兰语",
    "vi": "越南语",
    "he": "希伯来语",
    "uk": "乌克兰语",
    "el": "希腊语",
    "ms": "马来语",
    "cs": "捷克语",
    "ro": "罗马尼亚语",
    "da": "丹麦语",
    "hu": "匈牙利语",
    "ta": "泰米尔语",
    "no": "挪威语",
    "th": "泰语",
    "ur": "乌尔都语",
    "hr": "克罗地亚语",
    "bg": "保加利亚语",
    "lt": "立陶宛语",
    "la": "拉丁语",
    "mi": "毛利语",
    "ml": "马拉雅拉姆语",
    "cy": "威尔士语",
    "sk": "斯洛伐克语",
    "te": "泰卢固语",
    "fa": "波斯语",
    "lv": "拉脱维亚语",
    "bn": "孟加拉语",
    "sr": "塞尔维亚语",
    "az": "阿塞拜疆语",
    "sl": "斯洛文尼亚语",
    "kn": "卡纳达语",
    "et": "爱沙尼亚语",
    "mk": "马其顿语",
    "br": "布列塔尼语",
    "eu": "巴斯克语",
    "is": "冰岛语",
    "hy": "亚美尼亚语",
    "ne": "尼泊尔语",
    "mn": "蒙古语",
    "bs": "波斯尼亚语",
    "kk": "哈萨克语",
    "sq": "阿尔巴尼亚语",
    "sw": "斯瓦希里语",
    "gl": "加利西亚语",
    "mr": "马拉地语",
    "pa": "旁遮普语",
    "si": "僧伽罗语",
    "km": "高棉语",
    "sn": "绍纳语",
    "yo": "约鲁巴语",
    "so": "索马里语",
    "af": "南非荷兰语",
    "oc": "奥克语",
    "ka": "格鲁吉亚语",
    "be": "白俄罗斯语",
    "tg": "塔吉克语",
    "sd": "信德语",
    "gu": "古吉拉特语",
    "am": "阿姆哈拉语",
    "yi": "意第绪语",
    "lo": "老挝语",
    "uz": "乌兹别克语",
    "fo": "法罗语",
    "ht": "海地克里奥尔语",
    "ps": "普什图语",
    "tk": "土库曼语",
    "nn": "新挪威语",
    "mt": "马耳他语",
    "sa": "梵语",
    "lb": "卢森堡语",
    "my": "缅甸语",
    "bo": "藏语",
    "tl": "他加禄语",
    "mg": "马尔加什语",
    "as": "阿萨姆语",
    "tt": "塔塔尔语",
    "haw": "夏威夷语",
    "ln": "林加拉语",
    "ha": "豪萨语",
    "ba": "巴什基尔语",
    "jw": "爪哇语",
    "su": "巽他语",
    "yue": "粤语",


translate sdk from zmeet






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