This is the part of osmose [] which analyses OSM and send results to frontend. This works as following:
- an .osm.bz2 or .osm.pbf extract is downloaded from a path
- downloaded file is converted to .osm, with bunzip2 or osmconvert
- if necessary, an osmosis dump is generated in a local database
- analyses are run directly on .osm file, or on the database
- analyses are stored on a local webserver, and a link is sent to the frontend so that it can download the results
- temporary extract files and database are purged
Osmose QA backend requires python > 2.7.
Setup system dependencies (Debian Stretch)
apt install git postgis python
You can install python dependencies in the system or in a virtualenv.
In the system install the following packages:
apt install python-dateutil python-polib python-psycopg2 python-shapely python-regex python-requests
If you want to install for python3, use the following packages instead:
apt install python3-dateutil python3-polib python3-psycopg2 python3-shapely python3-regex python3-requests
Alternatively instal python-virtualenv and create a new virtualenv.
Setup system dependencies (Debian Stretch)
apt install build-essential python-dev python-virtualenv libpq-dev protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev
Create a python virtualenv, active it and install python dependencies
virtualenv --python=python2.7 osmose-backend-venv
source osmose-backend-venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run tests, additional packages are needed.
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Build the native python module lib to parse .osm.pbf files:
apt install g++ libboost-python-dev libosmpbf-dev make pkg-config
cd modules/osm_pbf_parser/
Setup system dependencies (Debian Stretch)
apt install postgresql-9.6 postgresql-contrib-9.6 postgresql-9.6-postgis-2.1
As postgres user:
createuser osmose
# Set your own password
psql -c "ALTER ROLE osmose WITH PASSWORD '-osmose-';"
createdb -E UTF8 -T template0 -O osmose osmose
# Enable extensions
psql -c "CREATE extension hstore; CREATE extension fuzzystrmatch; CREATE extension unaccent; CREATE extension postgis;" osmose
psql -c "GRANT SELECT,UPDATE,DELETE ON TABLE spatial_ref_sys TO osmose;" osmose
psql -c "GRANT SELECT,UPDATE,DELETE,INSERT ON TABLE geometry_columns TO osmose;" osmose
Java JRE for osmosis (Ubuntu Server 14.04):
apt install openjdk-7-jre-headless
osmosis is installed in osmosis/osmosis-0.47/. osmconvert is installed in osmconvert/.
A few paths are hardcoded in modules/, and should be adapted or created.
- dir_osmose is the path of where osmose is installed
- dir_work is where extracts are stored, and results generated.
- url_frontend_update is the url used to send results generated by analyses
The local postgresql database should be configured in
- db_base = osmose # database name
- db_user = osmose # database user
- db_password = # database password if needed
- db_host = # database hostname if needed
You may want to include this info in ~/.pgpass to avoid entering the database password while processing the files.
See for more info.
JOSM translations are used by some MapCSS plugins, and can be retrieved by bzr:
apt install bzr
cd po/josm
bzr checkout --lightweight lp:~openstreetmap/josm/josm_trans
Look at the help for options -h
Connection to the "official" frontend at
When you have configured the backend for the country you want to add, please send an email to We will then send you the password to use to connect to the frontend.
Setup a ~/.pgpass
file to allow pgsql to connect to the test database without asking for password:
Create a test database osmose_test
and initialize it:
createdb -O fred osmose_test
psql -c "CREATE extension hstore; CREATE extension fuzzystrmatch; CREATE extension unaccent; CREATE extension postgis;" osmose_test
psql -c "GRANT SELECT,UPDATE,DELETE ON TABLE spatial_ref_sys TO osmose;" osmose_test
psql -c "GRANT SELECT,UPDATE,DELETE,INSERT ON TABLE geometry_columns TO osmose;" osmose_test
Finally run the tests:
nosetests analysers/
nosetests analysers/