Name | Type | Description | Notes |
conversion_rate | decimal | The conversion rate between usage unit of measure (UOM) and drawdown unit of measure for a drawdown charge. Note: <ul> <li>Must be a positive number (>0).</li> <li>Must be `1` when usage UOM and drawdown UOM are the same.</li> <li>If both `conversion_rate` and `unit_of_measure` for the drawdown are empty, the system will set default values respectively: <ul> <li> `conversion_rate`: 1 </li> <li> `unit_of_measure`: Same as the usage UOM of this drawdown charge. </li></ul></li></ul> The `conversion_rate` and `unit_of_measure` fields need to have values or be empty at the same time. | [optional] |
unit_of_measure | string | Unit of measurement for a drawdown charge. | [optional] |