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Zuora - the C# library for the Quickstart API Reference

Zuora Quickstart API is recommended for new customers and integrators, allowing new integrators to swiftly integrate with Zuora. It supports essential business use cases.

To use the Quickstart API, you must have the following features enabled on your tenant:

To find the latest changes made to the Zuora Quickstart API, check the Quickstart API Changelog. We recommend that you subscribe to Developers Community to get notifications when a new version is released.

This C# SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 2023-09-25
  • SDK version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpClientCodegen

Frameworks supported

  • .NET 4.0 or later
  • Windows Phone 7.1 (Mango)


The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:

Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes

NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742


Run the following command to generate the DLL

  • [Mac/Linux] /bin/sh
  • [Windows] build.bat

Then include the DLL (under the bin folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:

using Zuora.Api;
using Zuora.Client;
using Zuora.Model;


A .nuspec is included with the project. You can follow the Nuget quickstart to create and publish packages.

This .nuspec uses placeholders from the .csproj, so build the .csproj directly:

nuget pack -Build -OutputDirectory out Zuora.csproj

Then, publish to a local feed or other host and consume the new package via Nuget as usual.

Getting Started

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Zuora.Api;
using Zuora.Client;
using Zuora.Model;

namespace Example
    public class Example
        public static void Main()

            Configuration.Default.BasePath = "";
            // Configure HTTP bearer authorization: bearerAuth
            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";

            var apiInstance = new AccountsApi(Configuration.Default);
            var accountCreateRequest = new AccountCreateRequest(); // AccountCreateRequest | 
            var fields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `auto_pay`, `account_number`, `bill_to_id`, `sold_to_id`, `billing_document_settings`, `communication_profile_id`, `crm_id`, `sales_rep`, `parent_account_id`, `payment_gateway`, `payment_terms`, `remaining_credit_memo_balance`, `remaining_debit_memo_balance`, `remaining_invoice_balance`, `remaining_payment_balance`, `sequence_set_id`, `tax_certificate`, `batch`, `tax_identifier`, `bill_cycle_day`, `description`, `name`, `currency`, `default_payment_method_id`, `enabled`          </details> (optional) 
            var subscriptionsFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `subscription_number`, `state`, `account_id`, `invoice_owner_account_id`, `auto_renew`, `version`, `initial_term`, `current_term`, `renewal_term`, `start_date`, `end_date`, `description`, `contract_effective`, `service_activation`, `customer_acceptance`, `invoice_separately`, `latest_version`, `payment_terms`, `billing_document_settings`, `bill_to_id`, `sold_to_id`, `contracted_mrr`, `order_number`          </details> (optional) 
            var subscriptionPlansFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `name`, `plan_id`, `subscription_id`, `product_id`          </details> (optional) 
            var subscriptionItemsFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `start_date`, `end_date`, `charge_model`, `charge_type`, `tiers`, `subscription_item_number`, `name`, `description`, `charged_through_date`, `recurring`, `price_id`, `start_event`, `tax_code`, `tax_inclusive`, `unit_of_measure`, `quantity`, `price_base_interval`, `overage`, `subscription_plan_id`, `tiers_mode`, `processed_through_date`, `active`, `state`, `unit_amount`          </details> (optional) 
            var invoiceOwnerAccountFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `auto_pay`, `account_number`, `bill_to_id`, `sold_to_id`, `billing_document_settings`, `communication_profile_id`, `crm_id`, `sales_rep`, `parent_account_id`, `payment_gateway`, `payment_terms`, `remaining_credit_memo_balance`, `remaining_debit_memo_balance`, `remaining_invoice_balance`, `remaining_payment_balance`, `sequence_set_id`, `tax_certificate`, `batch`, `tax_identifier`, `bill_cycle_day`, `description`, `name`, `currency`, `default_payment_method_id`, `enabled`          </details> (optional) 
            var planFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `start_date`, `end_date`, `name`, `active`, `description`, `plan_number`, `product_id`, `active_currencies`          </details> (optional) 
            var paymentMethodsFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `type`, `account_id`, `bank_identification_number`, `device_session_id`, `ip_address`, `maximum_payment_attempts`, `payment_retry_interval`, `state`, `use_default_retry_rule`, `existing_mandate`, `last_failed_sale_transaction_time`, `last_transaction_time`, `last_transaction_status`, `number_of_consecutive_failures`, `total_number_of_processed_payments`, `total_number_of_error_payments`, `billing_details`, `card`, `apple_pay`, `google_pay`, `ach_debit`, `cc_ref`, `paypal_adaptive`, `paypal_express_native`, `paypal_express`, `sepa_debit`, `betalings_debit`, `autogiro_debit`, `bacs_debit`, `au_becs_debit`, `nz_becs_debit`, `pad_debit`          </details> (optional) 
            var paymentsFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `payment_number`, `payment_date`, `gateway_id`, `payment_method_id`, `payout_id`, `reference_id`, `second_reference_id`, `statement_descriptor_phone`, `state`, `statement_descriptor`, `account_id`, `amount`, `amount_applied`, `amount_refunded`, `remaining_balance`, `currency`, `description`, `authorization_id`, `external`, `gateway_order_id`, `gateway_reconciliation_status`, `gateway_reconciliation_reason`, `gateway_response`, `gateway_response_code`, `gateway_state`, `state_transitions`, `gateway_state_transitions`          </details> (optional) 
            var billingDocumentsFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `account_id`, `balance`, `description`, `state`, `tax`          </details> (optional) 
            var billingDocumentItemsFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `price_id`, `discount_item`, `deferred_revenue_account`, `description`, `name`, `quantity`, `recognized_revenue_account`, `service_end`, `service_start`, `accounts_receivable_account`, `subscription_id`, `subscription_item_id`, `tax`, `tax_inclusive`, `unit_amount`          </details> (optional) 
            var billToFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `account_id`, `address`, `home_phone`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `email`, `work_email`, `nickname`, `other_phone`, `work_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `tax_region`, `other_phone_type`, `fax`          </details> (optional) 
            var soldToFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `account_id`, `address`, `home_phone`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `email`, `work_email`, `nickname`, `other_phone`, `work_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `tax_region`, `other_phone_type`, `fax`          </details> (optional) 
            var defaultPaymentMethodFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `type`, `account_id`, `bank_identification_number`, `device_session_id`, `ip_address`, `maximum_payment_attempts`, `payment_retry_interval`, `state`, `use_default_retry_rule`, `existing_mandate`, `last_failed_sale_transaction_time`, `last_transaction_time`, `last_transaction_status`, `number_of_consecutive_failures`, `total_number_of_processed_payments`, `total_number_of_error_payments`, `billing_details`, `card`, `apple_pay`, `google_pay`, `ach_debit`, `cc_ref`, `paypal_adaptive`, `paypal_express_native`, `paypal_express`, `sepa_debit`, `betalings_debit`, `autogiro_debit`, `bacs_debit`, `au_becs_debit`, `nz_becs_debit`, `pad_debit`          </details> (optional) 
            var usageRecordsFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `account_id`, `account_number`, `subscription_item_id`, `subscription_item_number`, `subscription_id`, `subscription_number`, `unit_of_measure`, `description`, `end_time`, `state`, `start_time`, `quantity`          </details> (optional) 
            var invoicesFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `state`, `balance`, `due_date`, `invoice_number`, `posted_by_id`, `state_transitions`, `description`, `account_id`, `total`, `subtotal`, `tax`, `paid`, `past_due`, `document_date`, `amount_paid`, `amount_refunded`, `payment_terms`, `bill_to_id`, `sold_to_id`, `billing_document_settings`          </details> (optional) 
            var creditMemosFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `credit_memo_number`, `state_transitions`, `description`, `account_id`, `total`, `subtotal`, `tax`, `document_date`, `exclude_from_auto_apply_rules`, `posted_by_id`, `state`, `balance`, `invoice_id`, `reason_code`, `amount_refunded`, `bill_to_id`, `billing_document_settings`          </details> (optional) 
            var debitMemosFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `custom_fields`, `created_by_id`, `updated_by_id`, `created_time`, `id`, `updated_time`, `balance`, `due_date`, `debit_memo_number`, `state_transitions`, `description`, `account_id`, `total`, `subtotal`, `tax`, `document_date`, `posted_by_id`, `state`, `reason_code`, `paid`, `past_due`, `billing_document_settings`, `payment_terms`, `bill_to_id`, `invoice_id`          </details> (optional) 
            var prepaidBalanceFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `prepaid_UOM`, `start_date`, `end_date`, `total_balance`, `remaining_balance`          </details> (optional) 
            var transactionsFields = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to specify which fields are returned in the response.          <details>            <summary> Accepted values </summary>              `transaction_date`, `type`, `quantity`          </details> (optional) 
            var expand = new List<string>(); // List<string> | Allows you to expand responses by including related object information in a single call. See the [Expand responses]( section of the Quickstart API Tutorials for detailed instructions. (optional) 
            var filter = new List<string>(); // List<string> | A case-sensitive filter on the list. See the [Filter lists]( section of the Quickstart API Tutorial for detailed instructions.                         Note that the filters on this operation are only applicable to the related objects. For example, when you are calling the \"Retrieve a billing document\" operaiton, you can use the `filter[]` parameter on the related objects such as `filter[]=items[subscription_id].EQ:8ad09e208858b5cf0188595208151c63` (optional) 
            var pageSize = 56;  // int? | The maximum number of results to return in a single page. If the specified `page_size` is less than 1 or greater than 99, Zuora will return a 400 error. (optional) 
            var zuoraTrackId = zuoraTrackId_example;  // string | A custom identifier for tracking API requests. If you set a value for this header, Zuora returns the same value in the response header. This header enables you to track your API calls to assist with troubleshooting in the event of an issue. The value of this field must use the US-ASCII character set and must not include any of the following characters: colon (:), semicolon (;), double quote (\"), or quote ('). (optional) 
            var async = true;  // bool? | Making asynchronous requests allows you to scale your applications more efficiently by leveraging Zuora's infrastructure to enqueue and execute requests for you without blocking. These requests also use built-in retry semantics, which makes them much less likely to fail for non-deterministic reasons, even in extreme high-throughput scenarios. Meanwhile, when you send a request to one of these endpoints, you can expect to receive a response in less than 150 milliseconds and these calls are unlikely to trigger rate limit errors. If set to true, Zuora returns a 202 Accepted response, and the response body contains only a request ID. (optional)  (default to false)
            var zuoraEntityIds = zuoraEntityIds_example;  // string | An entity ID. If you have Multi-entity enabled and the authorization token is valid for more than one entity, you must use this header to specify which entity to perform the operation on. If the authorization token is only valid for a single entity or you do not have Multi-entity enabled, you do not need to set this header. (optional) 
            var idempotencyKey = idempotencyKey_example;  // string | Specify a unique idempotency key if you want to perform an idempotent POST or PATCH request. Do not use this header in other request types. This idempotency key should be a unique value, and the Zuora server identifies subsequent retries of the same request using this value. For more information, see [Idempotent Requests]( (optional) 
            var acceptEncoding = acceptEncoding_example;  // string | Include a `accept-encoding: gzip` header to compress responses, which can reduce the bandwidth required for a response. If specified, Zuora automatically compresses responses that contain over 1000 bytes. For more information about this header, see [Request and Response Compression]( (optional) 
            var contentEncoding = contentEncoding_example;  // string | Include a `content-encoding: gzip` header to compress a request. Upload a gzipped file for the payload if you specify this header. For more information, see [Request and Response Compression]( (optional) 

                // Create an account
                Account result = apiInstance.CreateAccount(accountCreateRequest, fields, subscriptionsFields, subscriptionPlansFields, subscriptionItemsFields, invoiceOwnerAccountFields, planFields, paymentMethodsFields, paymentsFields, billingDocumentsFields, billingDocumentItemsFields, billToFields, soldToFields, defaultPaymentMethodFields, usageRecordsFields, invoicesFields, creditMemosFields, debitMemosFields, prepaidBalanceFields, transactionsFields, expand, filter, pageSize, zuoraTrackId, async, zuoraEntityIds, idempotencyKey, acceptEncoding, contentEncoding);
            catch (ApiException e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling AccountsApi.CreateAccount: " + e.Message );
                Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountsApi CreateAccount POST /accounts Create an account
AccountsApi DeleteAccount DELETE /accounts/{account_id} Delete an account
AccountsApi GenerateBillingDocuments POST /accounts/{account_id}/bill Generate billing documents for an account
AccountsApi GetAccount GET /accounts/{account_id} Retrieve an account
AccountsApi GetAccounts GET /accounts List accounts
AccountsApi PreviewAccount POST /accounts/{account_id}/preview Preview an account
AccountsApi UpdateAccount PATCH /accounts/{account_id} Update an account
BillRunPreviewsApi CreateBillRunPreview POST /bill_run_previews Create a bill run preview
BillRunPreviewsApi GetBillRunPreview GET /bill_run_previews/{bill_run_preview_id} Retrieve a bill run preview
BillRunsApi CancelBillRun POST /bill_runs/{bill_run_id}/cancel Cancel a bill run
BillRunsApi CreateBillRun POST /bill_runs Create a bill run
BillRunsApi DeleteBillRun DELETE /bill_runs/{bill_run_id} Delete a bill run
BillRunsApi GetBillRun GET /bill_runs/{bill_run_id} Retrieve a bill run
BillRunsApi GetBillRuns GET /bill_runs List bill runs
BillRunsApi PostBillRun POST /bill_runs/{bill_run_id}/post Post a bill run
BillingDocumentItemsApi GetBillingDocumentItems GET /billing_document_items List billing document items
BillingDocumentsApi GetBillingDocument GET /billing_documents/{billing_document_id} Retrieve a billing document
BillingDocumentsApi GetBillingDocuments GET /billing_documents List billing documents
BillingDocumentsApi PostBillingDocument POST /billing_documents Create a billing document
ContactsApi CreateContact POST /contacts Create a contact
ContactsApi DeleteContact DELETE /contacts/{contact_id} Delete a contact
ContactsApi GetContact GET /contacts/{contact_id} Retrieve a contact
ContactsApi GetContacts GET /contacts List contacts
ContactsApi ScrubContact POST /contacts/{contact_id}/scrub Scrub a contact
ContactsApi UpdateContact PATCH /contacts/{contact_id} Update a contact
CreditMemosApi ApplyCreditMemo POST /credit_memos/{credit_memo_id}/apply Apply a credit memo
CreditMemosApi CancelCreditMemo POST /credit_memos/{credit_memo_id}/cancel Cancel a credit memo
CreditMemosApi CreateCreditMemo POST /credit_memos Create a credit memo
CreditMemosApi DeleteCreditMemo DELETE /credit_memos/{credit_memo_id} Delete a credit memo
CreditMemosApi GetCreditMemo GET /credit_memos/{credit_memo_id} Retrieve a credit memo
CreditMemosApi GetCreditMemoItems GET /credit_memo_items List credit memo items
CreditMemosApi GetCreditMemos GET /credit_memos List credit memos
CreditMemosApi PatchCreditMemo PATCH /credit_memos/{credit_memo_id} Update a credit memo
CreditMemosApi PostCreditMemo POST /credit_memos/{credit_memo_id}/post Post a credit memo
CreditMemosApi UnapplyCreditMemo POST /credit_memos/{credit_memo_id}/unapply Unapply a credit memo
CreditMemosApi UnpostCreditMemo POST /credit_memos/{credit_memo_id}/unpost Unpost a credit memo
CustomObjectsApi CreateCustomObject POST /custom_objects/{custom_object_type} Create a custom object
CustomObjectsApi DeleteCustomObject DELETE /custom_objects/{custom_object_type}/{custom_object_id} Delete a custom object
CustomObjectsApi GetCustomObject GET /custom_objects/{custom_object_type}/{custom_object_id} Retrieve a custom object
CustomObjectsApi GetCustomObjects GET /custom_objects/{custom_object_type} List custom objects
CustomObjectsApi UpdateCustomObject PATCH /custom_objects/{custom_object_type}/{custom_object_id} Update a custom object
DebitMemosApi CancelDebitMemo POST /debit_memos/{debit_memo_id}/cancel Cancel a debit memo
DebitMemosApi CreateDebitMemo POST /debit_memos Create a debit memo
DebitMemosApi DeleteDebitMemo DELETE /debit_memos/{debit_memo_id} Delete a debit memo
DebitMemosApi GetDebitMemo GET /debit_memos/{debit_memo_id} Retrieve a debit memo
DebitMemosApi GetDebitMemoItems GET /debit_memo_items List debit memo items
DebitMemosApi GetDebitMemoes GET /debit_memos List debit memos
DebitMemosApi PatchDebitMemo PATCH /debit_memos/{debit_memo_id} Update a debit memo
DebitMemosApi PayDebitMemo POST /debit_memos/{debit_memo_id}/pay Pay a debit memo
DebitMemosApi PostsDebitMemo POST /debit_memos/{debit_memo_id}/post Post a debit memo
DebitMemosApi UnpostsDebitMemo POST /debit_memos/{debit_memo_id}/unpost Unpost a debit memo
FulfillmentItemsApi CreateFulfillmentItem POST /fulfillments_items Create a fulfillment item
FulfillmentItemsApi CreateFulfillmentItems POST /fulfillments_items/bulk_create Create fulfillment items
FulfillmentItemsApi DeleteFulfillmentItem DELETE /fulfillments_items/{fulfillment_item_id} Delete a fulfillment item
FulfillmentItemsApi GetFulfillmentItem GET /fulfillments_items/{fulfillment_item_id} Retrieve a fulfillment item
FulfillmentItemsApi GetFulfillmentItems GET /fulfillments_items List fulfillment items
FulfillmentItemsApi UpdateFulfillmentItem PATCH /fulfillments_items/{fulfillment_item_id} Update a fulfillment item
FulfillmentsApi CreateFulfillment POST /fulfillments Create a fulfillment
FulfillmentsApi CreateFulfillments POST /fulfillments/bulk_create Create fulfillments
FulfillmentsApi DeleteFulfillment DELETE /fulfillments/{fulfillment_id} Delete a fulfillment
FulfillmentsApi GetFulfillment GET /fulfillments/{fulfillment_id} Retrieve a fulfillment
FulfillmentsApi GetFulfillments GET /fulfillments List fulfilllments
FulfillmentsApi UpdateFulfillment PATCH /fulfillments/{fulfillment_id} Update a fulfillment
InvoicesApi CancelInvoice POST /invoices/{invoice_id}/cancel Cancel an invoice
InvoicesApi CreateInvoice POST /invoices Create an invoice
InvoicesApi DeleteInvoice DELETE /invoices/{invoice_id} Delete an invoice
InvoicesApi EmailInvoice POST /invoices/{invoice_id}/email Email an invoice
InvoicesApi GetInvoice GET /invoices/{invoice_id} Retrieve an invoice
InvoicesApi GetInvoiceItems GET /invoice_items List invoice items
InvoicesApi GetInvoices GET /invoices List invoices
InvoicesApi PatchInvoice PATCH /invoices/{invoice_id} Update an invoice
InvoicesApi PayInvoice POST /invoices/{invoice_id}/pay Pay an invoice
InvoicesApi PostInvoice POST /invoices/{invoice_id}/post Post an invoice
InvoicesApi ReverseInvoice POST /invoices/{invoice_id}/reverse Reverse an invoice
InvoicesApi UnpostInvoice POST /invoices/{invoice_id}/unpost Unpost an invoice
InvoicesApi WriteOffInvoice POST /invoices/{invoice_id}/write-off Write off an invoice
OrderLineItemsApi GetOrderLineItem GET /order_line_items/{order_line_item_id} Retrieve an order line item
OrderLineItemsApi PatchOrderLineItem PATCH /order_line_items/{order_line_item_id} Update an order line item
OrdersApi ActivateOrder POST /orders/{order_id}/activate Activate an order
OrdersApi CancelOrder POST /orders/{order_id}/cancel Cancel an order
OrdersApi CreateOrder POST /orders Create an order
OrdersApi CreateOrderPreview POST /orders/preview Preview an order
OrdersApi DeleteOrder DELETE /orders/{order_id} Delete an order
OrdersApi GetOrder GET /orders/{order_id} Retrieve an order
OrdersApi GetOrders GET /orders List orders
PaymentMethodsApi AuthorizePaymentMethod POST /payment_methods/{payment_method_id}/authorize Create a payment authorization
PaymentMethodsApi CreatePaymentMethod POST /payment_methods Create a payment method
PaymentMethodsApi DeletePaymentMethod DELETE /payment_methods/{payment_method_id} Delete a payment method
PaymentMethodsApi GetPaymentMethodById GET /payment_methods/{payment_method_id} Retrieve a payment method
PaymentMethodsApi GetPaymentMethods GET /payment_methods List payment methods
PaymentMethodsApi ScrubPaymentMethod POST /payment_methods/{payment_method_id}/scrub Scrub a payment method
PaymentMethodsApi UpdatePaymentMethod PATCH /payment_methods/{payment_method_id} Update a payment method
PaymentMethodsApi VerifyPaymentMethod POST /payment_methods/{payment_method_id}/verify Verify a payment method
PaymentMethodsApi VoidAuthorizationPaymentMethod POST /payment_methods/{payment_method_id}/void_authorization Cancel a payment authorization
PaymentRunsApi CreatePaymentRuns POST /payment_runs Create a payment run
PaymentRunsApi DeletePaymentRuns DELETE /payment_runs/{payment_run_id} Delete a payment run
PaymentRunsApi GetPaymentRun GET /payment_runs/{payment_run_id} Retrieve a payment run
PaymentRunsApi GetPaymentRuns GET /payment_runs List payment runs
PaymentRunsApi UpdatePaymentRuns PATCH /payment_runs/{payment_run_id} Update a payment run
PaymentScheduleItemsApi CancelPaymentScheduleItem POST /payment_schedule_items/{payment_schedule_item_id}/cancel Cancel a payment schedule item
PaymentScheduleItemsApi CreatePaymentScheduleItem POST /payment_schedule_items Create a payment schedule item
PaymentScheduleItemsApi GetPaymentScheduleItem GET /payment_schedule_items/{payment_schedule_item_id} Retrieve a payment schedule item
PaymentScheduleItemsApi RetryPaymentScheduleItem POST /payment_schedule_items/{payment_schedule_item_id}/retry Retry a payment shedule item
PaymentScheduleItemsApi SkipPaymentScheduleItem POST /payment_schedule_items/{payment_schedule_item_id}/skip Skip a payment schedule item
PaymentScheduleItemsApi UpdatePaymentScheduleItem PATCH /payment_schedule_items/{payment_schedule_item_id} Update a payment schedule item
PaymentSchedulesApi CancelPaymentSchedule POST /payment_schedules/{payment_schedule_id}/cancel Cancel a payment schedule
PaymentSchedulesApi CreatePaymentSchedule POST /payment_schedules Create a payment schedule
PaymentSchedulesApi GetPaymentSchedule GET /payment_schedules/{payment_schedule_id} Retrieve a payment schedule
PaymentSchedulesApi UpdatePaymentSchedule PATCH /payment_schedules/{payment_schedule_id} Update a payment schedule
PaymentsApi ApplyPayment PUT /payments/{payment_id}/apply Apply a payment
PaymentsApi CancelPayment POST /payments/{payment_id}/cancel Cancel a payment
PaymentsApi CreatePayment POST /payments Create a payment
PaymentsApi GetPayment GET /payments/{payment_id} Retrieve a payment
PaymentsApi GetPayments GET /payments List payments
PaymentsApi UnapplyPayment PUT /payments/{payment_id}/unapply Unapply a payment
PaymentsApi UpdatePayment PATCH /payments/{payment_id} Update a payment
PlansApi CreatePlan POST /plans Create a plan
PlansApi DeletePlan DELETE /plans/{plan_id} Delete a plan
PlansApi GetPlan GET /plans/{plan_id} Retrieve a plan
PlansApi GetPlans GET /plans List plans
PlansApi UpdatePlan PATCH /plans/{plan_id} Update a plan
PricesApi CreatePrice POST /prices Create a price
PricesApi DeletePrice DELETE /prices/{price_id} Delete a price
PricesApi GetPrice GET /prices/{price_id} Retrieve a price
PricesApi GetPrices GET /prices List prices
PricesApi PatchPrice PATCH /prices/{price_id} Update a price
ProductsApi CreateProduct POST /products Create a product
ProductsApi DeleteProduct DELETE /products/{product_id} Delete a product
ProductsApi GetProduct GET /products/{product_id} Retrieve a product
ProductsApi GetProducts GET /products List products
ProductsApi UpdateProduct PATCH /products/{product_id} Update a product
QueryRunsApi CancelQueryRun POST /query_runs/{query_run_id}/cancel Cancel a query run
QueryRunsApi CreateQueryRun POST /query_runs Create a query run
QueryRunsApi GetQueryRun GET /query_runs/{query_run_id} Retrieve a query run
RefundsApi CancelRefund POST /refunds/{refund_id}/cancel Cancel a refund
RefundsApi CreateRefund POST /refunds Create a refund
RefundsApi DeleteRefund DELETE /refunds/{refund_id} Delete a refund
RefundsApi GetRefund GET /refunds/{refund_id} Retrieve a refund
RefundsApi GetRefunds GET /refunds List refunds
RefundsApi UpdateRefund PATCH /refunds/{refund_id} Update a refund
SubscriptionItemsApi GetSubscriptionItems GET /subscription_items List subscription items
SubscriptionPlansApi GetSubscriptionPlan GET /subscription_plans/{subscription_plan_id} Retrieve a subscription plan
SubscriptionPlansApi GetSubscriptionPlans GET /subscription_plans List subscription plans
SubscriptionsApi ActivateSubscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/activate Activate a subscription
SubscriptionsApi CancelSubscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/cancel Cancel a subscription
SubscriptionsApi CreateSubscription POST /subscriptions Create a subscription
SubscriptionsApi GetSubscriptionByKey GET /subscriptions/{subscription_id} Retrieve a subscription
SubscriptionsApi GetSubscriptionByVersion GET /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/versions List all versions of a subscription
SubscriptionsApi GetSubscriptions GET /subscriptions List subscriptions
SubscriptionsApi PatchSubscription PATCH /subscriptions/{subscription_id} Update a subscription
SubscriptionsApi PauseSubscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/pause Pause a subscription
SubscriptionsApi PreviewExistingSubscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/preview Preview an existing subscription
SubscriptionsApi PreviewSubscription POST /subscriptions/preview Preview a subscription
SubscriptionsApi ResumeSubscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/resume Resume a subscription
SubscriptionsApi UncancelSubscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/keep Uncancel a subscription
TaxationItemsApi CreateTaxationItem POST /taxation_items Create a taxation item
TaxationItemsApi DeleteTaxationItem DELETE /taxation_items/{taxation_item_id} Delete a taxation item
TaxationItemsApi GetTaxationItem GET /taxation_items/{taxation_item_id} Retrieve a taxation item
TaxationItemsApi GetTaxationItems GET /taxation_items List taxation items
TaxationItemsApi UpdateTaxationItem PATCH /taxation_items/{taxation_item_id} Update a taxation item
UsageRecordsApi CreateUsage POST /usage_records Create a usage record
UsageRecordsApi DeleteUsage DELETE /usage_records/{id} Delete a usage record
UsageRecordsApi GetUsage GET /usage_records/{id} Retrieve a usage record
UsageRecordsApi GetUsageRecords GET /usage_records List usage records
UsageRecordsApi UpdateUsage PATCH /usage_records/{id} Update a usage record
WorkflowsApi RunWorkflow POST /workflows/{workflow_id}/run Run a workflow

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: HTTP bearer authentication