amount |
decimal |
Amount (in the currency specified) of the invoice item. This should always be equal to unit_amount * quantity. |
description |
string |
An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. |
[optional] |
deferred_revenue_account |
string |
An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. |
[optional] |
on_account_account |
string |
An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. |
[optional] |
recognized_revenue_account |
string |
An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. |
[optional] |
revenue_recognition_rule_name |
string |
The name of the revenue recognition rule governing the revenue schedule. |
[optional] |
quantity |
decimal |
The number of units of this item. |
[optional] |
service_end |
DateTime |
The end date of the service period associated with this invoice item. If the price for the associated subscription item is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that subscription item. |
[optional] |
service_start |
DateTime |
The start date of the service period associated with this invoice item. If the price for the associated subscription item is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that subscription item. |
sku |
string |
The unique SKU (stock keeping unit) of the product associated with this item. |
[optional] |
tax_inclusive |
bool |
Indicates whether the invoice item amount is inclusive or exclusive of tax. |
[optional] |
unit_of_measure |
string |
Specifies the units used to measure usage. |
[optional] |
taxation_items |
List<TaxationItemCreateRequest> |
List of taxation items. |
[optional] |
unit_amount |
decimal |
Unit amount (in the currency specified) of the invoice item. |
[optional] |
booking_reference |
string |
The booking reference for this invoice item. |
[optional] |
price_id |
string |
The identifier of the price this invoice item is associated with. |
[optional] |
purchase_order_number |
string |
The purchase order number associated with this invoice item. |
[optional] |
tax_code |
string |
The designated tax code. |
[optional] |
document_item_date |
DateTime |
The date when the invoice item takes effect. This field is applicable only if the `type` field is set to `invoice`. |
[optional] |
name |
string |
Name of the invoice item displayed to customers on billing documents. |
[optional] |
accounting_code |
string |
[optional] |
custom_fields |
Dictionary<string, Object> |
Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. |
[optional] |