Get email notifications when IP University (GGSIPU) uploads exam results.
This python script monitors the IP University results page for any changes. An email is sent to the user whenever there is a change.
To save the F5 key from incessant torture.
Clone this repository.
$ git clone
Install the requirements.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Enter sender's email (gmail), password and receiver's email(s) (any) in
.from_addr = "SENDER_EMAIL" to_addr = ["RECEIVER_EMAIL", "RECEIVER_EMAIL"] ... server.login(from_addr, "PASSWORD")
You can even enter the same email (gmail) in sender and receiver to send emails to yourself.
Run the script. Only runs on Python 3.x
$ python 600
is the time interval (in seconds) after which the script will check if the result page has changed. This wait-check process will go on, unless stopped usingCtrl-C
. -
Run this script on your machine or on a server.