A set of tools relying on Blender's Rigify plugin that extend the functionality to make many specific tasks for game animation much easier, specifically on Quadrupeds.
- Turn Circles: Automatically adjust the rotation of head, torso and feet as well as feet placement to turn any move-forward animation into a rotated version usable in game engines for turn circles.
- Foot Adjustment: Increase stride and foot placement under body of rigify rigs, makes it easy to retarget quadruped skeletons to each other and adjust strides while keeping the basic motion the same.
- Automatic name cleaning: Updates NLA tracks to reflect actions in them automatically
- Easy Select of bone groups: Makes it less tedious to select all feet or other commonly need bone groups
Download the qar directory repository as a zip file. Install to blender like a normal plugin (Edit->Preferences->Add-ons, Install the .zip file)