Training and evaluation recepie for DVBx (an extension of previously published VBx diarization model).
It contains:
- Data preparation (x-vector extraction, AHC initial labels and ground truth labels generation)
- Training recipe
- Inference recipe
Create a conda environment by running the following command:
conda env create -f conda_env.yml
Activate the new environment:
conda activate dvbx
To prepare the training set, e.g. the set of xvectors, the initialization labels obtained from AHC and the ground truth labels, use:
./ xvectors experiment_dir xvector_dir
./ diarization experiment_dir xvector_dir
script contains a few variables that have to be changed:
model_type="8k" # Either 8k or 16k
WAV_DIR= # wav files directory
LAB_DIR= # lab files directory with VAD segments
REF_DIR= # reference rttm files directory
FILE_LIST= # txt list of files to process
can be set either to8k
- to get the best performance, set the type according to your dataset sampling frequency (8k
model works on16k
data and vice-versa with suboptimal performance)WAV_DIR
contains a path (recommend using absolute paths) to a directory with.wav
contains a path to a directory with VAD segments (i.e. a text file corresponding to KALDI segments format)- An example of a single line representing a single VAD speech segment:
0.130 4.010 speech
- An example of a single line representing a single VAD speech segment:
contains a path to a directory with reference RTTM filesFILE_LIST
is a path to a text file containing the names of files to process
loops through all lines in FILE_LIST
and looks at the following paths: ${WAV_DIR}/${fn}.wav
, ${LAB_DIR}/${fn}.lab
, ${REF_DIR}/${fn}.rttm
, where ${fn}
denotes a single line in FILE_LIST
Therefore, all the files (wav, VAD segments, RTTMs) need to have the same name (i.e. iaaa.wav
, iaaa.lab
, iaaa.rttm
must contain a single name per line (without any extensions).
Only the files listed in the FILE_LIST
will be processed!
You will obtain the GT and the AHC for the xvectors in the directories:
Example of a config file can be found in config/config.yml
Parameter | Default Value | Type | Description |
avg_last_n_iters | -1 | Int | Number of last VB iterations that are averaged during gradient computation (if backprop_type = after_each_iter). All if avg_last_n_iters = -1. |
backprop_type | after_each_iter | String | Describes the way of computing gradients:
batch_size | 8 | Int | Number of samples to estimate the gradients from. |
early_stop_vb | False | Bool | If true, the algorithm stops if the ELBO stops improving. |
eval_max_iters | 40 | Int | Maximum number of VB iterations during evaluation. |
eval_early_stop_vb | True | Bool | Same as early_stop_vb during evaluation. |
epochs | 500 | Int | Number of loops through the whole dataset. |
initial_loss_scale | 1 | Float | Initial value of loss scale. |
loss | EDE | String | BCE/EDE. |
lr | None | Int/Object | If set to a number, all trainable parameters will be trained using the same learning rate. If set to an object, each key specifies a set of comma-separated parameters for which a specific learning rate is set Key other specifies all not specified parameters. |
max_iters | 10 | Int | Maximum number of VB iterations. |
regularization_coeff_eb | 0 | Float | Between-class PLDA covariance matrix KL divergence regularization loss weight. |
regularization_coeff_ew | 0 | Float | Within-class PLDA covariance matrix KL divergence regularization loss weight. |
trainable_parameters | Fa, Fb, loop_prob, initial smoothing | List[String] | List of parameters that will be trained. |
use_full_tr | False | Bool | If true, full transition matrix is used. |
use_loss_scale | False | Bool | If true, log probabilities are scaled before being passed into a loss function. |
use_loss_weights | False | Bool | If true, backprop_type is set to "after_each_iter" the losses after each VB iteration are summed and weighted by the weights (initially all set to ones). |
use_regularization | False | Bool | If true, KL divergence regularization for PLDA matrices is added to the loss. |
use_sigmoid_loss_weights | False | Bool | If true, sigmoid loss weights are used instead of softmax ones (see in code, models/ |
The training script can be run in two different modes: single-threaded, distributed (parallel). You can find an example of how to run the distributed training below. For the explanation of how the torchrun works, please visit:
In order to run the training on a single thread only, simply run the
as a python script and make sure
the --run-dist
option is NOT present.
Adjust the paths and use the following command to run the training process:
torchrun --nnodes 1
--nproc_per_node 8
--config-path config/config.yml
--eval-segments-dir xvector_dir/segments/
--eval-xvec-ark-dir xvector_dir/xvectors/
--exp-name-tag my_tag
--Fa 1
--Fb 1
--gt-label-type PROBABILITIES
--in-eval-gt-rttm-dir experiment_dir/ref_rttms
--in-eval-GTlabels-dir xvector_dir/xvector_GT_labels/
--in-eval-INITlabels-dir experiment_dir/out_dir_AHC/
--in-eval-list data_lists/callhome_part2.txt
--in-GTlabels-dir xvector_dir/xvector_GT_labels/
--in-INITlabels-dir experiment_dir/out_dir_AHC/
--in-train-gt-rttm-dir experiment_dir/ref_rttms
--in-trainlist data_lists/callhome_p1_train_half.txt
--in-val-gt-rttm-dir experiment_dir/ref_rttms
--in-val-GTlabels-dir xvector_dir/xvector_GT_labels
--in-val-INITlabels-dir experiment_dir/out_dir_AHC
--in-vallist data_lists/callhome_p1_val_half.txt
--lda-dim 128
--loopP 0.5
--plda-file VBx/models/ResNet101_8kHz/plda
--segments-dir xvector_dir/segments/
--threshold -0.015
--val-segments-dir xvector_dir/segments
--val-xvec-ark-dir xvector_dir/xvectors/
--xvec-ark-dir xvector_dir/xvectors/
--xvec-transform VBx/models/ResNet101_8kHz/transform.h5
Argument | Type | Description |
config-path | String | Path to a configuration YAML file. |
continue-log-dir | String | Path to tensorboard log directory to continue the training process from the last checkpoint. |
eval-after-epochs | Int | Number of epochs after the model is evaluated. |
eval-after-steps | Int | Number of steps after the model is evaluated (if set, eval-after-epochs is overriden). |
eval-segments-dir | String | Path to x-vector timing info directory. |
eval-xvec-ark-dir | String | Path to Kaldi x-vectors ark files directory. |
exp-name-tag | String | Tag that appears at the end of the tensorboard log filename. |
Fa | Float | Hyperparameter for VBx (check the publication). |
Fb | Float | Hyperparameter for VBx (check the publication). |
gt-label-type | String | Type of ground truth labels: PROBABILITIES, ZERO_ONES, SINGLE_SPK. |
in-eval-gt-rttm-dir | String | Path to eval set ground truth rttm directory. |
in-eval-GTlabels-dir | String | Path to eval set ground truth labels directory. |
in-eval-INITlabels-dir | String | Path to eval AHC initial labels directory. |
in-eval-list | String | Path to a list containing evaluation file names. |
in-GTlabels-dir | String | Path to train ground truth labels directory. |
in-INITlabels-dir | String | Path to train initialization (currently AHC) labels directory. |
in-train-gt-rttm-dir | String | Path to train set ground truth rttm directory. |
in-trainlist | String | Path to text file containing training file names. |
in-val-gt-rttm-dir | String | Path to validation set ground truth rttm directory. |
in-val-GTlabels-dir | String | Path to validation ground truth labels directory. |
in-vallist | String | Path to text file containing validation file names. |
init-model-path | String | Path to initial model checkpoint. |
init-smoothing | Float | AHC label smoothing default value. |
lda-dim | Int | Number of LDA dimensions the x-vectors for VBx are reduced to. |
loopP | Float | Hyperparameter for VBx (check the publication). |
num-threads-per-worker | Int | Number of threads per a single worker (PyTorch op parallelization). |
plda-file | String | Path to the Kaldi PLDA model file. |
plot-gammas | Bool | If present, system will plot gammas throughout the training to tensorbord. |
run-dist | Bool | If torchrun is used, this flag needs to be present. |
save-checkpoint-after-steps | Int | Number of training steps after which model checkpoint is saved (default is 1 epoch). |
run-dist | Bool | If present, the training is distributed (parallel) and must be run using torchrun. Otherwise, the training process is single-threaded. |
segments-dir | String | Path to x-vector timing info directory. |
tb-path | String | Path to tensorboard log. |
threshold | Float | AHC bias. |
use-gmm | Bool | If present, system will use GMM instead of HMM no matter the loopP value. |
val-segments-dir | String | Path to validation x-vector timing info directory. |
val-xvec-ark-dir | String | Path to validation Kaldi x-vectors ark files directory. |
xvec-ark-dir | String | Path to Kaldi x-vectors ark files directory. |
xvec-transform | String | Path to x-vector transformation h5 file. |
To run the inference with an already trained model, adjust the following flag values and paths (their meaning is the same as for the training script).
If --in-INITlabels-dir
is not present, system will first run AHC to obtain initial labels and then continue with VBx.
torchrun --nnodes 1
--nproc_per_node 8
--in-file-list data_lists/callhone_part2.txt
--in-INITlabels-dir experiment_dir/out_dir_AHC/
--lda-dim 128
--model-path path_to_model_checkpoint
--out-rttm-dir experiment_dir
--plda-file VBx/models/ResNet101_8kHz/plda
--segments-dir xvector_dir/segments/
--threshold -0.015
--xvec-ark-dir xvector_dir/xvectors/
--xvec-transform VBx/models/ResNet101_8kHz/transform.h5
In case of using the software, please cite: Discriminative Training of VBx Diarization
author={Klement, Dominik and Diez, Mireia and Landini, Federico and Burget, Lukáš and Silnova, Anna and Delcroix, Marc and Tawara, Naohiro},
booktitle={ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
title={Discriminative Training of VBx Diarization},
keywords={Training;Analytical models;Hidden Markov models;Bayes methods;Speech processing;Tuning;Standards;speaker diarization;VBx;clustering;variational Bayes;discriminative training},
This software is licensed under the MIT licence (see LICENSE
If you have any comments or questions, please contact:, or