DATE: 2022_05
New general adapter to handle the results from proteomics pipelines: TPP, FragPipe, MaxQuant, Proteome Discoverer, etc.
New CNIC adapter to habdles the results from search engines and to calculate the pRatio, add the quantificacions, and calculate the most probable protein.
LEVEL_CALIBRATOR accepts the K-constant, the variance, and 'More params'
iSanXoT Wiki:
Changes in the Graphical User Interface
New General Adapter to handle the results from proteomics pipelines: TPP, FragPipe, MaxQuant, ProteomeDiscoverer, etc.
New CNIC adapter to habdles the results from search engines and to calculate the pRatio, add the quantificacions, and calculate the most probable protein.
We have created some case studies to ilustrade the type of workflows:
- WSPP: Work by González-Amor M, et al. Cardiovasc Res. 2021
- WSPP step by step without asterisks (the jack of all trades)
- Report:
- Npep2prot_Quanprot: Zq, Nq(npeptides/prot)
- WSPP-SBT: Work by García-Marqués F, et al. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2016:
- Biology Systems: WSPP-SBT
- Report using the asterisk (the jack of all trades)
- Npep2prot_Quanprot: Zq, FDRq, Nq(npeptides/prot)
- Nprot2cat_Quancat: Zc, FDRc, Nc(nprots/cat)
- Zprot2cat_Quanprot_Quancat: Zq, Zc
- WSPP_NORCOMBINE_RATIOS_SBT: Work by González-Amor M, et al. Cardiovasc Res. 2021
- Report using the asterisk (the jack of all trades)
- Npep2prot_Quanprot: Zq, FDRq, Nq(npeptides/prot)
- Report using the asterisk (the jack of all trades) (1 sample)
- Npep2prot_Quanprot: Zq, FDRq, Nq(npeptides/prot)
- Nprot2cat_Quancat: Zc, FDRc, Nc(nprots/cat)
- Zprot2cat_Quanprot_Quancat: Zq, Zc
- Report produced by the merge of the sample reports with the ratios sample report (SBT)
- Report using the asterisk (the jack of all trades)
- WSPP_PTM: Work by Bonzon-Kulichenko E, et al. J Proteomics. 2020
- WSPP step by step using asterisks (the jack of all trades)
- Report using the asterisk (the jack of all trades)
- Npep2prot_Quanprot: Zq, FDRq, Nq(npeptides/prot)
- Npep2prot_Quanprot: Zpq, FDRpq, Ns(nscans/pep)
- WSPP: Work by González-Amor M, et al. Cardiovasc Res. 2021
'More params", the 'more params' has been improved.
LEVEL_CALIBRATOR accepts the K-constant, the variance, and 'More params'.
Changes in the Code Workflow
- Fixing the file that forces the variance in the integrations.
- Print all processes but forced or not.
SANSON: Fixing a bug in the filter of SANSON. The filter needs the parenthsis:
([FDR] < 0.05) & ([n_rel] >= 10) & ([n_rel] <= 100) -
Integrations: force the parameters and create a file with the variance when the vatiance has been forced by the user in the task-table.
RELS_CREATOR: Admits the ID-q.tsv files as default.
New general adapter to handle the results from proteomics pipelines: TPP, FragPipe, MaxQuant, Proteome Discoverer, etc.
Improved the program that reports the integrated variances.
New program that reports the K-constant and the graphs of calibration.
New program that retrieves the times of workflow execution.
Fixing a problem with the Linux and Mac distribution.
In Create new project, in the first menu you should put Name of the Project Folder and the second Path to locate the Project Folder.
In Open Project, change to Open Project Folder.
In project logs table it should be indicated (press the process to see the workflow logs).
In workflow logs it should be indicated (press the command to see the command logs).
Instead of Start, put Save and Run.
Menu name to Project.
Change the 'Adapter' tab to 'Input File'.
The getVariances program will return "sample/integration/Variance/TotNElems/ElemExcluded/IntegratedNElems..."