Releases: CNIC-Proteomics/iSanXoT
Date 📅 2024_11
- The 'Experiment' column has been renamed as 'Batch'.
Changes in the Graphical User Interface
Updated the description of the INTEGRATE module.
Renamed the 'Experiment' column to 'Batch'
Changes in the Code Workflow
- Added functionality to print the sigmoide plots (with and without outliers) in the 'stats' folder.
Full Changelog: 1.2.13...2.0.0
DATE: 2024_07
New version for the ProteinAssigner (v5). In this version, the changes are:
- The parameter file has been transformed to INI format. This change was made because the ProteinAssigner is integrated into the PTM-workflow, and a consensus parameter file with the same format is required.
- A preliminary filter for redundant proteins identified has been developed. This filter is applied before any other operation by the ProteinAssigner.
New version of klibrate (v1.20):
- Savitzky-Golay algortihm for smoothing has been included.
Fixing a bug in the mz extraction for experiments with high resolution (greater than 30K), in the Quant package.
Changes in the Graphical User Interface
Updated documentation.
Modify the CNIC adapter to accept the new version of ProteinAssigner, which includes the preliminary filter.
A new parameter has been added: "Preliminary Regex filter before any operation", applicable in both FASTA and column modes.
Changes in the Code Workflow
Fixing a bug in reporter:
- The X'inf and Winf variable are retrieved correctly.
- Possible bug caused by dictionaries in Python.
Fixing a bug in the mz extraction for experiments with high resolution (greater than 30K), in the Quant package.
New version of klibrate (v1.20) has been developed:
- Savitzky-Golay algortihm for smoothing has been applied. New parameters have been added:
-S, --no-smoothing Do not apply the Savitzky-Golay smoothing algorithm. It
is applied by default.
-t, --smoothing-window
The window size for the Savitzky-Golay smoothing
algorithm. A larger window size will result in stronger
smoothing. The window length must be less than or equal
to the size of input. By default is length of integrated elements.
-T, --smoothing-polynomial
The polynomial order for the Savitzky-Golay smoothing
algorithm to fit the samples. A higher polynomial order
can capture more complex patterns but may also introduce
more artifacts.
DATE: 2023_12
Fixing a bug in the 'New Project' window: The modal parameter for ElectronJS does not work in MacOSX version.
Customize the context menu as the Copy and Paste commands do not work correctly in the MacOSX version.
Open the processed project from the 'Project logs' table.
The GitHub wiki has been closed.
The updated documentation is available on the iSanXoT webpage:
Changes in the Graphical User Interface
- Updated documentation.
DATE: 2023_05
iSanXoT accepts projects with a huge number of experiments.
The CNIC adaptor also includes the ProteinAssigner using the FASTA mode with the complete params (regex, len option, etc).
The addQuantification module of CNIC adaptor accepts more types of TMTs (TMT16 and TMT18) for the isotopic correction.
The REPORT module can filter OR conditions and it also merges multiple report tables at the same time.
New documentation for the workflow samples.
DATE: 2023_01
Improve the User Guide documentation in the iSanXoT help:
- Update the documentation.
- Divide by sections the documentation in multiple files.
Update the iSanXoT Wiki:
- Add the user guide files.
- Add the Case studies.
- Add the adaptor cases.
- Changes in the output file names.
- Cardenio will recognize the experiment by the name of sample.
Changes in the Graphical User Interface
Improve the User Guide documentation in the iSanXoT help.
renamed: app/app/User_Guide.html -> app/app/User_Guide.htm
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image002.jpg
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image003.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image004.jpg
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image005.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image006.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image007.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image009.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image010.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image013.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image014.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image019.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image020.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image023.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image024.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image027.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image029.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image031.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image033.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image036.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image039.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image040.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image041.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image044.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image045.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image046.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image047.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image048.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image049.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image050.png
modified: app/app/User_Guide_files/image051.png
modified: app/app/renderer-process/imports.js
deleted: app/app/sections/helps/help_cmds.html
deleted: app/app/sections/helps/help_get-started.html
deleted: app/app/sections/helps/help_intro.html
deleted: app/app/sections/helps/help_wf-basic.html
deleted: app/app/sections/helps/help_wf-lblfree.html
deleted: app/app/sections/helps/help_wf-ptm.html -
LEVEL_CREATOR: Accepts the following operation for the ratio denominator: IS = if( or(count(a1…a4)=0, count(b1…b4)=0), '', Average(average(a1…a4), average(b1…b4)))
[Intensity A_01 , Intensity A_02 , Intensity A_03 , Intensity A_04] , [Intensity B_01 , Intensity B_02 , Intensity B_03 , Intensity B_04]
modified: app/resources/src/cmds/
Changes in the Code Workflow
Come back in the 'problem': Fix a problem in ProteinAssigner when the pandas does not interpreted the Protein Accessions column as string.
renamed: app/resources/src/cmds/ -> app/resources/src/cmds/
modified: app/resources/src/cmds/ -
Reducing the path in the log report.
modified: app/resources/wfs/ -
- Changes in the file names.
modified: app/resources/wfs/tpl_commands/norcombine.yaml - Cardenio will recognize the experiment by the name of sample.
modified: app/resources/src/cmds/
- Changes in the file names.
Add the option to have multiple samaples in the inputs and the outpus.
modified: app/resources/wfs/
DATE: 2022_05
Changes in the Graphical User Interface
Adaptor: Bug fixed: the window in the adaptor was not displayed correctly.
Adaptor: Allow the read of large files size.
Changes in the Code Workflow
- RELS_CREATOR: Now the delimiter in category files is '//'.
DATE: 2022_05
New general adapter to handle the results from proteomics pipelines: TPP, FragPipe, MaxQuant, Proteome Discoverer, etc.
New CNIC adapter to habdles the results from search engines and to calculate the pRatio, add the quantificacions, and calculate the most probable protein.
LEVEL_CALIBRATOR accepts the K-constant, the variance, and 'More params'
iSanXoT Wiki:
Changes in the Graphical User Interface
New General Adapter to handle the results from proteomics pipelines: TPP, FragPipe, MaxQuant, ProteomeDiscoverer, etc.
New CNIC adapter to habdles the results from search engines and to calculate the pRatio, add the quantificacions, and calculate the most probable protein.
We have created some case studies to ilustrade the type of workflows:
- WSPP: Work by González-Amor M, et al. Cardiovasc Res. 2021
- WSPP step by step without asterisks (the jack of all trades)
- Report:
- Npep2prot_Quanprot: Zq, Nq(npeptides/prot)
- WSPP-SBT: Work by García-Marqués F, et al. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2016:
- Biology Systems: WSPP-SBT
- Report using the asterisk (the jack of all trades)
- Npep2prot_Quanprot: Zq, FDRq, Nq(npeptides/prot)
- Nprot2cat_Quancat: Zc, FDRc, Nc(nprots/cat)
- Zprot2cat_Quanprot_Quancat: Zq, Zc
- WSPP_NORCOMBINE_RATIOS_SBT: Work by González-Amor M, et al. Cardiovasc Res. 2021
- Report using the asterisk (the jack of all trades)
- Npep2prot_Quanprot: Zq, FDRq, Nq(npeptides/prot)
- Report using the asterisk (the jack of all trades) (1 sample)
- Npep2prot_Quanprot: Zq, FDRq, Nq(npeptides/prot)
- Nprot2cat_Quancat: Zc, FDRc, Nc(nprots/cat)
- Zprot2cat_Quanprot_Quancat: Zq, Zc
- Report produced by the merge of the sample reports with the ratios sample report (SBT)
- Report using the asterisk (the jack of all trades)
- WSPP_PTM: Work by Bonzon-Kulichenko E, et al. J Proteomics. 2020
- WSPP step by step using asterisks (the jack of all trades)
- Report using the asterisk (the jack of all trades)
- Npep2prot_Quanprot: Zq, FDRq, Nq(npeptides/prot)
- Npep2prot_Quanprot: Zpq, FDRpq, Ns(nscans/pep)
- WSPP: Work by González-Amor M, et al. Cardiovasc Res. 2021
'More params", the 'more params' has been improved.
LEVEL_CALIBRATOR accepts the K-constant, the variance, and 'More params'.
Changes in the Code Workflow
- Fixing the file that forces the variance in the integrations.
- Print all processes but forced or not.
SANSON: Fixing a bug in the filter of SANSON. The filter needs the parenthsis:
([FDR] < 0.05) & ([n_rel] >= 10) & ([n_rel] <= 100) -
Integrations: force the parameters and create a file with the variance when the vatiance has been forced by the user in the task-table.
RELS_CREATOR: Admits the ID-q.tsv files as default.
New general adapter to handle the results from proteomics pipelines: TPP, FragPipe, MaxQuant, Proteome Discoverer, etc.
Improved the program that reports the integrated variances.
New program that reports the K-constant and the graphs of calibration.
New program that retrieves the times of workflow execution.
Fixing a problem with the Linux and Mac distribution.
In Create new project, in the first menu you should put Name of the Project Folder and the second Path to locate the Project Folder.
In Open Project, change to Open Project Folder.
In project logs table it should be indicated (press the process to see the workflow logs).
In workflow logs it should be indicated (press the command to see the command logs).
Instead of Start, put Save and Run.
Menu name to Project.
Change the 'Adapter' tab to 'Input File'.
The getVariances program will return "sample/integration/Variance/TotNElems/ElemExcluded/IntegratedNElems..."
DATE: 2022_02
PROTEIN_ASSIGNER is the new Module for CNIC Adaptors.
The REPORT module can retrieve the X'inf and Winf from the _lowerNormW files.
Changes in the Graphical User Interface
We have included more details in the short description for the SBT module and RATIOS module.
Create general adaptors for the search engines: Proteome Discoverer, MSFragger, Comet and MaxQuant.
Fixing a minor problem loading the adaptors.
PROTEIN_ASSIGNER is the new Module for CNIC Adaptors.
Changes in the Code Workflow
Minor changes: changes the descrioption of ratios command.
Now, the modules of adaptors are independent.
TABLE2CFG: fixing a problem with the unique function. We want the unique list bbut without sort.
General Adaptors for Proteome Discoverer, MSFragger, Comet, and MaxQuant:
- These adaptors only create the columns: Experiment, Scan_Id, and Peptide_Id.
- The calculation of Peptide_Id is without the DeltaMass forgetting the unimod file.
CNIC Specific Adaptors:
- These adaptors have the FDR calculation including the cXCorr (for PD).
- There is a new Module for CNIC Adaptors: ProteinAssigner
KLIBRATE: When the number of cycles in calibrate is exceeded, we can use k=600, var=0.04 by default. This is based on the values from PESA project:
- Bug fixed: the program does not retrieve the Xsup value.
- The program can retrieve the X'inf and Winf from the _lowerNormW files.
DATE: 2022_02
Changes in the Code Workflow
Force the execution of Main-Input adaptor.
Mysnake: we have developed a new way to obtain the list of processes.
DATE: 2022_01
Changes in the Graphical User Interface
The Adaptors tab has been renamed to 'Adaptor'.
Fixing a bug in Comet Adaptor.
Approximation to fix the problem when the administrator wants to install iSanXoT.
Discard the close search words.
Add list of scores that will use the FDR module adaptors by default.
New validation of the workflow schema: Check if the input files exit in the table2cfg.
Changes in the Code Workflow
Include some shell/batch scripts that prepares the environment for the build packages.
Fixing a bug in the function that retrieves the folder name of jobs