DATE: 2024_07
New version for the ProteinAssigner (v5). In this version, the changes are:
- The parameter file has been transformed to INI format. This change was made because the ProteinAssigner is integrated into the PTM-workflow, and a consensus parameter file with the same format is required.
- A preliminary filter for redundant proteins identified has been developed. This filter is applied before any other operation by the ProteinAssigner.
New version of klibrate (v1.20):
- Savitzky-Golay algortihm for smoothing has been included.
Fixing a bug in the mz extraction for experiments with high resolution (greater than 30K), in the Quant package.
Changes in the Graphical User Interface
Updated documentation.
Modify the CNIC adapter to accept the new version of ProteinAssigner, which includes the preliminary filter.
A new parameter has been added: "Preliminary Regex filter before any operation", applicable in both FASTA and column modes.
Changes in the Code Workflow
Fixing a bug in reporter:
- The X'inf and Winf variable are retrieved correctly.
- Possible bug caused by dictionaries in Python.
Fixing a bug in the mz extraction for experiments with high resolution (greater than 30K), in the Quant package.
New version of klibrate (v1.20) has been developed:
- Savitzky-Golay algortihm for smoothing has been applied. New parameters have been added:
-S, --no-smoothing Do not apply the Savitzky-Golay smoothing algorithm. It
is applied by default.
-t, --smoothing-window
The window size for the Savitzky-Golay smoothing
algorithm. A larger window size will result in stronger
smoothing. The window length must be less than or equal
to the size of input. By default is length of integrated elements.
-T, --smoothing-polynomial
The polynomial order for the Savitzky-Golay smoothing
algorithm to fit the samples. A higher polynomial order
can capture more complex patterns but may also introduce
more artifacts.