The CommonRoad Route Planner aims to give an extendable, light-weight route- and reference path planner for the CommonRoad project This tool is built for and Ubuntu 22.04 and Python3 ^3.8.
The documentation can be found here
This tool is still under development but has already been successfully deployed in both simulation and on real-world autonomous vehicles.
We highly welcome your contribution.
We recommend to use PyCharm (Professional) as IDE.
We provide an PyPI package which can be installed with the following command
pip install commonroad-reference_path-planner
It is recommended to use poetry as an environment manager. Clone the repository and install it with poetry. Currently, only the internal repository can be cloned. This repo contains a number of scenario xml files in /scenarios. They are stored with git large-file-system (git lfs). If you want to download these scenario files, before cloning this repo, do the following:
sudo apt-get install -y git-lfs and git lfs install
git config --global credential.helper store
git clone
conda activate ENVIRONMENT
pip install .
We recommend to use PyCharm (Professional) as IDE. Examples can be found on our CommonRoad website
You can generate the documentation within your activated Poetry environment using.
conda activate ENVIRONMENT
mkdocs build
The documentation will be located under site, where you can open index.html
in your browser to view it.
For updating the documentation you can also use the live preview:
conda activate ENVIRONMENT
mkdocs serve
Responsible: Tobias Mascetta, tobias.mascetta[at]