Releases: EQDYNA/EQdyna
- New - verification against new SCEC/USGS Spontaneous Rupture Code Verification benchmarks TPV36&37 for 15 deg shallow dipping thrusting.
- New - exclusive model setup python script for TPV36&37 are under /case_input/test.tpv36 and /case_input/test.tpv37, respectively.
- Performance: 512 cores are used for 50 m resolution TPV36 on Lonestar6 at TACC using 4 hours and 40 minutes.
- New - previous feature of degeneration of hexahedrons (Hughes, 2000) for complex fault geometry is incorporated in the new EQdyna architecture with TPV36&37.
- New - autotesting workflow is added on GitHub for developers.
- New - supporting MacOS (M3 chip tested).
- Refactor - rename file and subroutine names for clarification.
- Reference: Hughes, 2000, The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis, Dover Publications.
- For past release notes, please refer to
New - new link for EQdyna.
New - new organization EQDYNA is created.
Bug - dz for dipping fault. Verified against TPV10.
Bug - avoid int() in Python and FORTRAN, use round() or nint() instead.
Add - MATLAB scripts for GM postprocessing.
Add - str1ToFaultAngle and devStrToStrVertRatio for assigning stresses for plastic models.
Add - case test.drv.a6.v2
Refactor - move adjustable parameters out of EQdyna.
Refactor - rename file and function names to reflect their intents, for easy search.
Refactor - driver for seismic wave propagation + faulting only.
Refactor - MPI communications for nodal quantities, driver.f90, depreciate PMLwhg.f90 and contm.f90, refactor qdct3.f90, rename qdct3 to ku, offFaultStationSCEC.
Change - Positive dip angles for faults tilting to y+.
Change - Use empirical estimate for memory usage.
Update -
Full Changelog: v5.3.1...v5.3.2
- Python utility generateFaultInterface is created to generate fractal and dipping fault interface.
- Update the test system to compare the numerical residuals between test and reference results.
- Support a new test test.tpv10, a 60 deg dipping fault.
- Support a new test test.drv.a6, a fractal fault plastic model for ground motion application.
- Refactoring and bug fixes.
Full Changelog: v5.3.0...v5.3.1
- Refactor faulting.f90 and meshgen.f90.
- Introduce a system for quick testing by running
- Test system now supports tpv8, tpv104, tpv1053d, tpv1053d.6c, meng2023a, meng2023cb.
- Update input parameter system with a single and customized
Full Changelog: v5.2.3...v5.3.0
- Python utilities are developed to setup and run EQdyna in the spirit of CESM2.
- netCDF libraries are required for on-fault variables I/O.
- Python post-processing utility is developed to visualize rupture dynamics. More to come and MATLAB post-processing scripts would be phased out.
- Two compsets - tpv104 and tpv1053d - are working on Lonestar6 at TACC, UT.
- All the adjustable parameters are in a single python input file
- Improvement and simplification of code writing. More to come.
Applications to high-frequency ground motion DRV1
Moderate changes:
- Add functionalities of
- rough fault interface,
- the effect of normal stress variations in the RSF,
- output of ground motion velocities in binary,
- develop post-processing scripts for ground motion data to get RSA map, etc.
Version: 5.2.2
Parent: 5.2.1
Author: Dunyu Liu (
- Add Subroutine insert_rough_fault in library.f90;
- Add controlling parameter rough_fault (1 for having a rough fault while 0 for none); rough_fault is invoked three times in meshgen.f90.
- Add Subroutine output_gm in library_output.f90;
- Add Subroutine rate_state_normal_stress in fric.f90;
- Modify output_frt to include additional variables.
- Add Subroutine memory_estimate, which is called before meshgen, in library.f90.
- Uploaded to
- Application: used in DRV1 that is presented at 2021 SCEC meeting.
Full Changelog:
Full Changelog: v5.2.0...v5.2.2
Author: Dunyu Liu
Date: 10/07/2020
Version 5.2.0; Git tag v5.2.0; Parent 5.1.0.
Major changes:
- Library_output is created to handle outputs.
- warning.f90 is created to alert users about potential issues.
- library_degeneration is created to handle mesh degeneration of a hexhedron to wedges/tetras.
- C_degen is introduced.
- Simplification of code structure.
- Hourglass control and shape functions are consistent for hexas, wedges and tetras.
- [Verification] This version has been verifed against benchmark SCEC TPV105 3D.
Full Changelog: