New - new link for EQdyna. https://github.com/EQDYNA/EQdyna.git
New - new organization EQDYNA is created.
Bug - dz for dipping fault. Verified against TPV10.
Bug - avoid int() in Python and FORTRAN, use round() or nint() instead.
Add - MATLAB scripts for GM postprocessing.
Add - str1ToFaultAngle and devStrToStrVertRatio for assigning stresses for plastic models.
Add - case test.drv.a6.v2
Refactor - move adjustable parameters out of EQdyna.
Refactor - rename file and function names to reflect their intents, for easy search.
Refactor - driver for seismic wave propagation + faulting only.
Refactor - MPI communications for nodal quantities, driver.f90, depreciate PMLwhg.f90 and contm.f90, refactor qdct3.f90, rename qdct3 to ku, offFaultStationSCEC.
Change - Positive dip angles for faults tilting to y+.
Change - Use empirical estimate for memory usage.
Update - ubuntu.env.sh
Full Changelog: v5.3.1...v5.3.2