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Releases: KSP-RO/RP-1

v0.34 OV-103 Discovery

30 Jul 08:04
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(cookie if you get the reference)

REQUIRES Realism Overhaul 10.2 and RealSolarSystem v10.2. In addition, the list of required mods has changed--make sure you have them all!

This release brought to you by the usual suspects, plus Kibbick!
See the gameplay notes below!

RP-0 has the following new features:

  • Contract Configurator contracts (thanks Shurikeen for getting us started! And nightingale for much help!) Most stock contracts are disabled in lieu of our custom contracts.
  • CustomBarnKit configs, giving correct costing and unlocks for various building levels.
  • Enhanced support by magico13 in KCT! (Coming in the next KCT.) For now, the existing times have been tuned.
  • Science changes! (Goo is now a biological sample, and ScienceJr/MaterialsLab is now a film return camera). Note that you need Ship Manifest to get the film from the camera into a recoverable probe core (some probe cores have data storage). You can analyze telemetry from any command module (it's what probe report was). Gravioli is now an orbital perturbation detector, and there's a clone of the seismometer that's a micrometeorite detector. Note that some probes have some experiments "built in". Finally, result text is being reworked. So right now you'll mostly get generic text.
  • Redone tech tree for KSP 1.0. It features several new nodes, redone part placement, and redone node costs. Note that the tech tree is incomplete after the third tier (Gemini era) so far, more to come.
  • A part's entry cost can change based on what other parts are unlocked. For example, once you unlock one LR89, you get the others free (if you have FASA installed and use both the stock/VSR LR89 and the FASA one). Unlocking the LR79 will make unlocking the LR89 cheaper, and vice versa. A big example for this is heat shields: there's a fixed 16,000 fund cost added to the first LEO-shielded item you purchase, but the others will not include that extra cost.
  • Improved spaceplane support by adding required-mods-only XLR11 and XLR99 engines, and X-15-like fuselage parts. Early aircraft have better support too, now that an early jet is added to the start node.
  • Added dummy parts to announce on which nodes proc fairings/parts allow larger diameters.

Gameplay Notes

  • The "Funds Penalties" setting also controls building cost. If you're playing on a difficulty higher than Normal, select 'Custom' and change that slider back to 100%. Unless you want very-expensive buildings...
  • KCT plays very differently from how it does in normal KSP. In particular, it costs a fixed amount of funds to buy more upgrade points; upgrade points represent your space program workforce. You will definitely want to start investing in science early in order to be able to research later nodes in a reasonable period of time; don't be afraid to have bought 30+ points by the time you're launching your first crewed orbital missions.
  • Contracts often have long deadlines and large advances. This is so you can accept the contract, then buy the building upgrade(s) and unlock the part(s) needed to fulfill the contract.
  • Human Spaceflight milestone contracts expect you to fly uncrewed test missions first, and so their advances are quite high.
  • ElectricCharge now flows by stage (like MonoPropellant in stock KSP). This means your probe's battery won't deplete during launch when the EC drain from avionics is high.
  • The altitude threshold for the moon is quite low. Don't expect to get spacelow science except on impact missions, or from very low orbits.
  • You often lose very little by unlocking a part early, since you may get a bonus to the entrycost of its later compatriot. For example, the effective unlock cost of the Castor I solid motor is only about 1000 funds since you get most all of the entrycost back in rebates when unlocking Castor II.
  • You can make it to orbit in the start node. It's up to you to figure out how though...

Photo via Wikipedia, NASA public domain.

Pre #10

28 Jul 22:05
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Pre #10 Pre-release

NOTE: As always, update your RO via grabbing the repo:

NOTE If you play on Moderate or Hard, set fund penalty to 100%, no more, or buildings get too expensive.

Back to including legacy KCT configs for those with the current release of KCT. Overwite your KCT configs with these.

Contract fixes, agency fix for ATM/TR folks. Place/price more. Support entry cost modification (unlocking one part can make another cheaper).

Pre 9

27 Jul 08:08
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Pre 9 Pre-release

NOTE: As always, update your RO via grabbing the repo:

NOTE If you play on Moderate or Hard, set fund penalty to 100%, no more, or buildings get too expensive.

Back to including legacy KCT configs for those with the current release of KCT. Overwite your KCT configs with these.

Plane contracts, more fixes and balancing.

Pre 8

23 Jul 06:41
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Pre 8 Pre-release

NOTE: As always, update your RO via grabbing the repo:

NOTE If you play on Moderate or Hard, set fund penalty to 100%, no more, or buildings get too expensive.

NOTE Delete SXT/Agencies (or get the current folder from git source, not a release):

Back to including legacy KCT configs for those with the current release of KCT. Overwite your KCT configs with these.

Fixes to contracts, tree, and more.

Pre 7

21 Jul 08:03
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Pre 7 Pre-release

NOTE: As always, update your RO via grabbing the repo:

NOTE If you play on Moderate or Hard, set fund penalty to 100%, no more, or buildings get too expensive.

Back to including legacy KCT configs for those with the current release of KCT.

Early contracts should be fully working now.

Many misc fixes.

pre #6

20 Jul 08:45
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pre #6 Pre-release

Early contracts working!
NOTE: As always, update your RO via grabbing the repo:

NOTE if you're using the released version of Kerbal Construction time (i.e. not the beta/dev release), then you need to grab the last real RP-0 release and grab its KerbalConstructionTime folder and overwrite yours with it. END NOTE

pre 5

20 Jul 01:31
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pre 5 Pre-release

mostly contract work

Pre #4

18 Jul 00:45
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Pre #4 Pre-release

Again, this requires grabbing latest RO from git (i.e. ) and starting a new game.

Pre #3

17 Jul 06:33
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Pre #3 Pre-release

more contract updates thanks to @Shurikeeen and some tech tree placing.
science instrument refactoring and updates.

prerelease for KSP 1.0 #2

16 Jul 04:07
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Merge pull request #160 from Shurikeeen/master

Added and fixed bunch of things