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rogermatic edited this page Feb 19, 2016 · 1 revision

JAS commands are triggered via a single command: /jas. Each individual command is called by providing the command name as the second argument in the form /jas ; i.e. /jas killall.

General Commands

General Use / Notes
saveconfig Saves the currently loaded world settings to the configuration files overwriting any data present. If the files were deleted, they will be created
/jas saveconfig
loadconfig Loads the world settigns from the configuration files disregarding the currently loaded world settings.
/jas loadconfig
killall Kills all loaded entities matching the criteria. Sends message to player with number killed.
**Warning: kills entities indiscriminately, including bosses such as the EnderDragon which will not despawn **
Entities of type NONE are included in wildcard entity type if they extend EntityLiving
/jas killall <targetPlayer> <EntityType> <string filter> [4]
/jas killall <targetPlayer> <EntityType>
/jas killall <EntityType> [1]
/jas killall [1][2]

Analytics Commands

There are several commands with the express purposes of providing information useful for debugging.

Analytics Use / Notes
countcap Sends chat message to player with count relative to entity cap of EntityType requested
/jas countcap <targetPlayer / DimensionID> <EntityType>
/jas countcap <EntityType> [1]
/jas countcap [1][2]
listspawns Sends chat message to player with spawnlists of EntityType requested
/jas listspawns <targetPlayer / biome / structure> <EntityType> [3]
/jas listspawns <EntityType> [1]
/jas listspawns [1][2]
canspawnhere Sends chat messege to player with whether chosen entity could spawn at players location (neglecting players collision box)
/jas canspawnhere <targetPlayer> <EntityName>
/jas canspawnhere <EntityName> [1]
composition Sends chat messege to player number of loaded entities of specified type as well as percentage that will despawn
/jas composition <targetPlayer> <EntityName>
/jas composition <EntityName> [1]
/jas composition [1][2]
locate Sends message to player stating location of entities with the provided name or in the provided group. Displayed name is green if it can despawn, red if it cannot in its current state / location.
/jas locate <targetPlayer> <EntityName / Entity Tyep>
/jas locate <EntityName / Entity Tyep> [1]
/jas locate [1][2]
entitypackage Sends a message to the player stating the Java package that the Java class of the respective entity belongs to.
/jas entitypackage <EntityName>

[1]: Command sender is target player
[2]: Entity type is wildcard '*' meaning all.
[3]: Biome name must be package name.
[4]: Checks if the target contains the provided string.