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Rogermatic edited this page Sep 24, 2016 · 24 revisions


Sound familiar? and to think those very words saved the life of Arthur Dent. Well that, a towel, and his friend but close enough.

Some people say JAS has a high learning curve and is too complicated, nonsense I say. To become a master JASser may take some practice, but it's only difficult to the untrained eye and this is where we train that eye. JAS has its share of masters, including the author a VERY active author. These masters are all willing and able to help everyone through the so-called "learning curve." Your toughest problems can be solved with a little patience. Of course, if you complete everything in the wiki I am sure you will be answering your share of questions too.

Here you will find samples and entire config files for the most popular mods. So, if you are looking for some quick answers and help to get rolling, check out the other pages for both samples and complete config files. Also, head over to the forum, there you can talk to the pros, ask questions and even post ideas for changes. Yeah, the author REALLY DOES make the changes users request, just check the 136+ pages for yourself.

Throughout the pages of this wiki you will find helpful hints, examples and links to other sights, and other places within the wiki. It is a constant work in progress, and as such you may find links in red (broken or not finished) and you are encouraged to finish them if you can or report them in the Forum.

If you love Minecraft; the exploring, the different types of things you can do, and how the creatures make and break a Minecraft experience, then you need to know how to handle those creatures. By just installing 4 or 5 mob mods your world is easily out of control. Knowing how to JAS means you can have a world so robust with creatures, monsters and yes, even ocean life that you will not know how you lived without it. Really, how did you?

What JAS does NOT do

Jas does NOT work with OR on spawners, it works on spawning. It is not a Biome tool, but it allows you to alter spawns to specific biomes. More details in Spawning 101.

What JAS does do

Let me start out by stating that JAS is a POWERFUL mob spawning tool that can be as simple, or as complicated as the user wants it to be. Depending on what your trying to do with it, you can be done setting it up in as little as 20 minutes. On the flip side, you could use some of the advanced abilities of JAS to tweak your spawns and literally spend DAYS setting your world up.

JAS is VERY compatible with most mods and since your here, it is likely you have more than one mod that add mobs and probably biomes to your worlds. With that in mind, I am going to go with the assumption that you have all the correct versions of all the correct mods you are using and they are compatible with the version of Minecraft and forge needed.

No matter how intense you want to get with JAS, you can start simple (following this guide from the beginning) and graduate to advanced (follow it to the end).

A few points before we get started.

A.)This is playable "out of the box" so to speak, but you WILL find spawns are not what you want to be or what you are used to. The issues can be insignificant or problematic, again it depends on the mob adding mods you have installed.

B.)You CAN use JAS along with other spawn controllers (although some cause major issues), but I do not recommend it. It is FAR easier to get JAS under control if it is the only spawn controller and since it can do so much, why would you need more than one ? :)

C.)Different Mods handle spawns in different ways. If you have many mob mods, expect to spend a little time adjusting your mobs spawn settings

JAS adds an entity spawning system that runs in parallel with the vanilla system. It has the ability to control the spawning of almost any mob from almost any mod including other dimensions. We say “almost” because any mod maker can and sometimes does create mobs that behave in such a way that those mobs in question conflict with JAS, may not give control to JAS, or a variety of other reasons that keep JAS from giving you the control you are looking for "out of the box".

But wait! JAS gives you access to properties and commands that in many cases allows you to take full control of those difficult mob mods. When you do encounter issues with mobs, we encourage you to check the pages in this wiki for solutions before going to the forum, but PLEASE DO go to the forum.

Do take time to go through the entire wiki if possible as there is a lot of content and more being added which will shed much light on how JAS does what it does and set you on the right path to the incredible possibilities JAS offers.

By design, it works the same as its vanilla counterpart, but allows for far greater customization and hence possibilities by exposing many of the properties that are involved in the spawning of entities and gives the user the ability to alter or manipulate those properties to allow for truly custom spawning of your entities. Basically where vanilla spawning or other spawners give you access to only a few of the "hidden" properties, JAS says "WHAAAAAT! no give them all the control". How sweet is that ?

JAS allows you to change the way mobs spawn, where they spawn, how they spawn, what makes them spawn, combinations of any of those and much, much more.

How it wokrs.

Since it runs in parallel by default, JAS will disable the vanilla entity system by emptying all biome spawnlists. It will import settings from entities that are declared in minecraft, including those added by mods, and set them to spawn within JAS.

Installation Instructions

  1. Install Forge
  2. Drop JAS in Mods Folder
  3. When Doves Cry
  4. Enter world*
  5. Enjoy the possibilities

*_In order for JAS to produce it custom config files, you MUST enter a world. JAS needs to create its list of mobs and biomes, which can only be done as the world is loaded then entered and the spawnlists loaded thereby allowing JAS access to the mob data.