In short Neural Network is set of small number of nodes, working together to calculate a desired ouput.
The Perceptron is a fundamental building block of artificial neural networks. It's a simple linear classifier that can learn to separate linearly separable data.
Neural networks come in a wide variety, each suited for different types of tasks and data. The one that is implete in this project is:
Feedforward Neural Networks: The most basic type, with information flowing from input to output layers in a forward direction.
- Perceptron: Single-layer network for simple linear classification.
- Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP): Multiple hidden layers for learning complex relationships.
- Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Specialized for image recognition, with layers that extract features like edges and textures. -
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs): Designed for sequential data, like text or time series, where information needs to flow both forward and backward.
The basic design of a Perceptron:
- A single neuron with one or more input connections and a single output.
- Each input connection has a weight associated with it.
- The output is calculated by a weighted sum of the inputs and a bias term, passed through an activation function (typically, Heaviside step function).
- Input Layer: Takes in input vector
- Hidden Layes: Interconnected Neurons
- Output Layes: Output Values
is a header file where the Perceptron and MultiLayer Perceptron is implemented.
The Perceptron can be best explained by implementing Logic Gates. Refer to code logicGateTester.cpp
for its implmentations.
- Can only handle linearly separable data (data that can be divided by a straight line).
- Cannot represent complex relationships between features.
- Prone to local minima when learning, where it gets stuck in a state where it cannot further improve its accuracy.
In our case, XOR can not be implemented by a single Perceptron, hence we use Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
Logic behind the XOR:
-> the weights are hardcoded, this is to check if the NN is working and gives desired output.
g++ logicGateTester.cpp header/MLPerceptrons.cpp -o logicGateTester -I./header
A non linear function which makes neuron to learn the dramatic distinct between the categories near the boundary. This function provides non-linearity to the neuron.
Types of activation functions:
- Binary Step Function: Limits output values to exactly 0 or 1.
- Sigmoid/Logistic Function: Limits output values between 0 and 1, i.e. all real number between 0 and 1.
- Hyperbolic Tangent Function: Limits output values between -1 and 1, i.e. all real number between -1 and 1.
- Rectified Linear Unit Function (ReLU): Limits output to be positive values, unbounded for +ve values only.
For this project the Sigmoid Function is implemented.
Now that we have Multi-Layer Perceptron and Activation Function to implement a complex Logic gates such as XOR, which can not be implemented by a single Perceptron. But what makes NN stand out is its ability to learn. How can NN learn?
Let's see, for 1 single Training Sample: {X, Y} (Where X is the feature and Y is the expected/desired value)
- Feed an input sample X to the network
- Compare the output to the correct values Y
- Calculate Error
- Use the error to adjust the weights
- The Objective: to classify a litter better in the future run
It is a measure on how bad a classifier is doing. It is essential for training process. Example: Gradient Descent.
For Error of 1 Sample:
- Sample {X, Y}
- Assume we got Output value = 0.6
- Expected value is Y = 1
- So, the error is calculated as Error = y - output
The goal is to make trining function to y, i.e output = y
Means Squared Error (MSE) is used to assess the performance of the NN
It is a Method to minimize the error function. Consists of adjusting the weights to find the minimum error. Its is like "going downhill" on the error function to lowest valley
Local Minima: Stucking at a point which is assumed to be the lowest point, but is a lowest local point
Simple update formula used for adjusting the weights in a neuron
Values considered to calculate the delats is:
- Output error
- One input
- Learning rate
The dealtaW will be -ve if the output is more than the desired value
The dealtaW will be +ve if the output is less than the desired value
This dealtaW is then updated to Weights, which will intern affect the output to make the output closer to desired value.
Learning Rate a uniqe constant, which is same for all neurons. It directly effects the learning rate as the name suggests. Higher the values means larger leaps towards the weights, whereas, lower values means smaller leaps towards the weights.
A general form of the delta rule, which has several requirements on the neuron model. It Calculates all weight updates through the network, Which is done by propagating the error back through the layers in backward direction. Hence the name Backpropagation.
- Feed sample to the network
- Calculate MSE
- Calculate the error term of each output neuron
- Iteratively calculate the error terms in the hidden layers
- Apply the delta rule
- Adjust the weights.
Using above algorithm,the XOR Gate is Implemented by training the Network.
g++ NeuralNetwork.cpp header/MLPerceptrons.cpp -o NeuralNetwork -I./header
Optical Character Recognition:
- Recognize characters in picture
- Digitizing books or documents
- Taking notes by hand
- Reading (Text from images to/ text string to Speech)
Finally, here is the implementation of recognize number from a seven segment display.
- Given a vector of double floats, each indicating the brightness of one of each segments.
- Based on which the Neural Network will give the output number.
g++ SegDisplayRecog.cpp header/MLPerceptrons.cpp -o SegDisplayRecog -I./header
Works best after training for 12000 epochs, and 7 to 10 NN is accurate most of the time.