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May Gan edited this page Mar 19, 2024 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the UoAVOL volunteers wiki!

Project Description

Problem: The UoA Volunteers Club want a way to track how many hours their members spend volunteering. They do not have a way of doing this currently, since volunteering sign-ups are done through third party forms.

Solution: We make a web app for members to track which events they sign up to, and record their number of hours.

Client requirements Tech implementation
Admin can create 'events' on the website that correspond to a third-party volunteering event Authentication/Authorisation (Firebase), Google Calendar API, Create Event webpage
Members can browse and sign up to events through the website Authentication (Firebase), Events webpage
Members receive reminders on event details Google Calendar API
Admin can 'validate' that the member has attended the event Authorisation, ?
Admin/Members can see how many hours of volunteering have been done Dashboard or Summary webpage, Leaderboard ?


Our clients are Sheng-Ya and Uvindu, the Co-Presidents of the UoA Volunteers Club.
May is responsible for keeping in contact with them.


  • May Gan (Project Manager)
  • John Moore (Tech Lead)
  • Jos Badenas
  • Henry Gao
  • Ezekiel Ko
  • Charles Leng
  • Daniella Lim-Yip
  • Jerry Nguyen
  • Yutaka Oishi
  • Alexis Ye
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