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May Gan edited this page Oct 19, 2024 · 8 revisions


βœ… Completed

🟑 In progress

🟣 To start (important)


  • Home page βœ…
  • Dashboard βœ…

Requirements List

High priority

  • 🟑 As a user, I can view and edit my profile details --> Jerry to finally implement editing (+ Profile photo)

  • βœ… As a user, I can browse events/view details from a browsing page

  • 🟑 As a user, I can sign up to events internally (for Volunteers admin to see) with a form pre-filled with my details --> confirm details pop up for internal events

  • βœ… As a user, I can sign up to events externally (for third-parties) by an external link

  • 🟣 New feature: Trust-based system. If you signed up to an event, upload a photo for proof (email if none) and fill out feedback to add hours associated with the event with your account

  • 🟣 New feature: As a user, if I have signed up for an event and the event has completed, I get notified on the Dashboard to upload a photo from the event and enter feedback as proof, then the hours from the event will be automatically added to my account

  • 🟣 New feature: As an admin, I can browse photos and feedback from each event

  • 🟣 New feature: As an admin, I can manually add hours (in case the person attended an event but did not take a photo) to an account

  • βœ… As an admin, I can create, edit, and delete events which appear on the browsing page

  • βœ… As an admin, I can view all member profiles (via the FireCMS)

  • βœ… As an admin, I can create, edit, and delete sitewide announcements

  • βœ… As an admin, I can view the number of signups and the details of users who have signed up to each event

  • 🟣 New feature: As an admin, I can download a CSV of all the member profiles who have signed up to a specific event

Medium/Low priority

  • βœ… As a user, I can view a leaderboard for most hours volunteered
  • 🟣 As a user, I can upload photos for each specific event
  • 🟣 As an admin, I can view photos that users upload for each event
  • 🟣 As a user, I can provide feedback for each event
  • 🟣 As an admin, I can view feedback from users for each event

Stretch goals (likely not implemented)

  • 🟑 As a user, I can add friends on the web app
  • 🟑 As a user, I can see if my friends have signed up to the event
    • Friending display is done, but implementing the system will take a lot more time
  • As a user, I can have a 'Wrapped' summary to review my statistics from the year
  • As a user, I have badges and milestones on my profile page
  • As a user, I can message other users/admin

Deleted requirements

  • As a user, I can get notifications for events I have signed up to via Google Calendar (email and push notification)
    • Currently, Execs will have a CSV of emails for internal events (Google Form)
    • They send out emails manually before the event, we can keep this system by having a download CSV function
  • As a user, I can press a button to "check-in" and "check-out" at events, so a timestamp is provided for admin to see

Google Doc from Client with more details -- WDCC Volunteers Club Web App

MVP / MVP+ / MLP / Stretch