Releases: WeakAuras/WeakAuras2
Releases · WeakAuras/WeakAuras2
5.17.2 (2024-10-07)
- Action Useable Trigger: Add a "Ignore Spell Cooldown" mode
- Add a mounted load condition
- Classic updates
- Template updates
InfusOnWoW (28):
- Item input: Improve display of exact id matches
- Progress Texture: Add crop_x and crop_y conditions
- Cycle Check for Anchoring
- Spell triggers: Allow spell names in GetEffectiveSpellId
- Item Equipped: Allow checking for a specific id
- Spell Input Widgets: Allow invalid spell ids
- Update Atlas File List from
- Try fixing the PR packager v2
- Fix PR workflow to actually create a package
- Tweak Default Collapse setting on display tab
- Fix Spell Cast Success trigger for Smart Groups
- Templates: Arms add Colossus Smash
- Fix Item in Range condition of Item Cooldown Trigger
- Classic Combo Points: Fix total combo points
- Templates: Add correct Shadow Priest Debuff templates
- Item Type trigger: Set multiNoSingle to force multi selection
- Update Atlas File List from
- Update Discord List
- Update Atlas File List from
- Fix Ready Time for Cooldown Progress type triggers
- Fix error message "Attempt to call table value"
- Add a version check to WeakAurasOptions
- Add a mounted load condition
- Action Useable Trigger: Add a "Ignore Spell Cooldown" mode
- Update Discord List
- Remove dead code
- Templates: Fix Totem templates
- Update Discord List
Nightwarden24 (1):
- Use fonts from official sources
Stanzilla (5):
- Update WeakAurasModelPaths from
- Update WeakAurasModelPaths from
- Update WeakAurasModelPaths from
- Update WeakAurasModelPaths from
- Update WeakAurasModelPaths from
emptyrivers (2):
- consider wagoID as metadata
- improvements to background tasks
mrbuds (9):
- Upgrade CLEU spammy_event_warning to error level
- update toc files for 1.15.04
- Don't show url link with chinse simplified locale as profanity filter do not allow it
- Linking an aura can't add url in chat for China region
- Location load & trigger: check on WA_DELAYED_PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
- Fix Instance Size Type load option for Molten Core & Onyxia on SoD
- Make CorrectSpellName also use SpellCache
- TextEditor: fix ctrl-z/y doubling vertical bars
- TextEditor does not show errors
5.17.1 (2024-09-07)
- The options now have a "Thanks" button where we list all our supporters, thanks for being awesome!
- Fixed a bug with cooldown tracking
- Item Count triggers can now use reagent/account bank API
InfusOnWoW (7):
- Ensure that talent data is up to date on initial login
- Fix Lua Error in Cooldown Tracking
- Item Count: Add support for reagent/account bank api (#5389)
- Update Discord List
- Options: Add a Thanks button
- Update Atlas File List from
- Update Atlas File List from
Jon (1):
- Fix percent progress validation and parsing (#5381)
Stanzilla (2):
- Update WeakAurasModelPaths from
- Update WeakAurasModelPaths from
dependabot[bot] (1):
- Bump cbrgm/mastodon-github-action from 2.1.5 to 2.1.8
emptyrivers (2):
- fux a small mem leak as user edits custom code
- close a hole in the sandbox
mrbuds (4):
5.17.0 (2024-08-25)
- Performance improvemsn
- Bug fixes
- Add Bleed type via LibDispel
InfusOnWoW (9):
- Item Count: Add support for reagent/account bank api
- Fix lua errors with progressSources after trigger moving
- Zone Names/Zone Ids, etc: Add - for negation
- BT2: Enable hostility check for group units too
- Spell Triggers: Handle spell names similar to before
- BT2: Add Bleed type via LibDispel
- Options: Allow or searching via " or " and "|"
- Options: Update shape shift combobox if the shape shift data changed
- Totem Trigger: Implement an icon check
emptyrivers (6):
- upgrade cachebuild priority if building & there's a cache miss
- more improvements to spell cache thread
- defer snapshots out of login process
- make spellCache a background task
- supercharge dynFrame
- improve build advertisement
mrbuds (2):
- Fix issue with talent load option showing wrong hero talents in tree
- Workaround C_Reputation.GetFactionDataByIndex returning nil when it shouldn't
5.16.1 (2024-08-16)
- Bug fix for spell API
mrbuds (1):
- IsPlayerSpell and IsSpellKnown now make error an with 0
5.16.0 (2024-08-15)
- Tons of Templates updates for many classes in TWW
Boneshock (1):
- Dynamic Text: add props from child and multiselect auras.
InfusOnWoW (19):
- Templates: Add Dractyhr and Earthen
- Templates: Update warlock for TWW
- Templates: DK Remove pet buffs that are also on the player
- Templates: Priest update for TWW
- Templates: Update Rogue for TWW
- Templates: Add Mage
- Templates: Remove PvP Talents
- Templates: Update BL/Hero template
- Templates: Update Hunter
- Templates: BL/Heroism Add Evoker Fury of the Aspects
- Templates: Warrior
- Weapon Enchant Trigger: Add the enchantId to the state
- Weapon Enchant tirgger: Fix enchanted check
- Rename Dragonriding Load option
- StopMotion: Always call UpdateProgress
- Aurabar: Fix overlays without an explicit texture not handling atlas textures
- AuraBar: Allow selecting an atlas texture also for overlays
- Cooldown Progress (Spell), Cooldown Ready: Change spell id logic
- Update Atlas File List from
Sean Anderson (3):
- thrash no range
- update balance druid templates
- Fix incorrect mount form id and add balance druid premade forms
Stanzilla (3):
- Update TOC for retail patch 11.0.2
- Update WeakAurasModelPaths from
- Update WeakAurasModelPaths from
emptyrivers (1):
- add a line to custom code errors to identify the stack trace
mrbuds (13):
- TSU can use unitAuraInstanceID for tooltips
- Fix error when creating a trigger of spell type, fixes #5308
- Fix inconsistency with markers replacements
- Allow select a frame that have no name for anchor & glow
- Paladin templates
- Druid templates
- Shaman templates
- Monk templates
- DH templates
- DK templates
- Evoker templates
- Fix herotalent tree
- Update encounter ids with SoD level 60 raids
5.15.4 (2024-07-27)
- Class and Specialzation triggers now support class/spec conditions
Boneshock (1):
- fix error when creating new reputation trigger
InfusOnWoW (6):
- Class and Specialization Trigger: Add condition for class/spec
- Triggers: Don't set state.icon if the icon is unknown
- Model Sub Element: Fix model frame level
- Model+Model Sub Element: Remove model_path
- Model Sub Element: Fix Model option
- Fix custom text function returning a table leading to a lua error
mrbuds (3):
- Fix transmission of auras
- submodel: change default on classic for an existing model
- Model: change default on classic for an existing model
5.15.1 (2024-07-21)
- Rewrite PVP Talent Load/Trigger to use SpellIds, this is a breaking change and means you have to reconfigure your auras if you used these.
- Enable direct communication via whispers for cross realms and connected realms
- Text editor improvements
Boneshock (3):
InfusOnWoW (3):
- Rewrite PVP Talent Load/Trigger to use SpellIds
- Text RegionType: Fix size calculation on scaled regions
- Update Atlas File List from
Stanzilla (1):
- Update WeakAurasModelPaths from
emptyrivers (1):
- add more mixins to exec_env
mrbuds (4):
- Enable direct comm through WHISPER channel for cross realms and connected realms (#5218)
- Chat Message trigger: support communities
- Ensure C_Spell.IsUsableSpell arg1 is not nil
- Text editor: add ctrl z, ctrl y
5.15.0 (2024-07-09)
- Add support for CustomNames addon
- Add auto complete and text replacement widgets for code editors
- UI Improvements
- TWW updates
Dsune0 (2):
- Hide Resize button when minimized
- Change Profiling frame resize/toggle behaviour
InfusOnWoW (10):
- Add missing Instances Types: Delves, Story Raid, Quest Party(?)
- TWW+Model SubElement: Replace "Clips by Progress" by "Anchor to FG"
- Progress Source: Only use additinalProgress (aka overlays) in auto mode
- Add Dynamic Text Codes window
- TWW: Workaround ColorMixin not being found in custom code
- Fix Item Cooldown trigger if GetItemCooldown returns a nil duration
- TWW: Fix WeakAuras.CheckTalentForUnit
- Snippets: Prevent stack overflows on TWW on e.g. renaming
- Fix regression in icon determination for the options
- TWW: Fix WeakAuras.CheckTalentForUnit to be compatible with TWW
Stanzilla (3):
- Update TOC for Vanilla Patch 1.15.3
- Update WeakAurasModelPaths from
- Update WeakAurasModelPaths from
dependabot[bot] (2):
- Bump cbrgm/mastodon-github-action from 2.1.4 to 2.1.5
- Bump cbrgm/mastodon-github-action from 2.1.3 to 2.1.4
mrbuds (14):
- Fix spellcache for cataclysm
- Fix Update frame error
- Re-add CallbackHandler-1.0 required by AceCom
- Fix error when opening doing an aura update
- Dont't construct unnecessary frames when opening /wa
- Remove non-unified BigWigs & DBM triggers for TWW
- Item Slot triggers: add Relic slot for Cataclysm
- Lib cleanup & move to WeakAurasOptions/Libs
- Enable LibAPIAutoComplete for TextEditor and Events
- Add support for LibCustomNames
- Remove AceEvent-3.0
- watchUnitChange optimisation
- watchUnitChange check for new arena units
- fix frame_monitor_callback error