Releases: WeakAuras/WeakAuras2
Releases · WeakAuras/WeakAuras2
5.9.2 (2024-01-18)
InfusOnWoW (1):
- Fix WA tainting AbbreviateNumbers for korea/taiwan users
5.9.1 (2024-01-17)
Make guid formatter a bit more resilent
Boneshock (1):
- Currency Trigger: use currency icon in options window
InfusOnWoW (12):
- Make guid formatter a bit more resilent
- Options: Fix loaded/unloaded buttons state + behaviour
- Tweak initial displayed auras on Options open
- Make Group Size/Group Type/Group Leader show up as standby too
- Ignore case in top levels aura sort
- Instance + Minimap Zone Id load option
- Options: Tweak Load Indicator and load sections behaviour
- Animations: Fix Rotate Out not offering an angle setting
- Templates: Fix talent for Greater Invisbility
- Update: Separate out only metada modifications
- Update: Show which categories changed per aura
- Update: semver changes are metadata changes
Stanzilla (1):
- Update Retail TOC for Patch 10.2.5
5.9.0 (2024-01-03)
- Add Currency Trigger
- Enable receiving WA links in whispers from guild mates
- Added Classic SoD Rune templates
- Bug Fixes
Boneshock (2):
- fix %powertype show selected first then primary power type
- Currency trigger: don't specify test on value block
InfusOnWoW (19):
- Classic Templates: Add missing race specific Priest spells
- Fix KR/TW/CN large number formatting for >= 100.000.000
- Classic: Remove LibClassicCasterino
- Classic: Remove LibClassicDurations
- Classic: Replace LibClassicSpellActionCount with GetSpellCount
- Classic: Show warning that SAY/YELL are restricted too
- Classic: Less special code in Combat Log Event trigger
- Enable Modern Blizzard Time Formatting on Classic
- BT2: Add a condition checking for caster's name/realm
- Item Type trigger: Add Equipment Slot option
- Remove unused table
- Max Quantity: Fix enable check
- BT2: Rename condition to less confussing name
- BT: Remove left over code from old buff trigger
- ApplyFrameLevel: Correctly handle auras without a subbackground
- Make FixGroupChildrenOrderForGroup not recurse into subgroups
- Options: Ignore newFeatureString for sorting
- Reputation: Handle collapsed headers, and use DropDown with Headers
- Currency Trigger: Fix collapsed currency headers
Jordi (2):
- Currency Trigger: support classic wrath, disable on classic era (#4755)
- Add Currency Trigger (#4672)
Nightwarden24 (5):
- Fix texture search in texture picker Since texture names may contain characters that have special meaning when used in patterns, it's better to use the find function with plain text search enabled rather than the match function
- Fix StopMotion thumbnail
- Set region size to flipbook tile size
- Make flipbook display proportional in texture picker
- Add new flipbooks and correct some others
RealityWinner (1):
- Use spellIds in classic
emptyrivers (1):
- batch BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN events (#4756)
mrbuds (16):
- BossMod triggers: following a change in bigwigs, rename Key into ID BigWigs change: BigWigsMods/BigWigs@9c65fd3
- BossMod trigger: fix %message with bigwigs %text %name or %n worked, but tooltip advertise %message fixes #4785
- Classic SoD priest runes template
- Classic SoD rogue runes template
- Classic SoD paladin runes template
- add C_Seasons to luacheckrc
- Classic SoD warrior runes template
- Classic SoD shaman runes template
- Classic SoD druid runes template
- Classic SoD hunter runes template
- Classic Sod warlock runes template
- Classic SoD mage runes template
- Cast trigger: drop leftoverinternal events for unused LibClassicCasterino
- Classic Era CLEU extraSpellId is still stuck at 0
- Classic: Fix softtarget units with aura trigger
- Enable weakauras link received in whisper from guild mates
5.8.7 (2023-12-03)
- Updates for Season of Discovery
- New option to treat charged combo point as 7 combo points (thanks to @weswigham for initial idea+PR)
- Bug fixes
InfusOnWoW (9):
- Show an warning on trying to update an aura that can't be updated
- Add an option to treat a charged combo point as 7 combo points
- Add CHAT_MSG_LOOT type
- Tweak frame levels again a bit
- Improve error message for auras without a region type
- AuraBar: Fix property names for gradient colors
- Author Options: Also sort Sound list for the user
- Drangonflying Load Option
- Templates: Fix talent load option for Holy Word: Sanctify
Stanzilla (2):
- Bump minor
- Bump Classic TOC for SoD
mrbuds (1):
- Classis SoD: include new spell ids in spell cache
5.8.6 (2023-11-15)
- Update for Range Check hotfix
- Bugfixes and texture updates for 10.2
InfusOnWoW (1):
- Switch to LibRangeCheck-3.0
mrbuds (5):
- Update model list for 10.2
- Update texture atlas list for 10.2
- Use LibRangeCheck-3.0
- Dynamic Group: don't apply level to subgroups, don't do it only for top level groups
- Dynamic Group: raise level of auras over backdrop
5.8.5 (2023-11-12)
- More template updates and bug fixes
InfusOnWoW (2):
- More Template Updates
- Combat Log Trigger: Fix various condition checks for !=
mrbuds (2):
- Alternate Power trigger: make power field a multiEntry
- Dynamic group: flatten background level of all regions
5.8.4 (2023-11-07)
- Template updates for 10.2.0
- More options for Buff Triggers
- Improvements to profiling UI
- Bug fixes
InfusOnWoW (8):
- Template updates for 10.2
- Dynamic Group: Fix frame strata setting
- Totem Trigger: Add a tooltip that a spell id can be entered
- IconPicker: Fix error for spells that don't have an icon
- Work around UnitInRange being wonky
- Model: Remove HasAnimation check
- BT2: Allow for multiple npcIds in npcId check
- IconPicker: If a spell id is entered, show the icon for that spell id
Stanzilla (2):
- Update TOC for Retail Patch 10.2.0
- Update PayPal link in
mrbuds (8):
- Profiling: improve system profiling readability by regrouping multiUnits
- Theat Situation trigger: add nam/realm and npcId filters
- Colorize "Class and Specialization" options fixes #4657
- FontInstance:SetFont flags seems to break with "None"
- BT2: add affectedUnits and unaffectedUnits tables when Fetch affected names option is toggle
- Add "Not Item Equipped" load option, and make both Item Equipped option take multiple inputs
- Workaround fonts not loading correctly on first login
- Fix keybinding display
5.8.3 (2023-10-15)
- Add new angle-based constant factor for circular dynamic group grow styles
- Add new "Group Size" load option
- Bug fixes
InfusOnWoW (3):
- Add a "Group Size" load option
- Fix onCooldown condition with "Show GCD" enabled
- Fix Bonus Id load options to not consier item ids bonus ids
Weston Odom (1):
- Add new angle-based constant factor for circular dynamic group grow styles (#4646)
mrbuds (2):
- Dynamic Group: fix group scaling when parent is not group itself
- Fix error when converting a combat log trigger to a spell cooldown trigger
5.8.2 (2023-10-11)
- Bug fixes
- TOC Update for Wrath
Stanzilla (2):
- Update TOC for Wrath
- Hide addon compartment tooltip onLeave
mrbuds (1):
- Fix error when a dynamic group grower try to SetParent with a string
5.8.1 (2023-10-09)
- Bug Fixes
mrbuds (8):
- Classic Era: fix some load conditions
- move WeakAuras.RegisterRegionType to Private
- move WeakAuras.SetTextureOrAtlas to Private
- move WeakAuras.RegisterRegionOptions to Private
- Revert "Also use %q for IsSpellKnownForLoad" fixes #4638
- Dynamic group options: some options were incorrectly shown with Group by Frame enable
- ClassicEra combat log: fix spell checks
- dynamicgroup: fix set anchor to parent with anchor per unit