Releases: WeakAuras/WeakAuras2
Releases · WeakAuras/WeakAuras2
WeakAuras 2
2.5.9 (2018-04-06)
Infus (13):
- Copy disjunctive and customTriggerLogic in the copy trigger part
- Fix Copy/Paste code for Groups
- Remove code that is no longer needed
- Implement tracking Cooldown of a specific charge for Spells
- Templates: Bladestorm is not a talent for Arms
- Fix a bug in reordering triggers
- Add default value for slantMode
- Add a "slanted" mode to Progress Textures
- Fix empty "Required for Activation" for newly created trigger
- Fix regression for Apply Templates button
- Add Condition Properties for xOffset and yOffset
- Add offset options to auras in dynamic groups
- Add a "internal version" to auras, so that Modernize knows what to do
WeakAuras 2
2.5.8 (2018-03-16)
Benjamin Staneck (2):
- fix the translation script for PRs
- adjust range check trigger text a bit
Infus (14):
- Fix Add Property for multi selection
- Add a SetTexture function to Progress Textures
- Implement TODOs
- Fix canceling "Apply Template" picks the new option
- Add a bit of space between Choose Trigger and "Add"
- Fix text replacement for Texture auras
- Add a text explaining the range trigger to the Range Trigger
- Add "Reorder" for Triggers and Conditions
- Fix editing conditions with multiple auras selected
- Remove debug output
- Fix cooldown handling of "disabled" cooldowns
- Remove a workaround for GetSpellCooldown("Water Jet")
- Reimplement Copy and Paste
- Options Window: Cooldown Progress: Fix initial value
WeakAuras 2
2.5.7 (2018-02-18)
Benjamin Staneck (14):
- change some power types again
- change range check label from
- change back some power types as their format is not consistent
- change the global strings used for power type translations to be the ones of power types instead of the resource itself
- add some newlines to the changelog
- fix pkgmeta
- add the temp commit file to ,gitignore
- Update pkgmeta
- switch to manual changelog generation and add a script to do that
- only push localization if master changes and ignore the script in WowAce packaging
- add a script to automatically push translations to WowAce
instead ofdevelopment
- use the same version string for the window title as for the LDB tooltip
- fix LibRangecheck path
Infus (10):
- Fix Range Check trigger
- Templates: Add KJ's burning wish to the correct specs
- Combat Log Trigger: Fix SPELL_ENERGIZE
- Add Allied Races to templates
- Attach legendaries/sets to each spec instead of a global list
- Update Templates based on suggestions from Nighthawk
- Add Range Checker trigger
- Transmission: Add a timeout if no data to check if we received data
- Add resizers to the bottom right corner
- Fix Stagger progress not updating
emptyrivers (1):
- implement UnitIsUnit option