Releases: WeakAuras/WeakAuras2
Releases · WeakAuras/WeakAuras2
5.3.5 (2023-01-18)
- Bug fixes
InfusOnWoW (20):
- SubText: Move SubRegion:SetVisible to the end
- Revert "Revert "Fix some regressions with text updates""
- Revert "Fix a regression with text updates"
- Remove old debug output
- Fix some regressions with text updates
- Weapon Enchant: Fix enchant trigger not parsing name correctly
- Make C_Timer callbacks use the better error reporting
- Fix typo in enUs.lua
- Revert "Don't give WeakAurasDisplayButtons global names"
- Texture: Add Rotate property for conditions
- Talents: Rework checking for active talents
- PlaySound on the master channel
- Improve TimerTick/Frame system
- Templates: Make Convoke the Spirits use the Exact Spell option
- Templates: Brewmaster Add Purified Chi buff
- Don't give WeakAurasDisplayButtons global names
- Temporary Enchant Tooltip parsing: Require a unit after time
- Options: Fix sounds being played from all auras on multi-selection set
- Fix pet being included in Smart Group with "Include Pets" in a raid
- SpinBox: Fix not being able to enter unchanged values
Stanzilla (6):
- Fix a regression with text updates
- Revert "Fix some regressions with text updates"
- Update Wrath TOC for Patch 3.4.1
- remove stray semicolons
- Remove very old Masque workaround that should no longer be needed
- Mark
as optional inContainsPlaceHolders
emptyrivers (6):
- be more careful about removing subscribers (#4239)
- unsubscribe text updates when text is not visible
- add media custom option
- ignore small deltas on numbers
- only run sort/grow when interesting state changes happen (#4205)
mrbuds (8):
- Models: fix SetTransform API for wotlk ptr
- Item triggers: restore disabled triggers for WOTLK PTR
- Cast trigger: safeguard nil error on WeakAuras.UnitChannelInfo
- Cast Trigger: fix channel not interrupting
- Classic: remove "Instance Type" load option, fix Spec Role & Raid Role
- add "Not Spell Known" load option
- Power trigger: add Max Power filter
- Health trigger: add Max Health filter
5.3.4 (2022-12-27)
- Bug fixes
InfusOnWoW (6):
- Progress Texture: Don't animate smoothly on show
- Feral Templates: Fix missing/wrong buffs
- Fix Dragonriding load option when transitioning from riding to taxi
- Fix textreplacement for %% input
- Prevent very old ZT trackers from breaking the options
- Fix Spell Count difference tracking not being detected
emptyrivers (2):
- bump widget version
- reset font object on acquire
mrbuds (2):
- Make WeakAuras.SpecRolePositionForUnit correctly return 3 values
- Aurabar gradient: wotlk ptr switched to retail api, fixes #4148
nullKomplex (1):
- Fix power cost of abilities that change with certain auras.
5.3.3 (2022-12-09)
- bug fixes
InfusOnWoW (9):
- Add Profession Slots to Item Triggers
- AuraBar: Try again to fix some pixel issues for unaligned progress bars
- Cast Trigger's Latency: Rework code
- AuraBar: Fix alignment issues for background/foreground
- Fix PvP Talents being unknown after pvp
- Fix renaming breaking anchoring between auras
- Fix anchorpoints for fgFrame
- Make WeakAuras.newFeatureString available again
- Make TSU Variables more resilent against lua errors
5.3.2 (2022-12-06)
- more bug fixes
InfusOnWoW (6):
- Fix tooltip anchoring with TipTac mouse anchoring
- Load: Make Dragonriding detection on initial login more robust
- Texture: Enable rotation/mirroring for atlas textures
- AuraBar: Change parent and order of creationt of frames
- Background Sub Element: Fix formatting
- TexturePicker: Make adjusting aura size a caller option
Stanzilla (1):
- Bug Report template: format text in Lua error and Export string textarea
mrbuds (4):
- Encounter Journal: keep default selection
- Texture: re-order options
- Tooltips: remove anchoring restriction warning
- Texture region: don't apply TexCoord modification for atlas
5.3.1 (2022-12-04)
- bug fixes
mrbuds (2):
- AuraBar gradient: fix bug on classic
- Disable item cooldown triggers on wotlk PTR
5.3.0 (2022-12-04)
- Dragonriding load option
- Texture bug fixes
- New gradient option for bars
InfusOnWoW (7):
- AuraBar: Fix regression in textures after gradient introduction
- Progress Texture: Fix regression in Rotation Animation
- Revert to using tex coord rotation instead of texture:SetRotation
- Prevent updates to auras if their uids don't match
- Add a Dragonriding load option
- Gradient implementation
- Icon: Add an texture offset to the extra options
mrbuds (3):
- Fix zone id & encounter id load condition tooltips
- Fix error when adding a new aura to a dynamicgroup anchored by frames on nameplates
- Fix dragonriding code running on classic
5.2.2 (2022-11-28)
- Fix for textures
mrbuds (1):
- Texture: disable legacyZoomOut with atlas texture and reorder options
5.2.1 (2022-11-26)
- Dynamic Groups: Introduce options for aura order for centered
- Bug fixes
InfusOnWoW (20):
- Fix lua error if there's no tooltip
- Fix background framelevel setting for AuraBar
- Cooldown Tracking: Don't react within 2s of PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
- Add an additional sanity check to custom duration return values
- Improve error message if color animations return odd values
- Fix Exact Spell ID for Charges Changed
- Bump version
- Correct LibUiDropDownMenu name in OptionalDeps
- Use LibUIDropDownMenu for UIDropDownMenus
- Add Evoker to CalculateGCDDuration
- Disable snapping to pixel grids for Ticks too
- Texture/Progress Texture: Improve atlas compatibility
- Use C_TooltipInfo instead of a hidden tooltip on DF
- Icon: Add some helpful text to Icon that hints at other addons
- Dynamic Groups: Introduce options for aura order for centered
- Make lua checkers a bit happier
- AuraBar: Ensure that Scale does always call Reorient
- Bug report template: Ask for verifyable steps in the Reproduction Steps
- Don't try to reanachor frames that are dragged into a dynamic group
Lars Kunert (1):
- Update "Talent Known" trigger on spec changes
Stanzilla (4):
- Lua LSP: Add more globals to the list
- Lua LSP: Disable the checks that currently cause the LSP to crash
- Add a Lua LSP config file and update some types
- Ignore WeakAurasModelPaths and Type* files for Code Spell Checker
mrbuds (4):
- Cast trigger: fix empowered cache for target on target change
- Talent load condition: fix talents for overriden spells
- Update talents
- Aura trigger: fix tooltip filters
5.2.0 (2022-11-15)
- Replace Sliders in options with new SpinBox widget
- Add Blizzard Atlas textures to the picker
- Bug Fixes
InfusOnWoW (5):
- Add some nil check for Private.regions[id].region
- Fix diff algorithm to correctly allow for ignoring nested values
- Options: Make dragEnd run the trigger functions again
- Fix Conditions with paused states
- Make IsSpellKnown* checks check the base spell more correctly
Jesse Manelius (1):
- Use SetClampedToScreen on title instead of using complicated code
Stanzilla (1):
- Bump retail TOC for Patch 10.0.2
Tharre (2):
- Crowd Controlled: enable for classic era
- Spell Cooldown: enable LOC option for classic
mrbuds (5):
5.1.1 (2022-11-08)
- Bug Fixes
InfusOnWoW (3):
- MoverSizer: Skip regions that are anchoring restricted
- Remove useless debug prints
- Change how z-scale is interpreted
mrbuds (2):
- Fix talent trigger active when wrong choice node is selected
- Fix error with dynamic group background/border positioning